Student Wellness

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
DiversityWork with the Students with Disabilities Office to provide targeted trainings, materials and Wellness services to their students and to improve overall coordination between our two offices. 1) Create tip sheets that center staff can distribute to students on topics identified as priorities by center staff 2) Partner with center staff to refer students who need more one-on-one assistance 3) Provide presentations on wellness topics to CATT students Students will learn: - what "Wellness" means and the 8 dimensions of the wellness wheel - what their individual wellness needs are and where they can go, both on and off campus, to receive the assistance they need. - How to set, keep and modify goals to achieve success Number of presentations; number of referralsEnter ResultsEnter Use of Result
Select ObjectiveImplement a consistent, evidence based Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program (DAPP) throughout campus. 1) Using materials provided from NASPA, create and distribute an Annual Notification Letter as defined by the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act (DSFCA). This new letter will be distributed to all students, faculty and staff in Fall semester of 2016, then with each semester thereafter to ensure that students, faculty and staff who come on board after Fall semester receive the notification, as well. 2) Work with the members of the HEDA (Health Education Drug and Alcohol) committee to implement a new sanctions process, serve as review committee for the Biennial Review process in Spring Semester and ultimately determine the future of the HEDA committee, moving forward. 3) Complete the Biennial Review for the past two years in the Spring of 2017. Ensure that the review meets the standards provided by NASPA and the DSCFA. 4) Attend the Prime for Life training in October, 2016 to use as a basis for prevention education 5) Provide training to RA's on using positive coping skills rather than drugs and alcohol to cope with life's challenges. 6) Reach out to other departments on campus; encourage departments to work with Student Wellness to provide drug and alcohol trainings to their students, rather than create their own trainings. Give presentations/trainings as needed. Enter Student Learning OutcomeCreation of new documents (Annual Notification Letter, Biennial Report); number of presentations; number of students trained Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result
Select ObjectiveOffer The Body Project workshops through the Student Wellness Office. 1) train students and staff on Body Project materials 2) Work with key departments to target high risk students (athletics, Women's Center, Campus Recreation, Student Involvement and Leadership, etc.) 3) If permission is secured from the creators of The Body Project, work with LGBT resource center to make language more gender inclusive. 4) Host workshops as determined and as needed. Participants will be able to: 1) define and critically examine the thin-ideal 2) discuss how to challenge their personal body-related concerns and to resist external pressures to be thin 3) talk more positively about their own bodies Number of workshops held; number of students in attendance; Pre and Post survey from the Body ProjectEnter ResultsEnter Use of Result
OtherThe Student Wellness Advisory Committee will meet monthly to facilitate interdepartmental collaboration and communication in order to: - Reduce program duplication - Increase the effectiveness and reach of our respective programs - Ensure that wellness programming is meeting the diverse needs of the Weber State student population 1) Schedule monthly Student Wellness Advisory Committee Meetings with committee members 2) Adjust meeting schedule each semester to ensure that we're aligning with a majority of members' schedules. 3) Encourage committee members to provide feedback on wellness programming and the needs of their respective students. 4) List the Wellness Advisory Committee as an official Student Affairs committee. Open a few membership slots to Student Affairs members. The Student Wellness Advisory Committee will increase awareness in our campus community of: - What "wellness" means, using a holistic and broad definition - What resources are available on campus to help them achieve their wellness goals Student Wellness Advisory Committee members will also help to promote the link between wellness and academic success. Meeting attendance; meeting minutes. Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result