Ogden Learning Center

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
AccessThe Davis Learning Center will determine how students know about the services offered at the Davis Learning Center.Adding the question “How did you learn about the tutoring services offered at the Davis Learning Center?” to the end-of-semester survey sent to tutees. N/ASurvey of students who use tutoring services at the Davis campus.Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result
LearningThe Writing Center will give its staff learning and leadership opportunities by publishing a tutor-led edition of the Writing Center journal, Verbal Equinox.The Writing Center will convene an editorial staff to create and publish a 2023 edition of Verbal Equinox.Student Writing Center staff will learn accountability by meeting a publication deadline.Meeting the online publishing deadline of December 2022 will show success in learning accountability, and will help us decide the best path forward for the next year's edition.Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result
AccessThe Ogden Learning Center will increase tutoring usage in the Social & Behavioral Sciences by 10%.1) Work with professors on the Learning Support Advisory Board and in other Social & Behavioral Science areas to identify and recruit Social & Behavioral Science tutor candidates in Summer and Fall 2022 (Number of tutors needed depends on available hours and courses and variety of subject areas). 2) Advertise services each semester. - Flyers - Start of semester: class visits/communication with professors - Reminders to classes and professors around midterm exams N/AUse the Usage Snapshot Report in TutorTrac to compare number of unique students in Fall 2022/Spring 2023 to Fall 2021/Spring 2022.Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result
AccessThe Math Tutoring Center hopes to increase outreach to students who have not yet used math tutoring services.One afternoon a month, the Math Tutoring Center will invite students to play math-related games with the tutors and/or one of the other center employees.N/AThe Math Tutoring Center will compare game attendance with tutoring attendance. The goal is to have at least 10% game participation from students who have not yet received math tutoring. At the end of the semester, we should be able to see if any of those students came back for tutoring after participating in a game. Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result