Center for Community Engaged Learning

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
AccessConduct an opportunity assessment for the CCEL at the Davis Campus.The CCEL Executive Director will meet with current staff and academic program representatives from the Davis Campus to collect information. Enter Student Learning OutcomeInterviews, data review and potential growth will be evaluated and then put into a report that will be shared with the CCEL staff, students and other stakeholders.Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result
DiversityIncrease the CCEL staff and students' awareness of privilege.Provide two-three workshops on privilege, and the book White Like Me for the CCEL staff and students. Enter Student Learning OutcomeA pre-test was given to students before the first workshop, and a post-test will be given to them after the last workshop. Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result
AccessBuild underrepresented student engagement in the CCEL through a new recruitment and retention plan.A full-time program coordinator will be hired to work with the CCEL team and entities on campus that serve underrepresented students before developing and implementing these plans.Enter Student Learning OutcomeThe new program coordinator will do a review of currently involved CCEL students to determine a baseline for growing and retaining underrepresented student engagement. Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result
CommunityCreate an advisory board comprised of representatives from the community and Weber State (alumni, students, faculty, staff and administrators) that will guide CCEL with new and current initiatives and priorities. The CCEL staff will identify and discuss possible board members, and then send invitations to join the CCEL Advisory Board to the possible members. Enter Student Learning OutcomeThis process will be assessed by if the board is up and running, and if it has met by the conclusion of the year. Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result
CommunityDevelop and implement a staff engagement plan for the Student Affairs Division.A full-time program coordinator will be hired to oversee this process and begin meeting with Student Affairs Departments.Enter Student Learning OutcomeA review will be conducted at the end of the year to see which Student Affairs Departments are engaging with the community. This review will include those continuing to engage and those who are new this year to engagement.Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result
LearningIncrease student participation in the Civitas program to 20 students.Promotional materials for the program be distributed at the Block Party, across campus and in classes.Enter Student Learning OutcomeSpring 2017 class and overall program registration.Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result