Supplemental Instruction

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
LearningBased on the success of Structured Learning Assistance (SLA) for two math classes in Spring Semester of 2019, SLA will be offered for Math 0950 and Math 0970 in Fall Semester and three sections of Math 1810 for Wildcat Scholars in Spring Semester. The goal is to implement the changes suggested by the professors when it was a pilot program and examine the efficacy of these changes.The SLA leaders will be trained to assist the professors during class periods as well as hold SLA sessions after class. Students will learn effective study strategies and receive on-the-spot help from a peer who is trained in growth mind set principles.The total number of students and grades in all three Math 1810 courses in Fall semester: 53 received C or better (earning QL credit) 1 received a D 7 withdrew (W) 2 received UWs So pass rate is 54/63 = 85.7% But success rate (receiving QL credit) is 53/63 = 84.1%Fall: The pass rates for students in 0950 was 72% and in 0970, it was 71%. These rates are higher than for the same classes in the same semester. Spring: The total number of students and grades in all three Math 1810 courses in Fall semester: 53 received C or better (earning QL credit) 1 received a D 7 withdrew (W) 2 received UWs So pass rate is 54/63 = 85.7% But success rate (receiving QL credit) is 53/63 = 84.1%This venture is a success. Structured Learning Assistance will be offered for Math 1810 in Fall of 2020. It has not yet been decided if other classes will be chosen for SLA help in Spring of 2021.
LearningThe growth versus fixed mindset philosophy has gained popularity among educators. In response, the Supplemental Instruction (SI) Program has formulated the goal of helping SI participants develop confidence in their ability to learn.SI leaders will be trained in growth mindset principles and in ways of encouraging students to have confidence in their ability to learn and do well in class.SI participants will become more proficient in learning subject material and develop confidence in their ability to learn.Supervisor observations Survey questions for SI participantsSupervisor observations revealed that the SI leaders spent their session time preparing the students in the material pertaining to the class. As they dealt with the material, they made an effort to encourage the students with such phrases as "good job" and "you are rocking it"! To the question in the survey administered to SI participants, "I am more confident in my ability to learn course material due to my experience at SI", 72% of the participants checked the "Strongly Agree"box. 27% checked the "Somewhat Agree" box.While 99% agreed that their confidence in their ability to learn improved, 27% did check the "Somewhat Agree" box. SI leaders will receive more training in positive responses and confidence building techniques.
OtherTutorTrac is a complex software program that has a lot of possibilities for data gathering. During Fall Semester, we will focus on learning the details of entering data. During Spring Semester, we want to delve into TutorTrac’s promised ability to gather data of different kinds. The reports generated by the program will help us look at grade comparisons of tutored students and the value of SI in different subjects.Learn the process of entering data and culling reportsNAData that has been gathered and its analysis Modifications to SI program based on the data TutorTrac proved to be very useful in keeping track of how many students attended SI sessions in the classes for which SI was offered.Based on the data, SI will not be offered for Math 1080 any more.