Multicultural Student Center

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
AccessShare CME resources with Davis Campus students A&D Goal: 1:C University Objective: ACCESS 1. Welcome, promote student engagement, and a sense of belonging for underrepresented students. C. Build strong partnerships with new student orientation and other institutional partners to provide accurate and relevant information for underrepresented students.1. Hold office hours once a week to increase CME visibility/ resources. 2.Utilize FB/ marketing material (flyers, posters) to bring awareness about CME services. 1. Students will feel a sense of belonging at WSU Davis 2. gain awareness 3. utilize support services and resources. 1. Starfish appointments 2. 1-1 sessions 3. Presentations 4. Davis Campus survey Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result
DiversitySubmit AY20-21 Signature events and enhance marketing of multicultural programs/services. A&D Goal: 1:A-C University Objective: DIVERSITY 1. Welcome, promote student engagement, and a sense of belonging for underrepresented students. A. Provide a more inclusive, welcoming, and nurturing environment for underrepresented students as they transition into higher education. B. Create a sense of belonging for students by creating a vibrant community and culture through programs, initiatives, and new traditions (returning students welcome new students) supporting academic and personal success through access, information, and knowledge. C. Build strong partnerships with new student orientation and other institutional partners to provide accurate and relevant information for underrepresented students.1. Engage in SA 1st Six Weeks Initiative (virtual): a. Wildcat Welcome b. CME Open House c. Scholarship Orientations d. Level Up Leader Awards e. CME Programming Calendar established/ will be made public 1. Student will learn about and participate in CME multicultural programming and services. Data will be captured: 1. Qualtrics 2. Starfish 3. log-in sheets 4. referral tracking 5. CANVASEnter ResultsEnter Use of Result
LearningContinue to implement CME Strategic Plan 2015-20 with HIEE A&D Goal:3:A-C, 4:A-D University Objective: LEARNING 3. Articulate and promote Access and Diversity identity and objectives to stakeholders and other interested partners. A. Clarify and share respective goals, objectives, and expectations throughout Access and Diversity, Student Affairs, Weber State University, and the community at large to promote underrepresented student success. B. Facilitate dialogues among our institutional partners (on and off campus) to build bridges promoting institutional values and access to higher education. C. Improve consistency and delivery of services in an efficient and timely manner. 4. Promote excellence in Access and Diversity through effective leadership and stewardship of resources. A. Partner with Division and institutional partners to assess current campus climate and needs underrepresented students may have. B. Engage in best practices and successful evidence-based models enabling us to better serve our students and align to division and institutional priorities. C. Explore professional development opportunities to better prepare staff to work with underrepresented students. D. Support collaboration by fostering a culture of excellence through diverse people, initiatives, and practices. 1. Developed at summer retreat, team building activities, webinars by reviewing 2020-21 SA Division Priorities and CME alignment with goals. 2. Hold dialogue meetings with A&D partners 3. Job audit (coordinator position on hold due to pandemic State budget cuts- title change in progress) 4. Review /engage in NASPA/ ACPA professional competencies (virtual). Students will be able to identify 5 of the 17 HIEE examples (Capstone, PreProf/Career Dev, Proactive Advising, On Campus Employment, etc.)1. CME Training Tracker 2. Training (CANVAS, Virtual training, Advising in a Pandemic, Adobe Acrobat, Starfish, Coach Cert, etc.) 3. Self-assesments 4. Utah NASPA, ProjectX, and NCORE conference. 5. Professional memberships Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result
LearningFormalize CME Scholarship Program curriculum (guidelines) A&D Goal: 2:A-D University Objective: LEARNING 2. Enhance the existing education pipeline for underrepresented students at WSU. A. Collaborate in division and university-wide initiatives to improve retention and graduation rates and accurately reflect the demographics of the community we serve (i.e., implementing a men of color program, parent initiatives). AAHi B. Partner across the division and institution to promote and support student success by creating successful pathways for underrepresented students. C. Create a database (map/inventory) of services, programs and other available resources to increase college participation, enrollment, retention, and graduation for underrepresented students. D. Provide educational and institutional support for students as they navigate their higher education experience. Students will participate and complete CME Scholarship requirements utilizing CANVAS: 1. Orientation 2. Mid-term grade check 3. Counselor meetings/semester 4. Power Hour (study skills) 5.Career Services (Major Navigation) 6. Academic Advising (SSC).While engaging in cultural/academic activities students will obtain knowledge on CME requirements to: 1. Maintain scholarship 2. Learn basic study skills (Power Hr) 3. Select a major 4. Meet their academic advisor 1. Pre/post electronic CME rubric w/scenarios 2. Responsibility & Accountability rubric 3. 100% Orientation completion - survey "List 3 things learned today" 4. Satisfaction survey 5. AY19-20 Retention rate 1. Pre/post electronic CME Responsibility & Accountability Rubric- Scenarios Enter Use of Result