Women’s Center

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
CommunityDevelop survivors & allies support spaces, as part of Safe@Weber Advocacy Services. The Safe@Weber Advocate will be developing programming that will creating spaces for conversation and connection for survivors and allies on campus. These programs will incorporate activities such as painting, journal designing, and outdoor activities. These activities will help students build community and rapport with one another.Students will have a space to connect and meet others who are supportive of survivors. They will have a space to know they are not alone, and will be able to have safe and confidential conversations with other survivors and allies. They will also gain skills in how to have these discussions in a consensual and healthy way. Students will utilize group guidelines, and further understand boundaries. They will learn more about resources for survivors both on and off campus. Post-event assessment/evaluation. Midyear: During the fall semseter, we hosted one support space for survivors. End of year: Due to Advocacy Services case loads, we were not able to host more than a few supportive events for survivors this year. However, we had a Write, Reflect, Reclaim workshop during Fall 2021 and Take Back the Night in Spring 202, and have plans to continue offering both workshops, TBTN, and exploring other opportunities. We will continue to explore workshop and event options for survivors, such as paint pouring, rock climbing workshop, curated art exhibit, art performance, journaling, vision boards, etc. We will explore campus and community partnerships and marketing that will help us reach a broader audience of survivors. This will be a component of our new 2022-25 stragetic plan (being developed Summer 2022).
LearningCreate standardized learning outcomes based in theoretical foundations, and create assessment methods, for all Education & Empowerment programs.The Program Coordinator will develop a set of learning outcomes for all Education & Empowerment program series and individual events based on a solid theoretical foundation and the mission/values of the Women's Center. We will identify best assessment methods and develop survey instruments to evaluate pre/post-knowledge of student participants, as well as track participation in all events. "Students will be provided with an opportunity to engage in spaces to discuss gender equity and social justice issues. These conversations will be facilitated through workshops, activities, film screenings, reflections, etc. Students will leave these spaces with a better understanding of issues relating to gender, race, sexuality, class, ability, and power dynamics. Students will gain knowledge of student resources needed to navigate the institution of higher education through a gender equity lens and various other identities (i.e. underrepresented/ marginalization, gender, sexuality, first-generation, etc.) Students will be offered the resource of the Women Center’s media lending library to facilitate liberatory educational opportunities. The Education and Empowerment programs will serve to expand student awareness of and prevent social injustices in our community, as well as empower and strengthen those most marginalized by systems of power, oppression, and privilege."Journaling, reflection activities, scenarios, and post assessments. Midyear: During the fall semester, we were able to collect data for post-assessments from our Sister Circle events. Andrea set up a mid-year review with each of the Education and Empowerment students to gather feedback on their personal and professional growth and learning and feedback for the programs. End of year: During the 2021-2022 fall and spring semesters, we were able to track the number of students coming to the Education and Empowerment programs. Through this data and the assessments, we concluded we needed to re-structure the way we were operating programming and recruiting engagement from students across campus. The lack of campus engagement with programming resulted in discouragement for the E&E team. We will be revisiting the learning outcomes of the Education and Empowerment programs for the 2022-2023 year.This will be a key component of our new 2022-25 strategic plan (being developed in Summer 2022).
AccessContinue expanding Safe@Weber prevention partnerships with Athletics, Housing and WSUSA through programming/workshops and Safe@Weber Ambassador program. Expand Safe@Weber workshops to include monthly workshops for Athletics, increased open workshops, increased programming in Residence Halls, monthly workshops with Campus Rec, and increased training with WSUSA. We'll launch a pilot version of the Safe@Weber Ambassador program with students from these departments. Students will gain a general understanding of interpersonal violence (sexual violence, domestic violence, etc.); Students will know where to go for support and reporting resources on campus and in the community; Students will increase their understanding of consent, including asking for/giving/withdrawing consent; Students will understand that consent is active, a choice and a process, across relationship types and interactions; Students will gain skills to discuss consent with others; Students will increase their understanding of bystander intervention; Students will feel comfortable engaging in bystander intervention strategies; etc. Quizzes and a post-test within the online training. Students who participate in workshops will receive a pre- and post-test survey. Safe@Weber Ambassadors will participate in a end-of-semester survey and focus group. Midyear: Monthly workshops for athletics have been scheduled and/or completed. Monthly housing workshops didn't have much turn out Fall 2021 but we will try again in Spring 2022. Campus Rec fell off Fall 2021 but we are on track for Spring 2022. The ambassador program hasn't taken off, and has been put on the back burner for now. End of year: Trainings were completed with the Athletics Department, WSUSA, and Campus Rec. During the course of the year, we have 722 students participate in the online training, offered 51 violence prevention trainings and events, and had 1,353 students/employees attend these events/workshops.We will continue to develop the partnerships we have with Athletics, Housing, WSUSA, Campus Rec, Student Wellness and other departments that make these trainings a successful. Growing the Safe@Weber Violence Prevention program will be a component of our new 2022-25 stragetic plan (being developed Summer 2022).
DiversityContinue to include EDI professional development throughout Leadership & Education program. The Program Coordinator will generate a calander of professional development trainings facilitated by diverse areas across campus. Students will practice critical thinking skills, including: asking questions, analyzing arguments, and making connections between various topics and arguments; Students will identify different leadership skills and strengths, and will recognize their own and others’ unique professional strengths; Students will demonstrate consideration of perspectives and experiences across social identities including race, culture, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, ability, ethnicity, citizenship, and/or religion.; Students will demonstrate an understanding of social justice, power, privilege, oppression, and their interconnectedness, and apply their knowledge of these concepts in a variety of contexts. Journaling, reflection activities, scenarios, and mid & end of the year evaluations.Midyear: We are half way through our professional development for our hourly student staff members, and continuing to edit/grow the curriculum. End of year: The Program Coordinator and Violence Prevention Coordinator collaborated on a holistic EDI/feminist leadership curriculum for all our hourly student staff (including WC Student Assistants and Safe@Weber Peer Educators). During the fall semester, we have a broad overview of feminist readings and various EDI trainings, while we focused on self care & workplace boundaries in the spring semester.We will continue to have a yearly student staff syllabus/team meeting curriculum focused on EDI and feminist leadership skills. Expanding the curriculum and assessments will be a component of our new 2022-25 stragetic plan (being developed Summer 2022).