Student Health Center

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
LearningObtain accurate health history information of the student population we serve. Will work with IT and PnC software support personnel to build online health history questionnaires to be required as part of the process for scheduling an online appointment.Help students recognize the importance of knowing and being able to provide an accurate health history. Date will be provided that capability is utilized in PnC.The transition to 100% online appointment scheduling in conjunction with collection of medical history information and various demographic data continue to be delayed due limited IT support secondary to more pressing university COVID-19 initiatives. The SHC intends to continue pursuit of these goals until fully implemented. N/A
DiversitySHC would like to start collecting benchmark data on service utilization. Banner-downloaded demographic data will be increased. When software capability becomes available additional health history data will be directly requested from patients as part of scheduling appointments online. Enter Student Learning OutcomePnC and Banner data will be consulted to identify various groups of underrepresented students. The transition to 100% online appointment scheduling in conjunction with collection of medical history information and various demographic data continue to be delayed due limited IT support secondary to more pressing university COVID-19 initiatives. The SHC intends to continue pursuit of these goals until fully implemented. N/A
Select ObjectiveSHC will transition from scheduling appointments by telephone/walk-in to a primarily an online appointment driven system. Previous attempts were placed on hold due to COVID-19.OpenCommunicator, a PnC module which allows students to make appointments online will be used.Students will learn to prioritize their healthcare by being able to recall and provide their health history at the time they schedule online medical appointments. The number of appointments scheduled, attended, and missed, as well as the number of walk-in appointments, will be tracked. Will compare number of online appointments scheduled vs walk-in and scheduled by phone. The transition to 100% online appointment scheduling in conjunction with collection of medical history information and various demographic data continue to be delayed due limited IT support secondary to more pressing university COVID-19 initiatives. The SHC intends to continue pursuit of these goals until fully implemented. N/A