Upward Bound

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
Select ObjectivePartner with WSU College of Engineering, Applied Science, and Technology to provide all Upward Bound students with exposure to engineering and applied science through Saturday workshops during the academic year and through an elective course offered during the 2020 residential summer program. Enter means of achieving goalEnter Student Learning OutcomeEnter Methods of AssessmentEnter ResultsEnter Use of Result
Select ObjectiveAssist all senior Upward Bound students with FAFSA completion, and ensure all graduating seniors secure some form of financial aid to attend the post-secondary institution of their choice. Senior students and their parents will attend Upward Bound's Financial Aid Night in the fall, where they will set up appointments to complete their FAFSA's with their parents at the UB office. Senior students are also encouraged to attend Scholarship Thursday sessions at the UB office where UB advisers assist students with college and scholarship applications each week. Finally, seniors will receive additional financial aid instruction and advisement at weekly Saturday College Prep Saturday sessions on campus.Responsibility and AccountabilityEnter Methods of AssessmentEnter ResultsEnter Use of Result
AccessDesign and host a six-week summer residential experience for all Upward Bound students, including a summer Bridge component for graduated seniors transitioning into college. Enter means of achieving goalEnter Student Learning OutcomeEnter Methods of AssessmentEnter ResultsEnter Use of Result