Career Services

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
AccessIncrease internship creation and developmentHire an Assistant Director of Internships to develop internal policies and procedures and to educate students, employers and faculty on the importance of internships for all students. Increase internships by 10% a year with a focus on internships for students from Arts and Humanities, Social and Behavioral Sciences and Some Science majors. The efforts for liberal arts students, employers and faculty will focus on identifying the skills and characteristics that their students learn and are transferable to the work world. A program for oncampus internships (OCI) will be developed to help these students learn the business and technical skills to help them achieve next step success. Students will gain real world experience related to their major in preparation for entering the world of work or for preparation for graduate school. This can be the single most important preparation for career success since 89% of employers report they would hire a student with internship experience over a student with similar educational experience and no internship experience. Students will learn transferable skills such as teamwork, communication, problem solving, critical thinking and increase their skills with technology through high quality internships. On campus internships will bring 4 to 5 students together from different majors in the humanities and business and technology to work on real world projects and learn from each other.We will increase internships on our web site by 10% over the previous year and will monitor the number of internships served for credit and not for credit. We will develop policies and procedures to support successful internships and visit our sister institutions to learn from each other and hold a yearly internship summit for best practices to share these ideas. The Assistant Director of internships will attend the annual internship conference to stay on the leading edge of university and employer thought leaders. We will keep track of the number of meetings with faculty and the number of visits to priority employers to educate them on the power of internships and train them on how to create quality internships. We will establish the first on campus internships with corporate projects that the Assistant Director of Internships will help create and manage.Career Services hired Robert Ameling as the new Assistant Director of Internships on October 22, 2018. since that time we have visited BYU, BYU Idaho, Utah Valley University and Southern Utah University to bench mark their programs and exchange information on best practices of corresponding programs. We visited with Roger McCarty from BYU several times to learn about their on campus internship program and receive materials to use in our new program. Robert has visited with key stakeholders such as each of our Career Counselors, the Deans from Arts and Humanities, Social and Behavioral Science and the College of Science. Interviews with the vice President of Student Affairs and the Associate Provost of High Impact Programs has also been helpful. The course curriculum has been prepared and a meeting with the Provost Council was hel and the curriculum has been approved. A very successful internship summit was held on March 15th and Robert is scheduled for a National Conference on internships for September 23, 2019.We will start the new REAL PROJECTS class in Fall semester and will work to define internships through a committee made up of representatives from each college to better collect data and baseline our student participation and plan for future development.
AccessDevelop new programming ideas for students on and off campus through the use of technology advances.Promote a new Assistant Director of Programming to organize and prioritize our efforts to meet the needs of students when and where they want information and assistance. Establish a list of priorities for development such as resume, cover letter and interview handouts. Learn more about the capabilities of handshake and fully utilize it as a resource. Contract with StandOut to help students prepare for interviews and archive their responses to interview questions to share with prospective employers. Investigate the value of portfolios for students and determine the academic support for introducing portfolios into important course work in as many majors as possible. Students will be able to be more self reliant with on line resources such as instructional templates, videos and tutorials. More students will have opportunities to do on campus internships based on real work world projects and cross pollinate learning and experience to more majors ie. business, technology and liberal art students. They will be more engaged and focused on their majors and will find more mentoring opportunities for from their faculty and employers. We will measure the number of students participating and we will survey their satisfaction with the new programming. We will promote the Assistant Director of Programming and establish that person's goals as stated. We will measure the quantity and quality of templates, videos and tutorials that are embeded on our web site. We will monitor the progress of offering StandOut and the RFP for portfolios. A new Assistant Director of Programming in career services was promoted in August of 2018. Shari Leder has been reviewing our 50/50 program and with Sam Wilson has made some important changes that have made the system more efficient and effective. They have eliminated, automated or delegated processes or procedures to students and supervisors to make the program more accountable and its users more responsible. The StandOut contract has been through many iterations with legal and an agreement has been signed and we hope to launch it in Summer semester. It was decided by the HIPP program that the portfolio project has been temporarily delayed with other priorities and LinkedIn will continue to be the free platform that will be recommended for student's portfolios for the foreseeable future.A new marketing program has been developed with the Student Affairs marketing team and we will implement the recommendations in the 2019 - 2020 academic year.
CommunityDevelop career and event programming for liberal arts student engagement.During the Fall STEM and Career and Internship fairs create a liberal arts week with employer panels, alumni panels, skill development workshops, speed interviewing and preparation for the career fairs. Support self directed internships for students in liberal arts majors and work with the new Assistant Director of Internships and the Director of Economic Development to create projects for On Campus Internships with a focus on the skill sets of liberal arts majors.Students will learn to identify their marketable skill sets and have opportunities to utilize them in one or more experiential learning opportunities during their education at WSU. This will be accomplished Through special workshops, working with employers in internships (on campus and off campus), through faculty and dean's support of real world learning and knowledge application experiences.We will assess the success of this goal by the number of activities scheduled for liberal arts students and the number of students attending these events. We will track the number of liberal arts students that participate in on and off campus internships. We will track the number of employers working with our liberal arts students and survey their satisfaction with the quality and quantity of students they are working with. Career development programming was presented to the liberal arts students in their classes, career cafe and one on one. There was a focus on expanding the employers who were invited to campus to increase opportunities for our liberal arts students. Several new partners joined our advisory board who hire mostly liberal arts students. The Assistant Director of Internships will continue to work with the career counselor for each of the three liberal arts colleges to be sure we are understanding the needs of their students and faculty for traditional, self directed and on campus internships (REAL PROJECTS).In our planning meeting for next academic year we determined that each college (liberal arts included) will have a specialty employer event in their college once a semester. If this is more helpful to students and employer contacts we may discontinue the Fall career fair.
AccessIncrease access to career and employment information when, where and how students want to receive it.Improve our website for content, appearance and appeal. Better use our outside TV to highlight our partners and their job opportunities. Effectively market Handshake and StandOut to students and faculty. Improve our branding and reach more students where, when and how they access our services. Buy a career center golf cart and utilize it for careers on wheels and have it logoed and visible on campus with weekly events to market our services. Partner with disability services to store the golf cart and utilize the cart for students with disabilities who need one time or short term transportation needs. This will increase career services visibility and branding and increase community partnerships. Many of these changes will be initiatives lead by our students working in our front office team, student assistants and student mentors. They will gain hands on experience with developing programming and implementing cutting edge marketing ideas. students will benefit from the new ways to access our services and we will reach more students through leveraging technology thereby increasing their learning opportunities. We will complete the RFP for the golf cart and plan on buying it, logoing it and launching the marketing the "careers on wheels" FAll semester. We will update the TV monitor during FALL semester and will highlight our 13 corporate partners. We will re-do the website with the support of Student Affairs technology by SPRING semester 2018. As part of marketing we will have a grand re-opening after the remodel is done and leverage the opportunity to showcase the changes in the career center. Discussions have been held with Nancy Emenger on an RFP for a golf cart and some progress has been made to get approval for the cart. We will complete this by the summer of 2019. We have contracted with the Dani and Lindsey from Student Affairs Marketing to develop a short, medium and long term marketing plan for Handshake. We have hired a student assistant and he started the implementation of the plan in Spring semester. When we have the new marketing plan and we will update the appearance of our our outside TV messaging and do more with our partner's recognition. A new marketing program will be implemented for Handshake beginning the Fall of 2019 for the 2020 academic year.
DiversityIncrease Career Services outreach to diverse communities and individuals to help them feel more accepted, included and valued. Enter means of achieving goalEnter Student Learning OutcomeEnter Methods of AssessmentEnter ResultsEnter Use of Result
LearningCreate and implement a Career Ladder for our exempt and non exempt team members for professional growth and development.The Director and Associate Director will work with Human Resources to create a template of levels for exempt and non exempt positions based on education and experiences required for each level. Consensus will be found with each group on these requirements with a focus of ongoing growth and development of each team member. After consensus is reached from our team members Human Resources will be consulted to be sure we are fair and consistent for our team members. Recognition for past accomplishments and goals for future growth will be emphasized. In order to increase retention and enhance morale, we will create a career ladder for all of our full time team. Since each of us are lifelong learners, the Career Counselors, Event Specials and Student Workers will have opportunities for growth and development in the Career Center. Opportunities for leadership will be available with new levels of responsibility and supervisory opportunities for each professional will be offered through hiring and supervising student assistants for their college. Service in leadership roles in local, state and national professional associations will be encouraged along with opportunities to do professional presentations at the respective conferences.We will measure the success of the career ladder initiative by the creation, approval and implementation of the process. We will discuss the individual career ladder goals in the PREP process each year. We will assess the effectiveness of the program by monitoring the progression of each team member. We will measure the increases in compensation as they move through the ladder. We will also monitor retention and morale of our team members throughout the year and compare it to past years without the career ladder program.A career ladder was developed for the exempt team members with their input and consensus. The new career ladder was presented to human resources and was approved for implementation by student affairs. Goals are being developed for each interested professional for their continued development. The career ladder for the nonexempt team members is being developed currently.We have promoted two counselors to senior counselors with the career ladder for exempt team members and have submitted the Event Specialists job to HR for an audit to prepare for the final development phase of the career ladder for the non-exempt front office team.
DiversityEnter a goalWe will find a new Outreach Coordinator (student)for under served students to focus on inviting more students of color, veterans, international students, athletes and other under served students to career services. We will bring in a Career Services Volunteer to work with veterans to help them transition from the military to successful civilian and academic lives. With our five new team members we will have Jason conduct another "Safe Zone" training to help us better serve our LGBTQ students.The student representative will have the opportunity to meet other students who may be different than them self and to be a better ambassador for inclusion. They will learn to build a fellowship of friendship and share their experiences with other team members to enhance our learning.We will measure our success by the hiring of the new persons to be our outreach coordinator and our career services volunteer. We will schedule and complete the safe zone training for our new team members and will engage a diverse group of employees at the university in lunch and learns once a month to better understand how we can collaborate for the student and group success of our diverse community.We are still looking for a new outreach coordinator for undeserved students. Jody Perkins has been consulted and is helping find the right person. We brought on a volunteer to work with veterans named Frank Magana and he has been helpful reaching out to the veterans Director and coordinating activities. We completed safe zone training in the spring semester. We have increased the urgency of finding a outreach coordinator for athletes and minorities for the upcoming academic year through Jodi Perkins. We will have a new person in place for the new school year. We hired a diverse candidate for the student employment coordinator's position and she will be a real asset in helping us to achieve our diversity goals.