Student Involvement & Leadership

DepartmentInitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
Student Involvement and LeadershipCommunityDevelop stronger partnerships and improve on current partnerships with other campus entities. 1. Consider special consitutencies and specific interests when selecting speakers. 2. Make an intentional effort to invite specific groups and constituencies to certain speakers related to their interests. 1. Interpersonal Communication Skills: the ability to interact effectively with others. Individuals with interpersonal communication skills relate to others in courteous, respectful, and professional ways; appropriately resolve conflicts; and maintain positive relationships. 2. Cultural Competence: understanding and appreciating diversity. Individuals who are culturally competent develop an inclusive world view, value differences, and interact with others in culturally appropriate ways which create a climate of mutual respect.Track the participation of special constituency students, along with the number of successful partnerships made throughout the year. There was an intentional effort made to invite specific special constituencies to various speakers including students from the Women's Center, Athletics, First Year Experience, Weber Dining, etc.The student leader speaker series is going to continue this next year. SIL will continue to consider who we are bringing to campus and the student populations we would like to target, along with the other departments that we can partner with even more.
Student Involvement and LeadershipLearningDevelop quality student leaders with artifacts that demonstrate leadership skills worthy of institutional recognition.1. Create leadership development criteria for students to achieve that will align with LEAD designation requirements. 2. Incorporate criteria into team and all WSUSA leader trainings. 3. Have regular conversations with students about setting and achieving LEAD recognition goals.1. Leadership and Management Skills: the abilities to influence the actions of others. Individuals who have leadership and management skills are able to create a common vision, inspire others to accomplish that vision,obtain and utilize appropriate resources, and evaluate outcomes.Track percentage of WSUSA leaders who begin and achieve institutional LEAD recognition each semester.During the fall 2022 semester, things went really well. The momentum, was lost heading into the spring 2023 semester. 21 student leaders achieved their goals in the fall semester and 6 student leaders continued their goals into the spring semester. The staff of SIL will have to make more of an intentional effort to follow up with student leaders and their LEAD designation goals. Once the fall semester is completed, immediate conversations about spring goals need to happen.