Upward Bound

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
CommunityUpward Bound students will be involved in community service and enrichment activities to benefit themselves and their communities. Upward Bound advisers will connect with community partners to provide opportunities for program participants to become involved in community organizations' outreach programs, enrichment activities, and community service projects. Monthly activities will be offered with participation charted by Upward Bound Advisers. Character development, service oriented participants, community involvement, financial literacy, and a college going mentality.All Upward Bound student involvement created through Upward Bound interactions will be tracked, charted, and documented on an Upward Bound program. Registrations and sign off sheets are completed at each activity and filed with the university. Student interviews, surveys, adviser observations, and personal response/involvement provide qualitative assessment while percent of involvement and hours tracked provides quantitative analysis. All enrolled Upward Bound students have been involved in community service and enrichment activities. Enter Use of Result
AccessParticipants who are seniors in high school will complete and graduate from high school (80%), complete the FAFSA (80%) and enroll in post-secondary education (55%).Target school senior dropout rates range from 10% to 28%. All four ACT benchmarks are achieved by only 8% to 19% of target school senior students. On average, only 30% of all target school seniors matriculate to college. Utah has the lowest FAFSA completion rate in the nation with only 34% of seniors completing/submitting the form. UB will provide career exploration, deliver post-secondary academic information, provide admissions, financial aid (FAFSA) and course registration workshops, undertake college tours and exploration, develop individualized college-going curriculums with CE, AP, IB, and Early College coursework, exposure students to successful role models, expose students to college cultures, address academic/economic/social obstacles, provide planners/time management strategies, aid students in developing academic strategies, enroll students in college level academic support programs. Post-secondary enrollment and graduation.Individual meetings with each program senior student will assess high school graduation, completion of FAFSA, college admissions, and enrollment. Transcripts will provide assessment data for high school graduation, while acceptance letters will be collected and placed in student files assessing college acceptance. Tracking through National Student Clearinghouse will assist in locating students and their college enrollment and retention. Printed copies of student SAR or submitted FAFSA evaluation assesses FAFSA completion rates.99.5% of senior student participants have completed FAFSA and 100% have enrolled in post-secondary educational facilities. Graduation statistics cannot be determined at this point. Enter Use of Result
AccessAll Upward Bound graduates who enroll in post-secondary education for the fall of their high school graduation year will have adequate financial aid packages that meet all normal post-secondary expenses. Upward Bound advisers will provide seminars, retreats, and one-on-one sessions to participants to prepare financial aid and scholarship applications and will shepherd these applications through appropriate divisions, agencies,etc. FAFSA applications workshops will be followed up with individual meetings to assist participants in FAFSA completions. Scholarship awarenesss as well as awareness to tuition waivers, activity waivers, and state and university scholarships will be developed through workshops, student/parent meetings, and dedicated weekly meetings held by Upward Bound academic advisers. Financial literacy, self-motivation, time management, post-secondary enrollment and graduation.Assessment of post-secondary admissions and financial aid packages through university sites. Documentation and placement of award letters, scholarship award notifications, scholarship applications in permanent files. Student self-reporting and interpersonal communications, Analysis of FAFSA SAR or submissions pages. Unable to determine this statistic at this time due to continuing scholarships and financial aid searches, applications, and college choices. Enter Use of Result
LearningFifty percent or more of enrolled Upward Bound Students will demonstrate that they have achieved the academic skills in language arts, math, and science, and the study skills essential for post-secondary education. Target high school’s Math proficiency in Common Core (Secondary I, II, III) is 22.2% (45% statewide). English Language Arts proficiency is only 32.5% (44% statewide). Low-income students are 13.5% math proficient and 23.5% ELA proficient .Academic Advisers will perform weekly grade checks, and midterm and final grade evaluations to assist participants in understanding strengths and struggles. Weekly tutoring and CCP assistance from Upward Bound Advisers will assist students in following a rigorous course of high school instruction and develop success in academic areas leading to post-secondary enrollment and graduation. Program participants will be encouraged to enroll in Concurrent Enrollment, Advanced Placement, and International Baccalaureate courses when available to build confidence and promote a college going mentality. Successful high school completion, college enrollment and successful graduation.Quantitative assessment will be made by evaluating each participant's scores on the State normed SAGE tests and the nationally normed ACT and by weekly, monthly, and quarterly analysis of grades, assignments, course testing, attendance, and citizenship. Individual student interviews, one-on-one and group tutoring sessions, and student/teacher/Upward Bound Adviser interactions will provide qualitative analysis. 84% of enrolled participants were proficient in math at the end of the first term. 93% of enrolled participants were proficient in Language Arts and in Sciences. Second term data has not yet been analyzed.Enter Use of Result
AccessUpward Bound staff, in cooperation with target high school and target junior high school staff, will identify a minimum of 100 eligible students who are members of groups that have been traditionally underrepresented as college students per our grant objectives (ie. low-income, first generation, and special needs persons). Of those students 82 will be selected for participation in the Upward Bound 2017-18 Academic Year and Residential Summer Program.Through meetings with target high school and target junior high school counselors, school administrative staff, and school instructors to determine eligibility, 100 economically disadvantaged, first generation, and /or special needs students will be selected for potential recruitment into the Upward Bound project. After students are selected for potential recruitment, further meetings with school counselors, administrative staff, as well as with community partners (ie. BGC), and with individual students 82 economically disadvantaged, first-generation, and/or special needs students will be accepted into the 2017-18 Upward Bound cohort.These students will be selected from the target high schools and target junior high schools in Davis School District and Ogden City School District. These schools are: Ben Lomond High School, Ogden High School, and Clearfield High School along with Mount Ogden Junior High, Highland Junior High, Mound Fort Junior High, Sunset Junior High, and North Davis Junior High schools. Post-secondary access, enrollment, and graduationAssessment measures will be program retention and advancement, academic advancement, and college admissions, retention and graduation which are all recorded and tracked by the Annual Performance Report submitted to the US Department of Education.Students have all been identified. 96% of enrollment in program is complete.Enter Use of Result