Multicultural Student Center

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
AccessShare CME resources with Davis Campus students1. CME staff will present TM to classes and follow-up with students mid-semester. 2. Utilize FB/post marketing material (flyers, posters) to bring awareness on CME services. 3. Hold staff office hours once a week to increase CME visibility/resources. 4. Incorporate WebX as an option to schedule appointments with Ogden CME staff. 1. Students will become familiar with and learn how to connect with CME staff by scheduling a meeting. 2. Students will learn how to use WebX to connect to CME. 1. Send out targeted outreach (email) to all self-identified ethnic minority students with support from Assessment (track those who make appointments). 2. Record student log-ins from MultiDash/Starfish (compare 2 years) 3. Log in all student WebX sessions that meet with an advisor (in Ogden). 4. Student feedback on specific question(s) on how they learned about the CME. Of a classroom presentation of less than 30 students, only 2 students made an appointment (one in fall and one in spring). A Davis Campus survey January 26, 2017-June 24,2017 survey question Q2. Please select which of the services you are AWARE of at Davis Campus (CME had 100 responded out of 419) 23% and 1.87% response rate of being aware of CME services. Due to Ogden responsibilities, goals have not been fulfilled as expected. Department cannot find a student willing to work at Davis or find a Davis campus student to work at Davis for Marketing position or as a general work study. Have not incorporated WebX at Davis Campus as it appears that students are not requesting it.Due to extensive WSU Ogden campus/departmental responsibilities, goals were not fulfilled as expected. Department cannot find a student willing to work at Davis or find a Davis campus student to work at Davis for Marketing position or as a general work study. Did not incorporate WebX at Davis Campus as it appears that students are not requesting it. Obtained email listserv of ethnic minority students, for the targeted outreach (email) to all self-identified ethnic minority students with support from Assessment (track those who make appointments) and tried to get an accurate headcount of self-identified ethnic minority students, but did not send en email to market our services as we had planned. In the past, our department has had less than 30 students who are interested in multicultural services. The latest survey showed that only 19 responded to using the services and of these 19 (atleats 5 of them) did not know about the services or had heard about the CME at a booth. Regroup with this goal and deploy another staff member who doesn't have multiple chair, co-chair, or committee duties and responsibilities at WSU Ogden campus.
LearningFormalize CME scholarship participants' program curriculumEstablish learning outcomes for scholarship students: 1. Participate/complete CME Scholarship Orientation workshop and engage in the AY18-19 program.1. Students will obtain knowledge on University and departmental (CME) requirements to maintain their scholarship for AY18-19. Pre/post rubric Responsibility and Accountability: 1. Use CME revised electronic rubric (with added scenario examples)- if not available-use SA R&A paper rubric. 2. Survey scholarship orientation participants (100% completion). 3. Maintain retention rate for AY17-18 comparison to AY18-19 (above 90%). Semester orientations were held for all CME scholarship program recipients. Pre-post rubric assessments were not available online or electronically. We did not use paper rubrics as the online pre-rubric was not ready. START: June 2019: We will hold weekly meeting(s) to complete guidelines for implementation (marketing, notify students etc.) Requirements for all participants (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior) Awarding cycles (discuss semester gpa, removals for not meeting requirements, etc.) Discuss the number of community service hours END: August 1, 2019 Timelines established (orientations, grade check, deadline for completion of requirements) by August 1, 2019 Surveys were sent out to the scholarship program participants (60 respondents). Positive results obtained. Need reports through Qualtrics- work with Savanna for qualitative comments and sharing of overwhelming response to high, positive ratings and comments.
DiversitySA 1st Six Weeks Initiative to market multicultural and diverse programs and services.1. Work closely with A&D Marketing & Promotions intern and SA Marketing 2. Use SA, A&D, CME website calendars, social media (increase "Likes"-550 to 650 AY18-19) 3. Communicate, post programs and events ahead of time (1 year to 2 weeks before event-depends on the event).4. Attend SA Marketing Training. 1. Students will learn about and participate in CME multicultural/inclusive programming and events. Data will be captured via WeberConnect, log-in sheets, and referral tracking.1. Work closely with A&D Marketing & Promotions intern and SA Marketing ONGOING and successful in posting events ahead of time. 2. Use SA, A&D, CME website calendars, social media ONGOING and a high increase in CME staff using calendars. Administrative student assistant is a tremendous help in posting events on these calendars. Need to improve on SA calendar. WeberConnect- need more training and time to use and implement. Increase "Likes"-550 to 650 AY18-19: 1/1/5/19 at 606 likes 3. Communicate, post programs and events ahead of time (1 year to 2 weeks before event-depends on the event) ONGOING and staff working diligently to do this and being successful at it. 4. Attend SA Marketing Training (all 4 CME professional staff completed) Use this information to incorporate into the HR job audit and continue to funnel information to the Marketing & Promotions intern and/or Admin. student assistant. 1. Work closely with A&D Marketing & Promotions intern (M&P) and SA Marketing ONGOING and successful in posting events ahead of time. Hired Marketing & Promotions intern. ACCOMPLISHED GOAL (refer to #4) 2. Use SA, A&D, CME website calendars, social media ACCOMPLISHED GOAL ONGOING and a high increase in CME staff using calendars. Administrative student assistant is a tremendous help in posting events on these calendars. CME Staff are stellar in posting. Need to improve on SA calendar. WeberConnect- need more training and time to use and implement. (Training to be held: 7/2/19) Increase "Likes"-550 to 638 with 677 followers AY18-19: 1/15/19 at 606 likes, 5/28/19 at 638 likes, shy of 12 likes. Hired Marketing Intern, by June 15, Likes are at 648. ACCOMPLISHED GOAL 3. Communicate, post programs and events ahead of time (1 year to 2 weeks before event-depends on the event) ACCOMPLISHED GOALS ONGOING and staff working diligently to do this and being successful at it. 6 signature events are scheduled & posted by 6/19/19 (AIC/TOA: HS College Nights 9/11 and 10/29), Asian Cultural Fest (2/4-2/7), PowWow (3/21/20), Intercollegiate Showcase (4/11/20), CoE-Ceremony of Excellence (4/17/20) COLLABORATIONS scheduled/confirmed: Pacific Islander Heritage Month, Native American Heritage Month, and Hispanic Heritage in progress (9/15/-10/15) and Dia de los Muertos in progress (11/1/19) INITIATIVES: African American Heritage Initiative and WSU Ballet Folklorico CME OPEN HOUSE for WSU Welcome Week: 8/29/19 ACCOMPLISHED GOAL 4. Attend SA Marketing Training (all 4 CME professional staff completed). Having difficulty in hiring a new Marketing & Promotions Intern as the current student worker graduated with their bachelor's degree in graphic design spring 2019. Difficult to fill the position for the summer and fall 2019. Related to #1-3. Hired M&P. Successful hiring process began on May 7 and official M&P 5/29/19.
OtherWork on action plan and goals from CME AY18 Program Review recommendations. 1. Hold Program Review retreats to reaffirm mission, vision, and values. 2. Evaluate universities (multicultural center structure/staff roles and responsibilities) 3. Hold dialogue meetings with A&D partners & University partners (timeline established) 4. Clarify CME staff roles/responsibilities. 5. Review/engage in NASPA/ ACPA professional competencies. 6.Attend state and national NASPA conferences.N/AChecklist, graphic flow charts, journal-notes, minutes, self-assessment, new memberships for all CME staff with NASPA, participation at NASPA NationalCompleted #1-3. #1 May-August #2 July 2018, #3. Ongoing. Still need #4. #6 will be completed in March 2019 (NASPA Los Angeles). USE OF RESULTS: Completed #1-3. Currently working on #4 and submitting a job audit for staff positions. Still meeting with stakeholders and partners and completed one area (peer mentoring) to clarify roles/responsibilities. Met with DIP in early September and still going to review and meet. Still need to meet with Transition/1st year but need to hold off since they underwent a Program Review and need to also formulate a strategic plan. Reviewed competencies, will review in CME retreat to be held in June 19-21 and August 2019. Successfully completed #6, attending and participating in NASPA (national, regional, and statewide). MEANS TO ACHIEVING GOAL: END DATE: June 19-21, 2019 rollover to next year AY20 1. Hold Program Review retreats to reaffirm mission, vision, and values. 2. Evaluate universities (multicultural center structure/staff roles and responsibilities) 3. Hold dialogue meetings with A&D partners & University partners (timeline established) 4. Clarify CME staff roles/responsibilities. 5. Review/engage in NASPA/ ACPA professional competencies. 6.Attend state and national NASPA conferences.