Career Services

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
DiversityIntentional Marketing/Recruiting efforts for positions in Career ServicesPost on national job boards for professional positions and include points for diversity in the hiring process. Attempt to have ethnically diverse representation on all professional position hiring committees. Market positions through Handshake and minority associations. Since there is very little turnover in our professional positions make an extra effort to hire student from diverse backgrounds such as international students, dual language expertise and minority representation. Look to support the Higher Education Leadership Masters Program and the Utah State School Counseling program with internship opportunities and encouragement to work in higher education institutions in Career And Life Design offices.Students learn about opportunities in Career Services and the welcoming working environment for people of all backgrounds. Post positions and marketing. Number of new hires from diverse backgrounds.Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result
CommunityContinue to expand and improve the CAREER MENTOR PROGRAM.We will continue to expand and improve the Career Mentor Program by: * working with a design team on campus to create two wall murals, the Career Station Mission Statement plaque and a team pictures wall. * Create a Professional Headshot Room. The room will be located in one of the interview rooms. The marketing team will work to market this new service and the Career Mentors will be trained to take professional headshots during Career Station hours from 11:00 - 2:00 Monday through Friday. * Train the Career Mentors on how to develop professional online profiles such as LinkedIn, Handshake and Portfolium (Learning). * Work with Robert and Katie to provide trainings to the Career Mentors on developing a professional profile on LinkedIn, handshake and Portfolium. The mentors will work on these platforms and then be able to help student son these platforms at the Career Station. Career Mentors will increase their knowledge of Career Services resources and expand their mentoring skills. They will help other students that they mentor to learn about Career Services resources and how to utilize virtual tools.Number of Career Mentors in the program (6 or 7 is the goal) Completion of training of Career Mentors. Number of students served in the Career Station in person and virtual and the number of students who access the Professional Head Shot program.Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result
CommunityEmployer Development Outreach* Reestablish the Hill Air Force Base Career Pathways program with Guy Letender's departure with Julie Snowball and Steve Neighbor through monthly meeting attendance and contributions. * Partner development through constant outreach with partners and the recruiting of 3 new partners with a focus on employers who recruit liberal arts and/or diverse set of majors. * Continue our virtual information sessions for employers and creating and promoting mini specialized fairs * Promote and educate Handshake, as needed to new and existing employers posting jobs/internships * Fight to keep and maintain window perfs for our partner employers * Program the touch screen TV in the hallway next to the window perfs that highlight employer partners * Schedule the annual employer partners/employer advisory group for lunch and other activities * Visit with MARCOMM about advertising options for employer partners and design a marketing plan * Meet with Jenna to develop marketing campaign for new student HAFB resource website Students will learn how to connect with HAFB and other employers with an emphasis on our partners through the new website and virtual and in person events. Feedback from students and employers through event surveys and website of successful connections and hires.Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result
LearningExpand the number of internships and increase the awareness of internship opportunities on Handshake and through REAL PROJECTS increasing the number of students enrolled and REAL projects from employers and community and academic organizations. 1. Collect information from the students taking INT designated courses and collect information about where they had their internships, if they were paid, for credit or non credit ect. 2. Access information from the graduate survey. 3. Do surveys with our partners and other employers to know the effectiveness of "Making the Connection" with students to fulfill their internship needs. 4. Measure the success with the Hill Pathways Project for internships and hires to know the percentage of Weber State University students hired for internships and career postions. Students reflect on their College Career and what Internships they completed and their preparation for successful completion of internships and their preparation for Next Step Success in their Career and Life Design progress. We will collect data from the INT designated classes and from Institutional Research and from the graduation survey. Also pre and post surveys will be done with REAL PROJECTS students.Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result
AccessMarketing: Please refer to the Career Services Marketing and Public Relations Plan 2022-2023 (Detailed by Jenna Kane)This goal will be achieved through : * Increasing Career Services Social Media Efforts * Utilizing the Screen Cloud for creating and regularly updating content * Planning for Campaigns and Prizes for student, faculty and alumni participation at events * Enhancing Email outreach by establishing an email calendar, sending out monthly newsletters to students * Marketing heavily Fairs and overall Career Services creatively on social media and all over campus * Rehire our marketing intern and give her even more weighty projects and take Career Champions even higherMarketing is provided to inform and educate ALL students so they can make better informed career and life design choices and make better informed career related decisions. Also, our marketing intern will have the opportunity to make major program contributions that will enhance her practical marketing experience preparing her for meaningful career opportunities after her master program. Implementation of the goals will be measured through Handshake data, Institutional Research, graduation survey, and website activity and hits. Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result
CommunityBe more intentional about making students, faculty and administrators aware of the services we provide and their value to retention and next step success after graduation. BE LOUD AND PROUD!* Create a set of concise "at a glance" documents showing the programs and services we offer to students organized by functional area (career design and exploration, student jobs, internships, career employment, etc.). Include outcomes, students served, etc. * Develop a tool to increase awareness of specialized areas our counselors and other staff have backgrounds and expertise (similar to the APA psychologist locator?) and use this to inform our marketing. * Collaborate with the Student Success Center, Associate Provost's office, Center for Multicultural Excellence and other interested parties in promoting our Career Design Workshop series. Students will be more aware of our programs and the integration of Design Your Life concepts supporting other Design Your Weber initiatives. Number of student participants and learning outcome surveys. Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result
AccessContinue to expand and enhance the career and life design development services we provide. * Update our survey processes (counseling, MCN, Univ 2900, etc.). Identify gaps and create plans to target those. (Greg) * Collaborate with the Student Success Center to update and expand our FYE module to better integrate the Design Your Life and other principles taught in our courses and workshops. (Amelia, Jill, Aaron) * Build on the work done in previous semesters to enhance and streamline our Univ 2900 courses in accordance with both student feedback and industry best practices. *Create and implement a short Career Design workshop series targeting students who are undecided on their major (first year and others).Students will be better served through virtual, small groups and one on one Career and Life Design principles. Our classes and seminars will draw on tried and true principles of professional career counseling methods and assessments while incorporating Career and Life Design principles and exercises to support My Three Webers and other University sponsored initiatives.Number of student participants and pre and post learning outcome surveys to assess learning and application. Reflection papers that help students learn and apply Career and Life Design concepts.Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result