Nontraditional Student Center

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
AccessProvide tabling and outreach opportunities at the Davis Campus to educate students and the greater campus community about the Nontrad Center and direct them to our location on campus. Outreach committee member will be available in the buildings at least once a week in the fall and spring semesters to provide information and direction. Students will be exposed to the services and opportunities available to them as a nontraditional student as well as the center as a resource for them. Number of contacts made at the tabling and referrals coming into the Nontrad Center will be tracked through Starfish. 1/12/2021 Unable to schedule tabling due to COVID restrictions. Will try again Spring Semester.Enter Use of Result
DiversityTranslate the Childcare Handbook into Spanish to provide a format more user-friendly for spanish-speaking parents.Translate sections of the handbook and have it available in print and digital format.Enter Student Learning OutcomeNA1/12/2021 Translation complete and working on edits. Enter Use of Result
AccessDevelop an introductory video for the Smart Start Program and individual videos for each topic to provide support to students during their virtual appointment. Videos will be created to introduce students to the program and the individual videos will help Peer Mentors facilitate the appointment with the student.Students will have a better understanding of the topics and appointment time with the Peer Mentor will be more productive. The survey administered at the end of all Smart Start appointments will include a question asking the student if the video helped to improve their understanding of the topic.1/12/2021 Committee has met and outlined topic content and reference material for scripts. Inquiring about help creating videos and will need to go outside of Student Affairs for assistance.Enter Use of Result