Housing and Residential Life

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
LearningHousing & Residence Life will explore options to expand the number of experiential Living-Learning Communities available in housing. The Director and professional staff will seek opportunities for LLC collaboration partners. We had been working with the College of Business to launch an LLC, but the college decided to focus on a different sector of their student population. Esports emerged as a theme community option. There was interest from students and the eSports Coordinator was open to collaborating on this option at RH3. The Director met with the ESports Coordinator to brainstorm and discuss preliminary logistics. Both sides felt that there was sufficient interest in this option, so an eSports LLC was planned for launch in Fall 2022.Learning outcomes were adopted from eSports. ESports LLC participants will develop the skills necessary for competitive collegiate and professional gaming as well as helping prepare participants for future eSports and related careers. Esports LLC participants will form relationships and experience a sense of community with other students who share an interest in E-sports and gaming. Assessment will include: E-sports is formally available for students to select for Fall 2022 (Academic year 2022-23). Number of students who indicate an interest in living in the esports LLC as a housing option is sufficient to establish a viable LLC community in the first year. E-sports LLC was finalized and available on the housing application for academic year 2022-23. Residence Hall 3 was chosen for two primary reasons: SWH has the FYE experience LLC, RH1 has the Outdoor Adventure community. RH3 does not have an LLC. RH3 third floor lobby offers a good location for the planned larger gaming TV as well as a streaming room.Conversations and planning with the E-sports Coordinator have been going great. Tyler is a willing and enthusiastic partner. He has been actively engaged in helping to identify potential Peer Mentors for this LLC, as well as helping to identify equipment and supplied that we may be able to put in place to support this LLC. Initial student response was better than expected. Allotted male spaces for the community were full by the end of May. Allotted females spaces have also done better than expected, while not yet full in June, there are only about 6 spaces remaining unclaimed.
LearningBased on feedback from Resident Assistant staff, Housing & Residence Life will update RA training and requirements related to Live, Learn, Grow, Graduate programming themes in order to simplify engagement, maximize social contact and relationship building and provide additional administrative structure. The Assistant Director and Area Coordinator will RA staff concerns shared over the course of the past year and have re-tooled the LLGG programming model to address concerns about complexity and collaboration from the RA perspective and student engagement with the model. Resident Assistants will be able to articulate departmental definition of the themes Live, Learn, Grow, Graduate in the context of programming requirements. Resident Assistant will be able to provide examples programs or events that fall under each LLGG category. Resident Assistants will understand what their role and requirements are with great clarity as part of their assigned duties. Resident Assistants will demonstrate understanding of LLGG programming requirements by successfully submitting programming proposals and successfully completing program requirements. Resident Assistants will demonstrate understanding of the LLGG themes by correcting associating program proposals under the correct LLGG Theme(s). Resident Assistants will report higher degrees of satisfaction with the LLGG programming model and expectations related to student engagement. In respond to Resident Assistant feedback, professional staff modified the LLGG programming model to clarify definitions and examples of programming themes under each element. In addition, the Area Coordinators adjusted the LLGG model and requirement to allow for more collaborative (inter / intra staff) programming as well as expanded the use of "take to" programs (Use of programs and events sponsored by other campus offices / departments). The Area Coordinators also revised training materials to simplify and streamline the programming timeline, breaking requirements into 4 quarters throughout the year. Area Coordinators monitored RA programming numbers and stated satisfaction of the RA after the modifications were made to the LLGG model. The number of RA's deficient in meeting programming requirements decreased to only 1 - 2 staff at the end of spring semester. RA's expressed satisfaction about being able to do more collaborative programming and being able to use "take to" programming more. Spreading the requirements over 4 quarters helped the RA manage programming time and allowed for some additional follow up if deadlines looked like they were getting away from the staff. We will continue to assess the balance between individual (floor community-based) programs and collaborative (building / Village wide) events. We are also considering some additional changes at University Village based on the significant differences in the facilities and community programming spaces.
LearningHousing and Residence Life will operationalize housing software by working collaboratively with Student Accounts and Finance areas to develop an auditing process for room charges between Residence software and Banner. Housing & Residence Life administrative staff will work with representatives from Student Accounts and Finance as part of a working group to identify interface issues between Residence and Banner. Once issues are identified and prioritized, the group will review processes as well as system capabilities to develop and implement new processes for managing the financial feed between Residence and Banner.1. System end users and administrators will gain an understanding of how information is collected, fed and reconciled between Residence and Banner Finance. 2. Housing administrative users will gain access and receive training on Banner finance fields related to housing charges billing and account audit and reconciliation in light of the new processes. (TRASSREV, TSICSRV) 3. Housing administrative staff will provide training and review of housing billing and assignment processes to partners in student accounts and finance in order to facilitate discussion and system integration problem solving. 1. Housing Administrative staff is able to articulate and explain how student housing charges and assignments interact with Banner student accounts and Symplicity Residence and will be able to preform basic trouble-shooting in response identified errors. 2. New administrative processes are developed, tested and implemented to reconcile housing charges and reconciliation between Residence and Student Accounts. Housing administrative staff (Director, Business Manager and Marketing/Assignments Coordinator) participated in Housing charges task force meetings with representatives from Student Accounts and Finance to review integration issues, prioritize issues to be addressed and discuss options to resolve issues. Finance / Technology colleagues were able to develop a new Housing Management dashboard in Housing Secure that can provide housing staff access to important payment and account information stored in Banner (that does not feed back into Residence. The new dashboard allows Housing staff to view payments made, current account status, payment plans, account aging, manage holds and deposits. We are currently using / testing this dashboard. Working with Student Accounts and Finance, Housing administrative staff are able to generate a report in Residence, upload it into WIN SCP in order to help validate the financial export file from Residence to Banner Finance. While this process is still being tested, and may not address all charge duplicate issues, it does represent significant process in helping to identify issues earlier than previously available. We are in the process of live testing the new dashboard as well as the WIN SCP report uploads to determine if additional adjustments are needed. We are still finding some errors that may be generated from Symplicity and have opened a helpdesk ticked with the vendor to look into issues that may be arising from the software itself. We are continuing to review processes and made operational adjustments were needed in order to be better aligned with the capabilities of the housing software and Banner / Finance systems. Housing deposits is a current example of this kind of adaptation.