Student Affairs Technology

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
DiversityRe-establish pre-COVID student activities for our hourly workers.Plan activities, event and trainings for all student hourly employees to begin transitioning into a normal schedule again.Students will have many choices to be part of activities that will promote teamwork, diversity, socialization and chances to learn new skills.Plan and provide monthly professional development activities and encourage participation for all hourly to attend at least one event. At least one or more of these events will include a diversity learning element.11 events were provided for student employees and we had all hourly workers attend at least one event. A cross country skiing activity was successfully planned in January and a beach party is planned for JuneWe will be planning more activities for the hourly workers in a variety of themes that will be inclusive to all of our students.
CommunityEstablish a competitive Esports program for WSU Gain funding for scholarships and waivers for new and current esport student players. Recruit new students to WSU. Plan roadmap for all aspects of Esports to include players, streaming and promotion of the programStudents will understand the concepts of being student athletes competing for a university. There will be opportunities to learn new skill sets beyond just playing games. Opportunities for professional development for the students in our program through roles as a player, leader or broadcaster.Build a professional level esport teams in League of Legends and Rocket League. Recruit at least 4 or more new students to play for WSU esports and use this as a springboard to build a successful recruiting plan for future students. Compete against instate esport teams and plan a yearly Utah esport event. Each student will be tracked for both course work and esports ranking and provided services and mentoring for successful in both areas.We currently have 4 new student recruits to attend WSU in the Fall and join the League of Legends team. $26,000 was successfully requested for the program in one-time money to offer scholarships to student players from the SA Grant and SFRC.This is a growing program and it has a lot of energy and plans to continue building. We will establish a baseline for expectations as it develops and gains access to funding.
OtherProvide more application development and project support.Create applications to benefit and enhance services for SA departments. Two primary projects are the 50/50 student hourly employee admin application and a testing center check in application for communication between Testing and Canvas.Student programmers will be deeply involved in developing meaningful software applications that will benefit the students and staff. The programmers will learn how to scope out a project from beginning to end and learn industry standards for development to use in their future careers.Successful beta testing with department staff to ensure the programming roadmap is being achieved. Provide training for users and move the applications into production once testing has been finished.The 50/50 tracker application is currently being tested by 50 staff and is on schedule to be launched this summer. The Canvas/Testing Center check in application was beta testing in the Fall/Spring and is scheduled to be fully launched Fall 2022Continued application development for new programs and planning for version 2.0 on current applications is planned. Discussions with other division departments for a needs assessment will begin next year.
AccessUpdate technology for rooms and departments in the divisionApply and use state HEERF COVID funding to update and upgrade technology for post-COVID uses. Evaluate needs and submit purchases.N/AA HEERF budget of $100,000 has been allocated to SAT and the first areas to focus on will be the labs and laptop access for student checkouts. Conference Room equipment for Zoom meetings40 new laptops and 2 charging/storage carts were purchased for the open labs to add to the checkout inventory. 10 laptops for SSS-STEM. Webcams, Docking Stations and monitors for CPSC/HC. Two conference rooms were updated to be Zoom usable. Two high end projectors for the Ballroom A and B will be installed All the HEERF funds were spent and all the equipment has been delivered and installed.