
InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
Select ObjectiveSpeed up Placement Exam wait times for distance students. Restructure schedule to add extra employees. Expand appointment options, particularly at peak times in August, May, and January. Assess if this expansion of placement need is due to the free attempts and how the demand might continue. Greater access to placement appointments for distance students. Number of filled appointments, tracking of times all appointments are filled, and number of student request for more appointments. Adding extra students and appointment times has helped, even as no-shows and unused appointment times still remain an issue. The jury is out as to whether this growth is due to temporarily free placement exams for ALEKS and Accuplacer. Few complaints now of no slots available, but it can still happen if too many wait until the same time.
AccessTransition to a New App for Canvas, which will replace ChiTester next year. Aid from Student Affairs Technology and the Canvas Support team, with frequent meetings and a gradual roll-out. Needs to be user-friendly for students, as well as accurate and reliable. Testing Coordinators will use prototypes and discuss results with Student Affairs Technology. Faculty Testing Committee integrated into focus groups. We have had success in getting the App up and running with 19% of Final exams using Canvas over ChiTester. Although we have the App working and Canvas being used in the Testing Centers, we need to develop other functions and there are still kinks to work and limitations with the App. SAT has aided us in improvements to the Checkin App
Diversity85% of Testing Time will have a Spanish-speaking proctor at all centers. A priority at hiring interviews with added points and a targeted goalMeeting a more specialized need for students who struggle at the counter with certain instruction. We do not want Testing to be a barrier for students to prove themselves on a test. Calculation of all hours at all 7 Testing Centers to determine the number of hours with Spanish-speaking proctors. As summer begins, we are down to 65% on the percentage of hours with Spanish-speakers. However, we were up to 78% during Spring 2022 Semester. We did miss our goal, but are moving in the right direction for Fall and Spring. Clearly, we need to conduct more targeted recruiting if we want to get closer to our goal. This Goal will need to roll over to 2022-23.
Select ObjectiveActivation of "Verify" within Proctorio to aid the tramnsition for Developmental Math to Canvas. Clarification of Dev Math needs, meetings with our representatives and tech crew at Proctorio. User friendly for students. It also needs to be accurate and accessible. Feedback from students through Dev Math faculty. Testing of the functionality by Testing staff. At first, it did not work, and no one at Proctorio seemed to figure it out. This went on for about 5 weeks. Proctorio intensified their tech support and it is now working as of late May 2022. We have learned who to go to at Proctorio, beyond our reps, for certain help. We have learned more about the Proctorio system and how to troubleshoot. This issue has forced Dev Math to figure out how they will proceed with certain courses, like Dev Math 950.