Services for Students with Disabilities

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
AccessIncrease DS staffing/hours to improve timeliness of response to accommodation requests and services. Measure service usage and identify times of high need, service utilization. Increase staffing through hourly support. Increase staffing through internship/practicum opportunities. Increase staffing through requests for funds/positions.Enter Student Learning OutcomeMonthly assessment of data usage. Measurement of usage during adjusted times (early mornings, evenings, virtual). Availability of hourly employees, interns/practicum, new staff. Creation of new positions.Reviewed last year's usage of services and determined need for advisement hours and case management. Increased hours by readjusting office priorities of disability specialists, hiring hourly support (2) (August 2021). Established extended hours for Wednesday evenings or by appointment (August 2021). Established scheduling procedures for in-person and virtual, utilizing Davis staff for overflow availability (August 2021). Established or re-established relationships with Psychology and Social Work to recruit student interns (September 2021). Recruited 1 social work intern and 3 psychology interns for spring 2022 (October 2021). Crosstrained Administrative Specialist and admin support staff for service provision (test proctors, case management) (October 2021). Recruited 2 volunteers for intake/assessment (December 2021). Proposed new advisor position (December 2021). Trained and supervised 5 volunteers/interns to increase advising hours (January 2022-May 2022). New position approved (April 2022). Reorganization of department, reorganization of existing position to meet usage needs (April 2022). HR approval of two new positions - Classroom Accommodation Specialist, Disability Advisor/Transition Coordinator (May 2022). Enter Use of Result
LearningImprove faculty and staff knowledge of roles and responsibilities related to disability and accessibility.Improvement of Faculty/Staff resources or FAQ on website. Creation of training materials for ongoing use. Faculty/Staff survey from DS Faculty/Staff advisory groups (ASSA and Advisory Council) Faculty/Staff training opportunities. Use of revised accommodation letters fall and spring, feedback from faculty.Enter Student Learning OutcomeWebsite usage report (baseline from last year and increase). Faculty survey about disability knowledge (identification of knowledge areas and concerns). Feedback from ASSA and FS Advisory Council on effectiveness of training materials. Feedback from training sessions. Use of WSU Online and DS faculty support services.Website updates completed (August 2021). WSU Online faculty resources completed (August 2021). Deans/Department training completed (November 2021). Website usage: Faculty survey completed (November 2021). Training materials and letters reviewed, feedback from ASSA and faculty (January 2021). Top pages visited this year were Home, Academic Accommodations, Information/Policies/Procedures, Documentation, and FAQ. Pageviews for new faculty content shows 130 for Faculty Resources, 190 for Syllabus Statement, and 47 for Faculty COVID resources. Enter Use of Result
LearningImprove retention from intake to completion of first year for students with disabilities. Increased staffing hours to reduce wait times. Concentrated efforts to address "Pending" students in Accommodate (outreach, follow-up). Evaluation of intake and eligibility process to determine gaps in staff processing. Case management referrals to intensive transition services and CATT mentoring.Students will have knowledge of eligibility requirements and procedures necessary to request and use services. Students will know about ways to communicate with DS about difficulties or need for additional support. Students will increase responsibility for requesting and using accommodations. Establish reports in Accommodate to measure turnaround times for appointments, accommodations. Front desk evaluation of wait times and available appointments. Case list review to determine "pending" numbers and needs. Numbers of students using services. Identification of "Pending" students as a result of Accommodate training/procedural issues. Corrected September 2021 and to be reviewed monthly). Identification of "Pending" students related to documentation needs (November 2021). Identification of high need times from monthly NOW data (January 2021). Outreach efforts (phone calls, email, tracking) from interns/practicum/volunteers. Increase in use of services. (January-April 2022). Enter Use of Result
DiversityIncrease staff understanding of racism and stigmatization of LGBTQ identities. Identification of anti-racism literature and learning objectives. Personal reading and discussion. Group workshops/training. Review of student requests/complaints related to racism and identity stigma. Enter Student Learning OutcomeAssess staff learning from reading groups and workshops using survey. Kickoff meeting/brainstorming for curriculum to address racism and LGBTQ identity stigma (July 2021). Staff meeting to adopt reading material (October 2021). "How to be an anti-racist" by Ibram Kendi adopted for anti-racist learning material. Books ordered (November 2021). Staff meeting to kick of reading group/discussions. Chapter reading and discussion facilitation assigned to all staff members (January 2021). Case management meeting to address preferred names and Accommodate system processes (November 2021). Winter retreat training on Trans and Non-Binary identity provided by Jayson Stokes (December 2021). Adoption of internal procedures to allow consistency of name preferences in Accommodate (January 2022). Reading group and discussion (January - July 2022) (ongoing)Enter Use of Result
CommunityExpand CATT Peer Mentoring for student outreach and retention. CATT leadership will identify potential students and pair them with mentors and CATT events to increase their success through transition in their first year. Increase student involvement in CATT by 5% this year. Recruit, train and retain 3-5 CATT mentors for leadership responsibilities supported by tuition waiver (weekly meetings, trainings, workshop, one-on-one mentoring experiences). Recruit, train, and retain 3-5 new paid or volunteer peer mentors to participate in the CATT program (monthly meetings, trainings, monthly one-one-one mentoring). Provide outreach to local high schools to increase involvement in WildCATT Experience Days and CATT activities (high school outreach visit). Increase awareness of CATT through participation in campus outreach activities (Block Party, Transition Fair, WildCATT Experience, similar). Increase funding for CATT program (grant writing).CATT peer mentors and will demonstrate knowledge of disability, self-advocacy, post-secondary resources/services/accommodations. CATT students will develop self-advocacy skills and access appropriate support services and/or accommodations. WildCATT Experience Day participants and CATT students will understand the differences between IDEA in the high school environment and ADA in the university environment. CATT students will understand their disability and how it impacts their learning. Data and headcounts - number of students engaged in training, peer mentoring, activities, events. DS eligibility (intake, assessment, accommodation plan), use of services. Retention through one year. Measuring movement from mentee to mentor. Pre- and post- survey instruments.CATT leaders (4) selected and tuition waivers applied for 4 CATT (August 2021). CATT leaders completed training and established weekly meeting schedule (August 2021). CATT peer mentors recruited (4) and training completed (October 2021). High school visits (4) completed and WildCATT Experience Day registration completed (November 2021, March 2022). CATT workshop "Understanding a Syllabus" planned and complete (October 2021). CATT event "Kelie Hess: Living Beyond Your Limits" planned and completed (October 2021). WildCATT Experience Days planned, completed, assessed (December 2021, April 2022). DWS/VR grant written, accepted, contracted three years starting November 2021). Grant team formed, trained (ongoing). Grant accounting and budget created (April 2022). Grant intake/tracking initiated (April 2022). One-on-one mentoring activities tracked and entered into accommodate (April 2022). CATT Collaboration Event planned and completed (April 2022). CATT survey completed (May 2022).Enter Use of Result