
InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
LearningAssist State CRLA coordinator, Leslie Giles Smith in hosting the 2015-16 Utah State CRLA conference. Participate in a state planning meeting for next year's conference.NAConference evaluation will give detailed feedback.Leslie Giles-Smith has asked us to take complete charge of the conference. We went full speed ahead. We collected names, e-mail addresses, and phone numbers of all the tutoring and SI supervisors as well as faculty members in Math and English developmental programs in all the universities in Utah. We also included Idaho and Wyoming as these states do not have CRLA chapters of their own. We built a data base and Chip Coleman helped us set up a list serve. Dani helped us create a website for the conference: http://weber.edu/crla. CRLA Regional Conference was a success. We had hoped to attract 50 participants. We had 76 register for the conference. We had professionals from Idaho and Montana as well. 16 proposals were submitted, and the presentations went well. The keynote speaker, Craig Oberg, was engaging and focused on the topic of education and support. The conference evaluations showed that a majority of the attendees found the topics and presentations useful and that the facilities, food, web site, etc. were good.Some of the presentations had a lot of content that is useful in the way we tutor. We plan to reap the benefits of such presentations by assimilating those ideas into our own management of tutoring programs
DiversityWork with the newly-hired mentor coordinator to support mentor training in Access & Diversity and/or the Multi-cultural Student Center. (Amy Huntington, Betty Sawyer, Michiko Nakashima-Lizarazo) Offer to train on specific topics. Support efforts to obtain CRLA certification.Make contact with the program and set meetings to discuss ways to collaborate.On topics of the program coordinators' choice, student mentors will be better prepared. Session evaluations will gather feedback from mentors and coordinators about the effectiveness and usefulness of the training sessions.Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result
AccessCoordinate more closely with the Athletics department as they build their new academic support facility and develop the tutoring efforts that will occur in that space.Continue to network closely with Athletic Academic Advising, in hiring, training and certifying tutors who work with their students in the new Athletic Academic Center. Determine other needs they may have that we can assist with.CRLA trained and certified tutors.Tutors working in the Athletic Academic Center will meet CRLA certified requirements.Met in Dec. with Andrea Lauritzen and newly hired Kyle Carsey who are coordinating tutoring for athletes. Many things were discussed. They moved in to their new building on Jan. 8! Week of Jan. 11, we placed five(5) tutors in their area to cover several different subjects as requested. Those tutors are attending ED2920, Tutor Training, and the ATC coordinator is working to move tutors through CRLA certification.
LearningImprove faculty awareness, understanding, and support of the tutoring programs.Develop and distribute a comprehensive, cohesive, multi-campus brochure, outlining tutoring and SI services and their benefits to students, tutors, SI leaders, and faculty.NAThe brochure is created and printed. A plan is in place to distribute the brochure and have face-to-face contact with faculty. Begin to implement the distribution and contact plan. After emailing all department chairs and deans, we had responses from 11 department chairs who invited us to present at their faculty retreats and regular semester meetings, and we did so throughout the Fall 2015 semester. We visited their meetings in pairs to briefly describe our services across campuses, to invite them to include links to our website on their syllabi, and to encourage them to recommend their talented students to work in our programs. The visits were well received, sometimes including follow-up questions about the need for specific subjects for which folks would like more tutors (sciences, computer science). The response was positive, and we would like to reach more departments, so we are continuing to reach out by email, inviting departments to bring us to their meetings to orient faculty about our services and their value to students as well as to those who become tutors.