Student Affairs Technology

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
AccessAssess the services in the open student computer labs and look at change relevancy and trends on campus usage at sister institutions.Student feedback through a survey focused to lab users and conduct a focus group consisting of faculty, staff and students to discuss technology needs outside of traditional CPU requirements.A team leader will be facilitating the focus group and compiling all the data gathered into a comprehensible report. This will be part of the team lead's class project in consultation with his faculty member.We will focus on having survey feedback from at least 300 users, a group of 10 participants in the focus group and comparable from two similar universities by the end of the fall semester (Dec 31st, 2019).We have had one attempt at Fall focus groups, but the student version was disappointing with only two attending. We are prepping for a second round in Spring with a new plan for encouraging attendance.Covid caused us to postpone our focus groups for Spring. We will try again in Fall 2020.
AccessImprove promotion of lab services to campus.The open labs will continue to modify a marketing strategy to help increase our usage and review our service offerings to ensure we are current in the needs of the students. There will be a strong emphasis on being part of all tabling events and functions throughout the year to ensure students know what we offer in locations, equipment and service.Student hourly employees will be able to learn usage reasons and promote them to students using our services. The team leaders and their lab aides will provide the planning and staffing for these events along with the lab coordinator and lab supervisor.We will continue to fully support the Digital Fluency initiative by providing the tools for students to be successful in their course work and evaluate our systems and software to ensure we are providing a 99% uptime for usage. All the college deans will receive an annual report on usage to continue relations on the reasons we are located in their college's building and will discuss any needs they see that would benefit their college majors.The digital fluency initiative is a multi year program and we are continuing our part to make it success. Covid has delayed much of the plan but we are still moving forward the best we can. The annual reports for the dean's will be distributed and we will gather feedback if offered to improve our services in the academic college buildings.We will continue to support digital fluency and continue to gather information to improve labs and remote access to technology
LearningProvide professional growth training opportunities for student technicians (STAs)Create Linkedin Learning training courses to provide the roadmap for the STAs to achieve A+ certification.Student Technology Assistants will have the opportunity to achieve A+ certification.Over the next year, at least two of our STAs will successfully earn the A+ certification via the Linkedin Learning and taking the final exam.The plan is in place and the STAs are informed. We are just now waiting for someone to take advantage of this opportunity for A+ certification. The Linkedin learning options have been established.We will continue to fine tune the training and encourage the students to take advantage of the opportunities of this training/certification.
OtherProvide more application development and project support.Create and hire Systems Application Programmer position. Collaborate training and processes with university IT. Expand hourly student programmers. Develop a tiered organizational structure with project leaders and developer levels. Investigate internship possibilities. Student programmers will be deeply involved in developing meaningful software applications that will benefit the students and staff. The programmers will learn how to scope out a project from beginning to end and learn industry standards for development to use in their future careers.An assessment of the current needs for programming will be done and with a new staff programmer and pool of students, we should be able to begin development of 2-3 minor tweaks to current applications and start on developing a new application to be put into beta testing by mid-spring semester.We have had a successful hiring for our new SA programmer. Jaed Norberg started December 2019Now we have a programmer, we are in the process of producing a master plan on how development will happen for SA