Learning Support & Davis Student Services

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
LearningIncrease students’ knowledge and use of effective learning and study strategies.Hold at least two coaching sessions with each referred Center for Multicultural Excellence (CME) student to discuss academic skills areas of their choice. Coaches will verbally complete a learning & study strategies assessment with each student. Student and coach will complete an action plan and follow up at subsequent coaching session. Students will have improved their awareness and use of effective learning and study strategiesPre/post assessment of students being coached. Review of action plan. 39 CME students participated in coaching and completed an action plan. 33 students attended two coaching sessions. Students were assessed by coaches on whether they attempted to use the techniques discussed, if they found the techniques useful, and how much their chosen academic skill improved after receiving coaching. These aspects were measured on a 1-5 scale, 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest. All students except one scored a 3 or higher on each of their assessment questions. A majority of students received 4’s and 5’s.Due to organizational changes at the university level, plans to work with the Center for Multicultural Excellence next year are uncertain. However, increasing students’ use of effective learning and study strategies is central to the department’s mission and will continue to be pursued.
DiversityMake LS&DSS services more inclusive, ensuring that all students feel welcome accessing and using services.Implement procedures to provide Wildcards for transgender students. Host a staff training to raise awareness about the needs of transgender students. Make activity packets for children available at Davis Student Services so that parents feel more comfortable there. Train SI leaders and coaches on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Offer SI and coaching sessions both in person and virtually. Expand the coaching program in ways that seek to serve underrepresented populations (e.g. partnerships with CME, Wildcat Scholars). Establish an Instagram account for Academic Peer Coaching, recruit followers, and post regularly.SI leaders and coaches will be able to articulate principles for working successfully with students from various backgrounds. Procedures have been put in place to provide Wildcards for transgender students. Staff have indicated on a post-training survey that they have increased their understanding of the needs of transgender students. Quiet activities for children have been made available at Davis Student Services. SI leaders and coaches will write reflections demonstrating understanding of methods for being inclusive. SI and coaching sessions have been offered both in person and virtually. An Instagram account has been established and is in use. Davis Student Services now has procedures in place to provide Wildcards to transgender students. DSS also added pronouns and preferred names to check-in forms. Jayson Stokes provided training on the needs of transgender students at the March 2022 SADC meeting. Activity packets for children have been made available at DSS. SI leaders were trained on inclusion by Wildcat Scholars at a spring semester weekly training. Coaches were trained by the Counseling Center on working with students with ADHD. SI and coaching sessions have been offered both in person and virtually throughout fall and spring semesters. An Instagram account has been established and is in use. All inclusivity efforts will be continued next year. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training will be held at least once a year for both contract and hourly staff. Contract staff has an interest in participating in additional diversity-related activities and will participate in the “How to Be an Anti-Racist” book groups this summer.
AccessRaise faculty and staff awareness of department services and increase faculty referrals of students to services.Send a series of informative emails about LS&DSS services to WSU Davis faculty and staff. Use WSU announcements to reach all faculty and staff. Do a project to express appreciation to and encourage referrals from faculty & staff. Continue to build the Academic Peer Coaching online resources page. Contact individual departments about linking to coaching materials from their websites. Request that faculty share statements on their syllabi about dept. services.NAAt least 3 emails and 3 announcements have been distributed. At least 10 faculty have responded to appreciation project outreach. At least 3 departments have linked to coaching materials from their websites. Coaching has received more faculty Starfish referrals than in 2020-21. The online resources page has been completed and is ready to be marketed. Academic Peer Coaching was featured in Weber Thrives email. Three emails and 3 WSU announcements featuring DSS and WSU Davis services have been distributed. A faculty/staff appreciation project (“Donut Forget You’re Awesome”) was carried out; about 50 people responded, including five faculty. Five departments have linked their websites to Academic Peer Coaching materials. Syllabus blurbs have been shared with selected faculty. Starfish referrals this year lagged last year’s referrals, so additional marketing will be done to reach faculty. The online resources page for Academic Peer Coaching has been completed and received 489 views this year with sub-pages receiving additional views.Next year, outreach to faculty and staff will be continued. WSU Announcements, Weber Thrives email, and Davis Campus News will continue to be used. Another appreciation project will be completed with an emphasis on reaching more faculty. Syllabus blurbs will be more widely distributed. Now that the Academic Peer Coaching online resources page has been completed, marketing efforts will be increased. New ideas will be considered, including producing a brochure on Academic Peer Coaching to send to faculty, creating a QR code to be used on Instagram, and using bulletin boards more extensively.