
InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
LearningDevelopment of XZam, which will eventually replace Chi-Tester. Aid Development Team in implementation at technical level as well as interface and policy. This would include Beta research and Online Testing Steering Committee Meetings. Aim for a user-friendly system that will make it easy for students and faculty. Students will be able to express their preparedness for an exam instead of worrying about adjusting to a tough new interface. Student focus groups are planned, as well as faculty focus groups. The Development of XZam was halted in March 2020 during the change in course during COVID-19. It is unclear how this will proceed or if we will even use XZam.No results during this fiscal year.
DiversityHiring Spanish-speakers to be available at the counters 80% of the time at all centers. Extra points added at time of hiring. Making the process easier for Spanish-speaking students who are not understanding our instructions at the counter. Assessment of every hour at every testing center, with a percentage of our total hours with Spanish-speaking availability. We are conducting virtual exams as of March 2020. The kinds of statistics on Spanish speakers is difficult to tabulate at this point. No result.
AccessAssimilate HUB exams into the remaining testing centers after 2019-20 school year. Careful analysis of student testing traffic and how we can manage at busy times. Training staff on HUB changes. Most importantly, figuring out the technological answers to computers toggling between two functions. Enter Student Learning OutcomeFollowing test traffic and calculate computer usage and availability. Assessment of technology changes and what might work and at what cost. IT is unclear if HUB will be open for Fall semester. We are preparing ways to deal with the loss of our HUB centers, such as using an overflow room in Lindquist Hall. All of this is on hold as we find out how we reopen. No result to report.
AccessEliminating Scantron/Scanner Testing, which will open up more faculty tests to be available at all centers. Approval from Faculty Testing Committee, then dealing with the new provost and deans. Enter Student Learning OutcomeInput from Faculty Committee about the barriers to this elimination. Measuring the number of faculty members who will be disenfranchised and for what reason. Weighing the benefits verses the drawbacks. This issue was lost in the shutdown era. But we have not renewed our contract with Scantron or for the maintenance of the machines. The real result of no more Scantron exams will be in the Fall. No tabulated results as of yet.