Multicultural Student Center

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
LearningContinue to implement CME Strategic Plan 2021-25 with HIEE. A&D Goal:3:A-C, 4:A-D University Objective: LEARNING1. Reviewed 2021-22 SA Division Priorities and CME alignment with goals. 2. Hold dialogue meetings with A&D partners 3. Job audit (in progress) 4. Review /engage in NASPA/ ACPA professional competencies.Enter Student Learning Outcome (N/A)1. Checklist 2. Graphic flow charts 3. Training (Adobe Acrobat, Starfish, Coach Cert, etc.) 4. Self-assesments 5. Attend Utah NASPA, JEDI events, and NCORE conference. 6. Professional membershipsEnter ResultsEnter Use of Result
AccessFormalize CME Scholarship Program curriculum (guidelines). A&D Goal: 2:A-D University Objective: ACCESSStudents will participate and complete CME Scholarship requirements: 1. Orientation 2. Mid-term grade check 3. Counselor meetings/semester 4. Power Hour (study skills) 5.Career Services (Major Navigation) 6. Academic Advising (SSC).While engaging in cultural/ academic activities students will obtain knowledge on CME requirements to: 1. Maintain scholarship 2. Learn basic study skills (Power Hr) 3. Select a major 4. Meet their academic advisor 1. 100% Orientation completion 2. Satisfaction survey 3. AY21-22 Retention rate Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result
DiversitySubmit AY21-22 Signature events and enhance marketing of multicultural programs / services. A&D Goal: 1:A-C University Objective: DIVERSITY1. Engage in SA 1st Six Weeks Initiative: a. Wildcat Welcome b. CME Saturday/ Open House c. Orientations d. WSU campus tabling/outreach e. CME Programming Calendar established and made public f. athletic events (tentative)1. Student will learn about and participate in CME multicultural programming and services. Data will be captured: 1. GivePulse 2. Starfish 3. log-in sheets 4. referral tracking 5. NOW DataEnter ResultsEnter Use of Result