State Gear-Up

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
CommunityIncrease the academic performance and preparation for postsecondary education for GEAR UP students. • Provide academic counseling, skills assessments, mentoring, and academic tutoring. • Assist with credit recovery to meet grade appropriate credit requirements. • Conduct mid-quarter/ mid-term reviews to evaluate if students are successfully meeting current grade level requirements and are on track to graduation • Monitor achievement and provide support to assist students in increasing their unweighted GPA to at least 3.0 on a 4-point scale by end of 11th grade. • Implement activities to increase the educational aspirations and expectations of students regarding graduating from high school and enrolling in college.• Increase by 4% by end of the 7-year grant (0.6% per year) the % of students who pass Pre-algebra by the end of the 8th grade-starting in 2017. • Increase by 4% by end of grant (0.6% per year) the % of students who pass Algebra I by the end of 9th grade-starting in 2017. • Increase by 4% by end of grant (0.6% per year) the % of students who take two years of mathematics beyond Algebra I by 12th grade-starting in 2017. • Track % of GU students on track for graduation at the end of each grade. a) Promotion – maintain 97% b) Attendance (fewer than 10 absences) – increase by 4% by end of grant (0.6% per year) c) No F grades – increase by 4% by end of grant • Increase by 4% by the end of the grant (0.6% per year) the % of students who have an unweighted grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0 by the end of 11th grade.• Student transcripts & attendance reports • GU service logs• (Pending final grades & attendance - available at end of school year)Enter Use of Result
LearningIncrease GU students and their families' knowledge of education options, preparation, and financing.• Provide information and advising related to financial aid and financial literacy • Collaborate with UHEAA and school partners on implementing FAFSA workshops • Foster and improve student and family involvement in learning about and accessing higher education through intentional social media/outreach strategies and by hosting at least 2 parent/family events each year at WSU • Introduce GEAR UP students and parents to institutions of higher education and resources, through trips and school-based sessions.• Increase by 2% each year the % of GU students who have completed the FASFA. • Increase by 2% each year the number of parents of GU students who actively engage in activities associated with assisting students in their academic preparation for college. • Increase by 3% each year the % of students and families that report feeling knowledgeable of postsecondary education options, preparation and financing. • Annual Parent & Student Surveys • Annual Senior Exit Forms • Data from UHEAA • GU service logs & verifications• (Pending survey results - available at end of school year)Enter Use of Result
LearningIncrease GU students success in their first year of attendance at an institution of higher education.• Provide necessary support to students to reduce the need for remedial coursework at the postsecondary level. • Provide assistance and programming to reduce summer melt • Determine if student is meeting SAP (Satisfactory Academic Progress) at their institution. • Provide support services through students’ first year of attendance at an institution of higher education. • Coordinate with other campus programs to enhance, not duplicate service, such as tutoring, mentoring, and supplemental academic support.• Reduce the need for college remediation by 10% by end of grant (1.4% each year) • Increase by 5% by end of grant (0.7% each year) the number of current and former GU students who are on track to graduate from college.• Student transcripts & reports• (Pending student transcripts - available at end of school year)Enter Use of Result
AccessIncrease the rate of high school graduation and enrollment in postsecondary education for GEAR UP students• Provide academic counseling, skills assessments, mentoring, and academic tutoring. • Support students in developing graduation and career plans, including career awareness and planning assistance as they relate to a rigorous academic curriculum. • Facilitate and prepare students to complete the ACT or SAT by 11th grade. • Implement activities that aim to help students reach higher, prepare for high school graduation, and attend and succeed in postsecondary education. • Introduce GEAR UP students and parents to institutions of higher education and resources, through trips and school-based sessions.• Maintain that 95% of GEAR UP students expect to graduate from high school indicated by student survey results. • Senior graduation – maintain 96% • Increase by 4% by end of grant (0.6% per year) the % of GEAR UP students who graduate from high school. • Increase by 1% each year the % of GU students who are on track to apply for college as measured by completion of ACT or SAT by the end of 11th grade. • Increase by 5% by end of grant (0.7% per year) the % of GU students and former GU students who are enrolled in college.• Annual Parent & Student Surveys • Annual Senior Exit Forms • Student transcripts & attendance reports • GU service logs & verifications• (Pending final grades & attendance - available at end of school year) • (Pending survey results - available at end of school year)Enter Use of Result