Women’s Center

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
AccessIncrease student access to WSU educational opportunities & Advocacy Services by addressing economic and systemic barriers.Identify services for survivors with disabilities in the state and increase staff training to work with survivors with disabilities. Develop procedure manual for an institutional response from start to finish for survivors. Survivors will be able to identify steps and successfully plan for the institutional and/or law enforcement investigation through comprehensive, accessible information. Resources, including procedure manual, will be publically available on the Safe@Weber websites and in relevant departments. 1/15/18 At the midpoint of the year, there has been no additional training in disability-specific resources. We have connected with Sego Lily Center for the Abused Deaf and will be doing future training and collaborations with them. The procedural manual is still to be finished and needs to be finalized, approved by partners (AAEO/WSPD/Counsel), published on the website and included in printed Advocacy materials. The Advocacy Services portion of the website has been updated with current information and local/national resources, and the Survivor Safety Kit has been made available online. 4/18 We have attended 3 hours of training relating to survivors with disabilities, met with Sego Lily Center for the Abused Deaf to discuss collaborations, and have completed two VAWA & VERA Institute of Justice assessments to evaluate our current practices. Both assessments produced action items such as including accommodations/accessibility statements and increasing font size. These have been added to the needs of the new Advocacy Services marketing campaign, being developed with SA Tech. Additionally, the assessments suggest conducting a review of services with a local service agency (Disability Services), and we're working on scheduling that review for summer 2018 if possible. We're continuing to work on identifying future options for training, as state and local resources are limited for this population of survivors.Throughout the year as we worked on this goal we realized how little resources are out there for folks with disabilities who are survivors. Thankfully we were able to find some really good national resources and trainings which helped us in our process. We are excited to continue working on this goal further next year, especially with the action plan that came out of the assessment.
LearningIncrease knowledge and leadership development around social justice and diversity-related subjects for the student's enrolled in the Women's Leadership and Professional Development Program.Establish a working group comprised of WC professional staff, faculty representatives, and students to develop a second tiered syllabus for WC Student Leaders enrolled in the Women's Leadership and Professional Development Program to learn about social justice theory and research and how they relate and can be integrated into the work that students are doing within the Women's Center.At the end of spring semester 2018 a two-semester syllabus will be created and slated to implement Fall 2018 with continuing WS Leadership and Professional Development Program students. A WC Student Leader will increase knowledge of Women & Gender Studies, Ethnic Studies, & Queer Studies research and theory, and as a result and with mentorship and assistance will design a 201 level syllabus for WC Leadership and Professional Development students. WC Student Leadership participants will be able to discuss feminist and social justice research and theory. Syllabus completion and publication (on website). 1/15/18 The student lead on this project, unfortunately, left the WC's Leadership and Professional Development program midway through the semester. We are trying to identify another student to take this project up again, in order to complete it by June 1st. 4/24/18 We created a working group, which includes two student staff and a campus partner from Diversity and Inclusive Programs, to restart on this project. As this point in time we have a tentative fall syllabus created. We plan to continue on this project over the summer in order to complete the spring syllabus as well. This goal unfortunately is not yet complete, but we are confident that we can get it done over the summer. We had a student who's entire project was focused on completing this goal and she was very excited about it, but unfortunately due to personal reasons she left our program and WSU. Since that time we have tried to get a working group going again, and have been able to do that in a limited way, however, it has been difficult to get folks together due to so many scheduling conflicts. Therefore much of the work has been done via email and online. Once summer semester begins and things calm done a bit we think that we'll have more time to devote to this and will be able to find times that work with scheduling better.
DiversityDevelop a comprehensive Social Justice Education, Action and Resource Program. Do outreach to all culture, identity and SJ organizations/departments on campus to share services, identify needs, and generate programming ideas.WC Student Leadership Students will be able to relate WC services in an accessible way to marginalized students on campus. WC Student Leadership Students will be able to identify top needs of marginalized students on campus and recommend programming ideas to address those needs for Fall 2018. Completion and publication (on the website and to partners) of curriculum plan for next academic year (18-19). 1/15/18 For the first round of recruitment, we sent out an email to professors and other staff and faculty as well as all the cultural identity and SJ organizations/departments on campus and asked them for student nominations. We are now also marketing it across campus through flyers, handouts, and social media. We have the funds for up to 16 students to be board members and hope to fill all of those spots. We are now in the stages of setting up interviews with potential candidates. To apply students were required to fill out a questionnaire with questions relating to social justice and representation of marginalized groups. Once the board is chosen we will set up our annual meetings (three times a semester) and will encourage them to attend Women's Center events so that they can provide feedback on them for the '18-'19 Social Justice Education, Action, and Resources program. 4/24/18 We selected all our final candidates with two starting this spring and the remaining 10 beginning in the fall. All candidates are women with additional identities that have been historically marginalized and are underrepresented. We have interviews set up with two candidates during finals week to get their input on their needs as marginalized students on campus and their ideas for programming that could address their needs. We had a bit of difficulty getting this goal completed this year, mostly because we made plans to utilize scholarship funds that ended up not being available for use until after spring semester. As a result we were only able to find scholarship money to bring on two students for the advisory board this semester. We have engaged in a lot of outreach efforts to underrepresented communities and as a result have seen much more participation from underrepresented students at our events! We look forward to continuing this goal into next year and realize it in a much bigger form with a full advisory board. We hope that this strategy will really help the WC make additional strides in addressing our long time reputation as being a white women's center and holding ourselves accountable to our value of margin to center.
OtherCreate more WC involvement and learning opportunities at the Davis campus.Schedule at least two programs, trainings, or assessment initiatives at the Davis Campus each semester.Women primarily at the Davis Campus will learn about the WC and our services as well as have opportunities to utilize our services at Davis.Track what programs are scheduled, attendance, and conduct assessment to determine if the program is effective and meeting Davis campus student needs. 4/24/18 Over the course of the year the WC was at the Davis campus provided training and or sharing our services with students on 8 occasions reaching 253 students. Davis Student Services Expo; 10/04 2:30-5:00 pm; Davis Campus D3 Atrium; 77 students served. In Their Shoes: Session 2; 10/18 5:00 - 7:00 pm; Davis Campus D3 Ballroom A; 17 students served Constructing Women--Socialization and Violence Workshop; 11/20 6:00-6:50 pm; Davis Campus: Bldg 2 Rm 320; 17 students served Healthy Relationships Presentation Workshop; 11/30 11 am; Davis Building 2, Room 318; 30 students served Healthy Relationships Presentation Workshop; 11/30 1 pm; Davis Building 2, Room 318; 22 students served Healthy Relationships Presentation Workshops; 4/11 5:30 pm; Davis Building 2 Room 320; 30 students served Healthy Relationships Presentation Workshops; 4/12/18 9:00; Building 2 Room 320; 30 students served Healthy Relationships Presentation Workshops; 4/12/18 10:30; Building 2 Room 320; 30 students servedWe are so happy about the success of this goal. In the past we have felt that the WC has not been able to spend the amount of time at Davis as we would like, this is actually true of our feeling even with this goal this year as well; however, in tracking our involvement we have found that in fact we have been able to put on many programs and have served many more students on that campus than we had thought. A big part of our success stems from our outreach efforts and the fact that we have started to build long term relationships with faculty who teach over there and now request us to come back semester after semester to do presentations for their classes. We look forward to continuing our documentation of Davis impact as we move forward in the future and to see the impact having a student staff member out there next year will have.