Student Support Services

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
CommunityProvide several first generation students the opportunity to participate in an alternative spring break, service learning trip/project. Provide several first generation students the opportunity to participate in an alternative spring break, service learning trip/project. Students will participate in daily reflection activities, for the purpose of identifying and internalizing the personal and community benefits of the service provided, in order to promote civic engagement and service learning. Project goals include life-long commitment to civic engagement and service, awareness of community needs, and an enhanced sense of the responsibilities inherent in being a citizen of a community. Students will be surveyed before and after the trip in order to measure impact on attitudes and perspectives relating to civic engagement and service. Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result
CommunityProvide students with exposure to potential post-college career opportunities. Increase student exposure to career options after college by organizing visits to various businesses and corporations within the greater Ogden, Utah area. Students will meet and interact with professionals from a variety of careers, and tour their work spaces. Students will learn the values of various degrees in relation to real career opportunities. Students will gain exposure to a variety of work environments, in order to help them better predict their potential job satisfaction in various career fields. Students will make personal connections with professionals. A qualitative survey will be distributed to all participating students directly following each organized trip. Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result
DiversityNot less than two-thirds of the project participants will be: (i) Low-income individuals who are first generation college students; or (ii) Individuals with disabilities. Inform applicants of eligibility criteria. Collect and track eligibility criteria for each student accepted into SSS. Track composite eligibility percentages. Maintaining these numbers for low-income, first generation and low- income students ensures the SSS services, which are designed for these populations, are delivered in the most effective and efficient manner possible. This, in turn, will increase the retention and graduation rates for project participants.Continually monitor eligibility criteria percentages for all SSS participants presently being served. Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result
LearningEighty (80%) percent of all enrolled participants served by the SSS project will meet the performance level required to stay in good academic standing at the grantee institution. TRIO Student Support Services participants receive academic support that relates to their coursework. Support includes study skills workshops, general academic advising such as assistance with course selection, one- on-one and group tutoring, as well as professional mentoring on issues that affect academic success. Well qualified staff address the needs of the project participants through a comprehensive and intrusive delivery of academic services outlined above. Participants will use appropriate academic support services in order to remain in good academic standing at WSU. Monitor students' participation levels in workshops and advising appointments. After each semester, students' transcripts will be checked to determine academic standing. Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result
LearningSixty-Eight (68%) percent of all participants served by the SSS project will persist from one academic year to the beginning of the next academic year or graduate. Staff coordinates and presents workshops that focuses on orientation to the university, addressing assessment of personal and academic needs, academic skills building, class registration, and finalizing financial aid applications. Personal development activities focus on the needs of the participant including professional mentoring, self- motivation and direct and self-assessment. The participants receive assistance in the selection of courses to ensure proper registration, course preparation, long term educational and professional goals and a timely graduation. Students will select those services offered by SSS that will enhance their academic careers such that they are able to either remain at WSU in subsequent semesters or graduate. SSS participants will receive academic and personal mentoring or participate in SSS workshops or tutoring sessions as prescribed by needs assessment forms. Participation will be documented by contacts entered into program database, sign-in sheets, and tutoring database forms. Student transcripts will be checked at the end of the fiscal year to determine persistence. Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result