Center for Community Engaged Learning

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
CommunityIncrease data collection and assessment for the Engaged Learning Series to assist with learning outcome assessments, site and program selection, and other related items.The Engaged Learning Series will put all of the sponsored and organized events into Weber Connect for WSU individuals to scan for attendance. As of 1/14/19, Weber Connect was utilized for seven out of the 21 events. For Spring 2019, a more concerted effort will occur to ensure Weber Connect is present at the remaining 18 events. Assessing learning will be challenging with the data gathered via Weber Connect.If assessments can be sent to attendees of ELS events via Weber Connect, students will be assessed on their level of awareness according to the topic following the event/program, if the event/program impacted their personal behavior, and if the event/program increased their public engagement. Based on results, the ELS committee will determine the next theme for upcoming years.The ELS has sent satisfaction surveys in the past and would like to do the same via Weber Connect. Other methods of assessment will include student presentations as the CCEL Symposium with poster presentations.Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result
AccessRevisit all CCEL assessments (e.g., student, Alternative Breaks) and evaluate if necessary data is being collected and utilized.The RE will meet with the Interim Director and key CCEL staff members to go over the past assessments. The RE will conduct a detailed review of the assessments and whether they fulfill current programmatic decision-making and long-term needs (i.e. Carnegie) along with input from CCEL staff and the Interim Director.Assessments target CCEL students, faculty, and community partners. There are questions regarding the effectiveness of CEL courses and various CCEL programs. CCEL reviews these results on a yearly basis to determine if students and others are being serviced appropriately. The Interim Director will determine if the assessments meet the current and long-term needs of CCEL.Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result
LearningIncrease the number of alternative break offerings by 50% while maintaining program effectiveness and demand.Enter means of achieving goalEnter Student Learning OutcomeEnter Methods of AssessmentEnter ResultsEnter Use of Result
CommunityDevelop and implement a recruitment plan for Community Engaged Researchers, which includes internal researchers (faculty and staff) and external researchers.Enter means of achieving goalEnter Student Learning OutcomeEnter Methods of AssessmentEnter ResultsEnter Use of Result
AccessImplement, provide training for and maintain new software systems (Involvio, Collaboratory & Qualtrics).Enter means of achieving goalEnter Student Learning OutcomeEnter Methods of AssessmentEnter ResultsEnter Use of Result
OtherDesign, conduct, and evaluate a new CCEL student employee onboarding program.Enter means of achieving goalEnter Student Learning OutcomeEnter Methods of AssessmentEnter ResultsEnter Use of Result