Student Wellness

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
OtherAlong with the SHC, Student Wellness will engage in Program Review process. Assist in the completion of program review self-study and site visit. Contribute information specific to Student Wellness and general to the SHC. Engage collaboratively in feedback review and implementation plan. N/ACompleted implementation plan will serve as guide for strategic plan development. Program review completed Fall, 2018. An action plan has been developed from the report recommendations, with feedback from staff, and the result was shared with VPSA, DoS, and Assessment Coordinator. Components are being gradually implemented for the Student Health Center and Student Wellness. Continue to implement components of the Action Plan over the coming several years.
OtherAdminister the ACHA-NCHA survey in Spring, 2019. 1. Work with Student Affairs Assessment to obtain IRB approval and random selection for student participation. 2. Work with members of the Student Affairs Advisory Committee to implement strategies for increasing participation rate, such as encouraging their students to check their e-mail for an invitation to participate. 3. Work with Student Affairs Technology to develop a marketing campaign leading up to the survey launch to increase student awareness of the survey and create a sense of honor, duty and exclusivity at being selected. 4. implement additional best-practice strategies from the 2018 ACHA Annual Meeting to increase survey participation rate. Students will have an increased understanding of how the ACHA-NCHA and the resulting data contributes to improvements in services across campus. In conjunction with Student Affairs Assessment, students will be selected at random from 3rd week registration. To maintain student confidentiality and ensure reliability, ACHA will handle survey administration and data processing. The ACHA-NCHA survey opened on February 19th and ran through March 12th. A total of 3500 students were randomly selected from third week enrollment data. Randomly selected e-mail addresses were provided to the American College Health Association (ACHA) to manage the distribution and collection of survey data. Based on feedback from the 2018 ACHA Annual conference, we incorporated more pre-survey marketing and incorporated a different approach to incentives. We also increased stakeholder engagement through the Student Wellness Advisory Committee to promote the survey in their areas. Our main goal this year was to increase the response rate to at least 15%, compared to 12% (430 surveys) in 2017. We were able to collect a total of 524 surveys for a response rate of roughly 15%. Results from the ACHA-NCHA survey will be used to guide and inform programming for multiple areas throughout campus for years to come.
DiversityInternational students will know their vaccination status and be current on MMR, Varicella and Tdap. Providers will inquire about vaccination status with international patients. Information will be provided via website and handout. List of recommended vaccinations will be made available to all students at outreach events. International students will recognize the importance of vaccinations for disease prevention. They will gather information about their status and opt to get recommended vaccinations as needed. ACHA-NCHA data from Spring 2019 administration will show an increase in the number of international students endorsing vaccinations. In lieu of a handout, the CDC Adult Vaccine Quiz was linked to the SHC website. Informal provider discussions with international students continued when appropriate. While we are not able to specifically isolate for international students in the ACHA-NCHA data, there was a positive increase in overall student vaccination status. Several vaccinations were at their highest levels this past collection period than in any other - Influenza (57.2%), HPV (47.8%), meningococcal (70.0%) and varicella (69.3%). In addition, the Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccination rate went up to 85% from 78.5%. It is important to note that an outbreak can still occur at this high of an immunization rate. With outbreaks occurring across the nation, this is still an issue for us to be aware of and to continue to advocate that students vaccinate against. Each of the above mentioned immunizations meet the target goal set forth by Healthy Campus 2020. SHC will continue to encourage appropriate vaccinations for all students, international and domestic. Developments such as a Faculty Senate ASSA committee addressing potential vaccination requirements for WSU and a new health insurance requirement for international students should increase momentum for such initiatives.
Select ObjectiveComplete the biennial review process, as required by the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DSFCA). Work with campus stakeholders to obtain necessary data and review current drug and alcohol prevention programs, processes and policies. Ensure that sanctions are implemented consistently. With stakeholder input, develop a plan for program improvement. Ensure that administration is aware of drug and alcohol prevention efforts and biennial review process by disseminating completed review. Student Wellness Interns will assist in the biennial review process in order to obtain hands-on learning related to their field of study. Complete the review process following guidance from the Department of Education, NASPA, ACHA and other organizations. Availability of completed document. In progress, nearing completion. This process has taken longer than anticipated. Previous reviews did not line up with best practices from NASPA and the American College Health Association, with several key components (such as the data analysis) omitted. As we create the current report, we are also creating the template for future reports. We have also learned a lot of lessons along the way to simplify this process, such as collecting data from ASAP students and organizing it along the way. This should all make this process significantly easier in the future.The completed report will be used to guide programming improvements for drug and alcohol prevention.