Educational Talent Search

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
LearningEvery participant (grades 8-11) will attend a minimum of 2 workshops that focus on College and Career Readiness. Aligns with Access & Diversity Strategic Goal #2: Enhance the existing education pipeline for underrepresented students at WSU. 1. Information sessions are provided to teachers regarding questions on why students are called out of class and how the program targets non-core classes. 2. Workshops are outlined based on subject, grade, and time of year. 3. Workshops are implemented throughout the school year based on the outlined timeline. Students are given a pre-test and a post-test for every workshop they attend to measure learning.1. Approximately 400+ students are in grades 8-11 in the TRIO Talent Search program, so 800+ pre and post tests are given. 2. Individual learning is documented based on the results (increase or decrease). 3. Results per individual are compiled based on grade and workshop- the overall learning %'s are reported at the end of the year. N/A due to COVID1. Director and Advisors use the results to look at which workshops are more effective, and how other workshops might be adjusted to increase learning results. 2. Results are reported in the WSU Annual Report for TRIO Talent Search.
LearningSecondary School Persistence 90% of non-senior participants served each project year will complete the current academic year and continue in school for the next academic year, at the next grade level. Aligns with Access & Diversity Strategic Goal #2: Enhance the existing education pipeline for underrepresented students at WSU. 1. Staff (Advisors & Data Specialists) do consistent grade checks and document quarterly transcripts with a hard copy going in their file. 2. Referrals for tutoring and parent contact will be made when necessary (low grade in a class or low GPA) to keep students on track for grade promotion. 3. All contacts are entered into the Student Access database to track number of contacts per participant. 1. Learning outcomes are based on credit accumulation for 9-12th grades. 2. Students will develop a positive relationship with the enrolled participants. 3. Increase in GPA or testing scores for students receiving tutoring. 1. Tracking of credit accumulation per participant. 2. End of year survey. 3. Tutoring outcomes will be measured based on a partnership with WSU, Ogden School District (GEAR UP) and United Way: a) On track for graduation, b) % of higher level courses completed (IB,AP,CE), c) increase of GPA for students who take college readiness courses (AVID, Regents Pathway, Honors), d) GPA and test scores for 8th grade students, e) College enrollment Pending1. Meet TRIO Talent Search grant objective for prior experience points. 2. Use survey information to make any adjustments based on feedback. 3. Use data from tutoring to ensure there is a sustainability of services (i.e. schools use title funds to assist in paying tutors in the future).
DiversityEnsure the hiring of our staff reflects the demographics of those we serve in the schools. Aligns with Access & Diversity Strategic Goal #1: Welcome underrepresented students and promote their engagement and sense of belonging at WSU. 1. Ensure our hiring practices are proactive and advertise with mediums to reach desired demographics when a position is open. 2. Create a career pipeline, Access programs-Becoming Advocates in the high schools-transition to professional part or full time positions based on education and experience. 3. Word of mouth/networking to seek good candidates. 1. Students will learn through a positive relationship with someone similar to their background that attending college is possible. 2. By creating a space of referent power, students learn how to ask for assistance when it's needed. 1. Compare % of underrepresented staff to % of underrepresented students in the program (with database).77% of program participants & 75% of staff are underrepresentedResults are used to determine if we are online with this objective as a program. If not, we would look at how to ensure our staff reflects our student population.
AccessPost-Secondary Education Enrollment 70% or more of participants (graduating seniors) will enroll in an institution of higher education by the fall term immediately following high school graduation. Aligns with Access & Diversity goal #1: Welcome underrepresented students and promote their engagement and sense of belonging at WSU. 1. Advisors work one on one with seniors to assist with admissions, the financial aid process, enrolling in the appropriate classes in the fall. 2. Advisors work to intentionally refer these students to CME, TRIO SSS, Peer Mentoring, and other retention programs based on individual need and circumstances. 3. Participation is encouraged for students to attend Summer Bridge, Kick Start, and enroll in Wildcat Scholars for those who qualify. 1. Students learn how to navigate the enrollment process for college. 2. Students learn what retention programs exist on campus (or other campuses) to access for assistance. 3. Students learn how to effectively transition to college. 1. Students who successfully transition and enroll in classes will be deemed successful and counted towards the enrollment outcome. A hard copy of the student's FAFSA and schedule is attained and filed to verify fall enrollment. 2. Learning outcomes are attained based on the retention program the student(s) connect with. 3. Reflection statements are completed after the Summer Bridge experience. For 2019-2020: 57%1. Meet TRIO Talent Search grant objective for post- secondary enrollment for prior experience points. 2. Communication with retention programs to ensure they are receiving our student referrals. 3. Use reflection statements for Summer Bridge to determine if any programming needs adjusting.
LearningSecondary School Graduation 90% overall, 20% or higher for completing rigorous coursework. Aligns with Access & Diversity Strategic Goal #2: Enhance the existing education pipeline for underrepresented students at WSU. 1. Assess credits and GPA every quarter. Ensure a graduation plan is being formulated with their School Counselor. 2. Referrals to tutoring for any students not online to graduate (based on individual need/classes required to graduate). 3. Guide students to complete rigorous coursework based on the outlined pathways 1. Students will understand what credits are needed to graduate high school and develop a plan if they are not online to graduate. 2. Students will learn subject matter based on what tutoring they receive and based on what subject. 3. Students will learn the benefits of taking rigorous coursework and how this will help them transition into college 1. Overall percent of program participants (seniors) who graduate high school. 2. Tutoring outcomes will be measured based on a partnership with WSU, Ogden School District (GEAR UP) and United Way: a) On track for graduation, b) % of higher level courses completed (IB,AP,CE), c) increase of GPA for students who take college readiness courses (AVID, Regents Pathway, Honors), d) GPA and test scores for 8th grade students, e) College enrollment 3. Attaining Rigorous Coursework will be measured by any student who completes any of the following: a) passing 2 or more AP tests, b) attaining Honors Diploma through the Ogden School District, c) meet the requirements for the Regents Scholarship, d) meet the requirements of Rule 34CFR643 as outlined in federal legislation. For 2019-2020:100%1. Meet TRIO Talent Search grant objective for high school graduation for prior experience points. 2. Report on tutoring data for the end of year Performance report for the TRIO Talent Search grant. 3. Meet TRIO Talent Search grant objective for high school graduation with completion of rigorous coursework for prior experience points.