Student Wellness

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
Select ObjectiveWork with the Students with Disabilities office to provide targeted education to their students and support continued collaboration between our respective offices. Create tip sheets for students to encourage self-care, time management and other topics identified as priorities by center staff. This may involve working with Student Affairs Graphic Design to create an easy to read template that we can continue to use in the future. Continue to provide monthly Wellness presentations to CATT students and other presentations as needed and requested by the Disabilities office. Students with disabilities will (A) understand what “wellness” means and what their personal wellness needs are. (B) Increase their knowledge of resources on campus to improve their health and wellness outside of the Students with Disabilities office. (C) understand how to set, keep and modify goals to achieve personal success. Number of presentations held; number of students in attendance; number of tip-sheets developed and distributed We have developed a basic format for the tip sheets and are waiting on feedback from the Disabilities office. We continue to present to the CATT group as needed and requested. Enter Use of Result
LearningImplement a consistent, evidence-based Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program throughout campus. The sanctions component of the Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention program was developed and implemented in AY 16-17. The Drug Free Schools and Community Act (DFSCA) also requires a drug and alcohol prevention program and stresses the importance of consistent application of the determined sanctions process. Building on the successes of the previous academic year: Ensure that student sanctions regarding the Student Drug and Alcohol Policy are consistently applied and that all students in violation are being referred to the ASAP program. Conduct monthly meetings with Housing and key stakeholders to maintain collaboration and consistency. Convert the current referral process to an online form to be completed at the time of referral. This ensures that less students "fall through the cracks" and make it from the referral source to their sanctions process. Increase the quantity and quality of prevention education occurring on campus by reaching out to key departments, programs and student groups to provide education. Promote ASAP as a resource beyond the sanctions process. Encourage voluntary student referrals to the ASAP program, rather than waiting for a policy violation to occur. Students will (A) understand the health risks of alcohol, marijuana, tobacco and other drugs, (B) their personal risk for developing an addiction, and (C) have a more accurate perception of the drug and alcohol consumption of their fellow WSU Students. Number of student violations from housing, athletics, WSU Police, and Dean of Students will be compared with the number of students referred to the ASAP program. The number of violations will more closely align with the number of referrals. Student knowledge and attitudes will be measured using pre and posttest assessments for ASAP workshops and campus presentations. We have seen a significant improvement in the consistency of referrals from Housing to ASAP. This, in turn, has resulted in a significant increase in the number of students who come through the program, which highlights the degree to which sanctions were not being implemented consistently for all students. In lieu of monthly meetings with Housing, Athletics and Student Wellness, Rochelle has been invited to attend SAIT meetings, which has helped a lot to improve the overall process for referring and documenting first time drug and alcohol violations on campus. By working closer with the Dean of Student's office, I'm confident that fewer students are slipping through the cracks at multiple points in the communication chain. An online referral form was implemented for Fall semester and is streamlining the referral process significantly. This has greatly reduced the amount of time between a student's violation and their first meeting with the ASAP program. It has also allowed us to communicate in real-time with the Dean of Student's office, so they know what students are referred for their first-time drug and alcohol violations and can document that in their Advocate system. In addition, we worked with Lindsay Holland to develop custom business cards for the ASAP program. The cards are intended for the referring office to give to the student at the time of referral. The cards contain all of the pertinent information that a student would need to know to contact our office. Lindsay also developed matching graphics for the website and a powerpoint template so that all of the materials for the ASAP program are cohesive. Our efforts at prevention have been slower to improve. We have reached out to several offices on campus with limited success, so we'll keep trying. It may just be a matter of gaining traction. Enter Use of Result
LearningIncrease participation in the Wellness Rewards ProgramWork with Student Affairs Graphic Design and Marketing to create marketing materials for the Wellness Rewards Program. Increase marketing visibility for the program on campusStudents will increase their knowledge of services available on campus that support the 8 Dimensions of Wellness. Number of Wellness Rewards cards returned to Student Wellness. Variety of activities listed on returned cards. Our spring semester intern will be coordinating with Dani McKean and her team to develop marketing materials for the Wellness Rewards program. Campus Rec has been pushing the program through their Group Fitness classes and we've already noticed an increase in participation as a result of those efforts. Enter Use of Result
DiversityInternational students will have an accurate understanding of relevant healthcare issues, including vaccinations, tobacco use, health insurance, and healthcare systems in the United States.Increased outreach to the ISSC via consultation with ISSC director and collaborative planning for student engagement around identified healthcare issues. Distribution of translated Vaccine Information Statements, and Student Health Center and Student Wellness brochures at ISSC. International students at WSU will recognize the importance of obtaining vaccinations, eliminating tobacco use, carrying health insurance, and utilizing various resources for medical care, including SHC and community providers.Methods of assessment will need to be determined upon selection of intervention strategies following collaborative planning and consultation with the ISSC. Depending on the identified intervention, this may include pre/post testing, presentation evaluations or other data collection measures to assess knowledge, skill and attitude changes. ACHA-NCHA data collected in Spring, 2017 will be considered a baseline measure for vaccination rates, health insurance coverage, tobacco/E-Cigarette usage. Data collected in Spring, 2019 will reflect improvements in these key areas among international students. A meeting has been set up with the Director of the International Student Center to discuss ways that our departments can collaborate better to improve the overall health of international students. We will also be discussing the feasibility of having immunization requirements for international students. Enter Use of Result