Davis Learning Center

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
LearningDevelop leadership skills in DLC hourly employees with supervisory and mentoring responsibilities.---DLC Leaders will attend the fall GetSet training on the supervisory track. ---They will participate in at least one additional in-house leadership training. ---Selected leaders will plan a short presentation and deliver it at a staff meeting. DLC leads will be able to demonstrate understanding and apply concepts from the in-house training to on-the-job situations.Leads will have completed the GetSet training and a staff meeting presentation. Leads will show mastery of the Student Learning Outcome by scoring 90% or above on a quiz at the completion of training and creation of a personal plan of action for putting learned techniques into action in their daily work. Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result
CommunityProvide intentional community involvement opportunities for full-time staff, student employees, and student patrons of the Davis Learning Center.--Offer community involvement projects at the Davis Learning Center and Davis Testing Center which students and staff can participate in when they are in the centers.NAAt least one project of benefit to the community will be completed.Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result
LearningGenerate a proposal for the creation and distribution, through various mediums, of learning strategy materials on topics such as time management, test taking strategies, etc.• Collaborate with other Academic Support Centers & Programs staff to gauge interest and brainstorm ideas on topics to be covered and means of delivery • Create samples for review • Confer with Student Affairs Technology to explore digital media options such as creating a web page, blog, videos, & podcasts • Determine feasibility of posting on iTunes University • Create a plan for development of materials, present to stakeholders, and begin project if warranted NAEach action step should be completed.Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result
DiversityHourly employees will increase their understanding of people different from themselves.1. Hourly employees will review one diversity resource (video, book, lecture etc.) provided by the department. 2. They will submit a summary and response as to why they selected the topic, what they learned and how they will apply their new knowledge in their job. 3. They will find and submit one other resource related to diversity they feel would be beneficial to share with our team. This will help staff become more empathetic and aware of the challenges faced by the diverse populations we serve. Upon completion of the exercise, employees should be able to demonstrate understanding of the aspects studied about another group, such as the group’s beliefs, practices, history, or values. Assessment will be based on completion of the resource review, summary/response, and new resource recommendation. Written responses will be scored based on a rubric developed specifically for the assignment. Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result