Initiatives | Goal | Means of Achieving | Outcome | Methods of Assessment | Results | Result Use |
Learning | Convert existing SW programming to a virtual format, where possible | - Convert the ASAP program to meet and conduct education remotely.
- Convert the Wellness Rewards program to submit activities remotely. Create a plan for distributing incentives while keeping social distancing measures in mind.
- Identify creative means to continue other SW programs in a virtual format (Star shows, Weber Walks, etc.)
| Students will gain continuous access to existing, and future, Wellness programs in virtual formats. | - Number of updated programs
- Student participation
| Midterm:
- The ASAP program has been fully converted to a virtual format. Initial consultations are completed over Zoom and the “workshop” component has been converted into three videos. The remaining components were already online prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and continue as usual.
- Wellness Rewards has been converted to an online submission using Google forms. QR codes are available for use in physical locations, such as group fitness rooms. As of midyear, a total of 28 completed “cards” (10 submissions from the same student) have been submitted. This is a lower number than usual, but given the difficulties of the pandemic we are happy with this number. A virtual tracking format also allows us to track partially completed “cards,” or students who are in progress towards a complete submission. As of midyear, there are 60 such “cards” in progress.
- While we are unable to continue other programs (such as the Star Shows) in a virtual format, The Finals Survival Guide was enhanced on our website to include a more robust offering of virtual stress relief activities for finals season.
End Year:
A total of 54 completed Wellness Rewards “cards” were submitted at the end of spring semester. While this number is lower than previous years, tracking participation virtually has allowed us to capture a greater number of unique students who have engaged with the Wellness Rewards program, though did not complete a full set of ten activities.
| While virtual ASAP workshops have been more convenient for both students and staff, Results from ASAP pre and post-tests indicate that students are not learning the content as well in a virtual format as they did in an in-person format. Beginning with fall semester, 2021 we will go back to in-person ASAP workshops unless there is a compelling extenuating circumstance.
We have also had lower participation in the Wellness Rewards program, though it is hard to determine if this is the result of the pandemic or the virtual format. We are undecided if we will continue to offer this program in this format and will be discussing our options with our campus partners prior to fall semester.
As we transition out of the pandemic, we hope to be able to resume our Star Shows and return to in-person outreach events.
Access | Coordinate with the American College Health Association (ACHA) and Student Affairs Assessment to collect data during Spring semester, 2021 using the National College Health Assessment III (ACHA-NCHA III) tool.
| - Coordinate with SA Assessment to determine the best timeframe for collection, obtain random sampling and IRB Approval.
- Once a timeline is selected, contact ACHA to get on their collection schedule, pay for survey fees, and coordinate details of survey dissemination.
- Work with University IT to ensure that ACHA IP addresses are whitelisted and approve bulk emails.
- Work with SA Marketing to develop a marketing plan.
- After collection period: assess data to identify priority areas for student health and wellness programming. Disseminate findings to Wellness Advisory Committee and other campus stakeholders.
| By participating in the NCHA III, we will gain a comprehensive understanding of our student’s health behaviors, perceptions and needs, particularly as they impact academic success. This data will be used to guide programming in multiple departments throughout Student Affairs to promote student success, retention and persistence to graduation.
2021 will be our first collection using the NCHA III tool. As such, 2021 will establish new baseline data for future trendlines. The NCHA III integrates several established tools that will provide our campus with previously uncollected data in areas, including:
- Food insecurity and homelessness
- Resiliency
- Suicidal indicators
- Sleep behaviors
- Utilization of campus services
This data will be particularly valuable as we aid our students in recovering from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
| - Number of surveys distributed
- Response rate
- Survey results | Midyear:
WSU is slated for survey distribution with both the ACHA and SA Assessment for February 16 – March 5.
End Year:
A total of 429 surveys were completed for a response rate of 12%. Survey data also included information specific to the COVID-19 pandemic and to our students who identify as transgender or gender non-conforming. This is the first dissemination of the NCHA III version of the survey tool on our campus, which does not compare well to prior versions of the survey. Comparison data is expected from state and national cohorts by the fall of 2020.
| Once comparison data is available, NCHA data will be used to guide programming for Student Wellness and several other Student Affairs departments for the next several years. |
Learning | Identify and implement creative means to provide Wellness outreach and programming to students in a virtual format. | - Utilize newly created social media channels; increase the number of followers.
- Identify creative means of engaging followers on social media (cooking demonstrations, social-norming campaigns, etc.).
- Utilize SW website to provide programming, information and other content for students to access independently.
| Students will have increased knowledge of wellness related information in a safe, convenient format. | - Number and type of programs created
- Number of new followers
- Website analytics
- Student Engagement (comments, participation, etc.)
| Midyear:
- Student Wellness social media channels have reached students a total of 5,733 times (i.e 2,179 individual impressions from Instagram and Facebook story posts, as well as 3,554 Instagram and Facebook impressions from individual posts). These figures do not include impressions from collaboration with other SA departments. *Note: impressions include accounts reached, comments, and likes. In addition, our channels have gained an additional 167 followers on Instagram and 31 on Facebook between August, 2020 and January, 2021.
- In lieu of in-person programming, the existing Finals Survival Guide website was updated and enhanced to include a more robust variety of resources for managing stress and finals season. In coordination with the website, we offered Finals Survival Kits that students could pre-register for pick-up. Kits included Student Wellness promotional items, including water bottles, scented playdough, tea bags, gum, and chocolate. We also worked with SA marketing to create Student Wellness coloring pages, available on our website and included in each Finals Survival kit.
End year:
A total of 69 Finals Survival Kits were distributed during fall and spring semesters.
By the end of spring semester, our social media channels had a grand total of 631 followers, 204 of which were new to the 2020-21 academic year. In addition, our channels experienced a total of 9285 individual interactions over the course of the year, which is slightly lower than last year, though this was no doubt influenced by the pandemic.
| We will continue to track engagement on our social media channels as we learn what content students engage with most frequently.
As we transition out of the pandemic, we hope to translate the Finals Survival Kits into an in-person programming event that allows students to build their own kits through interacting with campus partners. If we are not able to translate this into an in-person event, for whatever reason, we will continue to offer it as a grab-and-go program.
Community | Update Annual Notification Letter and Certification Document, as required by the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA). | - Update Annual Notification letter to include changes from the last three years, including the name of substance abuse prevention programming and the newly hired Student Sanctions Officer.
- Work with Financial Aid to automatically distribute updated document to all students, faculty and staff.
- Post updated document to the Student Wellness Website.
- Create an updated certification letter to include with the next cycle of the Biennial Review. This letter should include signatures of prominent administration, including the president of the University and the VPSA.
| Students, faculty and staff will be aware of:
- Standards of conduct
- Applicable legal and institutional sanctions
- Health risks of commonly used drugs and alcohol
- Available treatment options
Through the Certification Document, campus administrators will be made aware of and demonstrate support for the DFSCA and the Biennial Review to the campus community.
| - Existence of updated documents
- Communication channels (Financial Aid, website)
| Midyear:
The Annual Notification letter has been updated as of November, 2020. The updated document has been replaced on the Student Wellness website and a link has been provided to Jed Spencer for inclusion with the HEOA Controlled Substance and Federal Financial Aid Notification email distributed from his office. The link was also updated on the HEOA disclosures spreadsheet.
End Year:
Completed in November, 2020.
| Annual notification letter will continue to be updated, as needed. |
Diversity | Identify ways to improve wellness services for BIPOC students | - SW staff will seek out opportunities for education on topics such as racism, health disparities, biases, privilege, social determinants of health, etc.
- The Wellness Advisory Committee will intentionally engage on the topic of racism and discuss how it contributes to the experience of WSU students, particularly in areas of wellness.
- SW staff will integrate information and lessons learned into programming to improve access and experience for our BIPOC students. | Student Wellness staff (including intern staff) will increase their understanding of the barriers faced by our BIPOC students, particularly as it pertains to improving their health, wellness and access to education. | - Number of and methods used to increase staff knowledge (webinars, podcasts, books,trainings, etc.)
- Number of discussions with the Wellness Advisory Committee and related outcomes.
- Changes implemented as the result of increased knowledge.
| Midterm:
- In October, the SW coordinator attended a webinar sponsored by NASPA titled, “The Color of Drinking: Alcohol as a Social Justice Issue,” which examined the impact of student drinking culture on students of color at UW-Madison. Presenters highlighted campus data indicating that students of color perceive college drinking differently than their white peers, often viewing the prominent drinking culture as a threat to their safety and academic success. This study has not been replicated and is specific to a school with a reputation as a “party” school, but this may be an issue other schools should consider examining with their own student populations.
- In January, the SW coordinator attended “How to be an Anti-Racist: From King to Kendi,” with guest speaker Ibram X. Kendi.
- The SW Advisory Committee continues their monthly dialogue on race, health, and wellness. A different topic is featured each month. Committee members are encouraged to research the topic prior to the next month’s meeting and come prepared for a discussion.
End Year:
This monthly dialogue on race, health and wellness continued throughout the remainder of the 2020-21 academic year, as described in the midyear report.
| This increased awareness of health disparities faced by our BIPOC students will be used to inform Student Wellness programming, moving forward, though we also recognize that this is an ongoing effort that cannot end with this academic year. We will continue to look for opportunities to increase our awareness and understanding of racial health disparities and seek to improve our services for all WSU students. |