Student Wellness

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
AccessProvide Health Promotion and Human Performance (HPHP) Students with a valuable internship experience in a structured, professional learning environment. A) work closely with HPHP faculty to recruit outstanding student interns B) Create a more structured internship with defined objectives and expectations C) Provide on-going training opportunities on professional development, cultural competency, civic engagement, and other topics as determined D) Hold weekly staff planning and evaluation meetings E) Provide structured performance evaluations F) Provide learning opportunities that directly correlate to the CHES competenciesHPHP Interns will have: a firm understanding of their expectations as an intern; practical vocational experiences that will build their resumes and enable them to be more competitive in the job market; increased confidence in the CHES competencies; improved health education job skills (presenting, time management, evaluation, health literacy, program marketing, etc.); increased understanding of the importance of civic engagement, leadership, in in the field of health promotion. Interns will also be able to demonstrate improvement in the Student Affairs Division Learning Outcomes.A) Event and presentation evaluations B) midterm and final evaluations as determined by HPHP faculty C) Process evaluation via weekly planning meetings D) Peer evaluations from fellow Student Wellness interns and student employeesMidyear: Fall semester interns were evaluated using forms provided by HPHP faculty. Health Education rubric was not ready to be implemented, but will be for Spring Semester, along with a peer evaluation to create more accountability for our interns. We continue to hold weekly intern meetings for planning and process evaluation. End of Year: Spring semester interns were evaluated using forms provided by HPHP faculty, which were simplified from past semesters, cutting out a significant amount of qualitative data. To provide our students with that feedback, we met with each intern individually on a regular basis, starting with Midterms, to determine their level of proficiency with the Health Education Core Competencies, gather their feedback on their peers, and determine what areas they needed more guidance and training. Students were intentionally pushed outside of their comfort zones, depending on their individual needs, to gain hands-on experience in preparation for the CHES exam. Over the course of this past year, we have identified several training topics that the interns consistently request or need additional information on. We will continue to assess student training needs each semester to ensure that we are providing training that is relevant to their particular cohort. We also found value in meeting with each intern on a regular, individual basis, as opposed to using forms and rubrics, to obtain qualitative feedback on their overall internship experience in a more casual, comfortable setting. We will continue to actively ensure that our internship program is providing students with experiences that directly correlate to the CHES competencies.
DiversityEnsure that Student Wellness programming is meeting the diverse needs of WSU Students in a sensitive and culturally appropriate manner. A) Ensure that the Student Wellness Advisory Committee maintains active participation from a variety of campus departments who can represent the diverse backgrounds of Weber State Students. B) conduct informal evaluations with diversity partners to ensure that their student's health needs are being addressed C) Provide training opportunities for Student Wellness interns and staff on a variety of diversity topicsStudent wellness interns will have greater understanding of diversity and issues, particularly as they relate to the field of health promotion A) Student Wellness Committee membership list and attendance Midyear: Invited Jayson Stokes from the LGBT resource center to present to the fall semester interns as a diversity training. We continue to use our Wellness Advisory Committee (WAC) to conduct ongoing informal evaluations and needs assessments to ensure that their student populations' needs are being met or to determine what needs they may have that are not being met. We were also able to work with the LGBT resource center during Fall Semester to speak with the students they serve about their particular health and wellness needs, and whether or not they feel that those needs are being met by what WSU has to offer. Students agreed with the national data on LGBT health concerns and, for the most part, felt that Weber is doing a good job at providing the health and wellness services that they want and need. End of year: We continue to use our WAC to garner feedback from diversity partners on what their students want or need. We also met with the Center for Students with Disabilities and brainstormed ways that we can collaborate to alleviate some of their burden by providing targeted wellness services to their students. Students often turn to the Disabilities office for help with topics such as stress or hygiene, which simultaneously overwhelms their office and doesn't fully address the needs of the students. We will work with them for the months to come to further this collaboration and provide our HPHP students with a valuable health education experience. We also obtained valuable feedback from the diversity committee to help us refine our diversity goal. Based on their feedback, we will determine specifically which areas of diversity we will prioritize to target and define how we will measure our effectiveness. Based on conversations with our Wellness Committee partners, we have identified some target populations with an increased need or interest in wellness programming. We have started to collaborate with Services for Students with Disabilities for the upcoming academic year, which we will continue to develop, moving forward. We have also noticed an interest from the international students in wellness services, so we hope to explore that connection further. We've also witnessed some very positive learning outcomes by providing our Health Promotion interns with diversity trainings, so plan to continue offering those as we move forward.
CommunityPrepare incoming and/or potential freshman for academic success by providing education on underage drinking and other health and wellness topics. A) Partner with NUAMES, Gear Up, FYE and other WSU programs who work with incoming freshman or potential WSU students to provide presentations and education on wellness topics, with a particular focus on underage and risky drinking behaviors B) distribute a letter to the families of incoming freshman who are under the age of 18 with information on preventing high risk drinking behaviors and WSU resources C) provide resources and a welcoming forum for students to seek health information A) Students will be aware of the resources available on campus to improve and/or maintain their overall wellness B) Students will view wellness as a comprehensive goal that encompases the full dimensions of the Wellness Wheel C) Parents of incoming freshman will understand their role in preventing underage and risky college drinking behaviorA) presentation and event evaluations B) Process evaluation in weekly staff meetings C) QR code survey in parent letters to measure percieved value of materials distributedMidyear: Presented at NUAMES on 1/20/16 to approximately 200 students. Topics covered included drugs, alcohol and how to cope with stress in a more positive manner. Distributed freshman letter to the families of 4245 incoming freshman under the age of 18 in early August, 2015. Information was provided on preventing high risk drinking behaviors, Weber State resources to keep new students healthy and where parents can view Weber State policies covering drug and alcohol violations on campus. Parents were provided with a QR code link to take a feedback survey. We collected a total of 60 responses, the vast majority of which indicated that the content provided was helpful and that they intended to have a follow-up conversation with their child as a result. Only 15 responses indicated that they did not plan on following up with their son or daughter, and each of those responses indicated that they didn't feel that they needed to because they had already done so or they don't feel that their child drinks or uses drugs. Attended 5 Orientation Resource Fair sessions from June to August to provide resources for new students on the health and wellness resources available on campus. End of year: the majority of activities for this particular goal occurred in fall semester. See Midyear for details. Ongoing services were provided through Spring semester to provide resources a forum for students seeking health information. Though we had largely positive feedback from the freshman parent survey, we likely won't send out the freshman letter next year. The cost associated with sending out a hard-copy letter did not justify the response rate that we received back. We will continue to work with our Wellness Committee to determine more cost efficient means of achieving the same goal or identifying other areas in need of education. NUAMES continues to be one of our best workshops each year and their students seem to be very open and interested in what we have to present. We will continue to work with NUAMES to foster this collaboration and see what we can do to expand our underage drinking education in similar venues.
LearningIncrease student participation in Student Wellness programs and initiativesA) refine existing Student Wellness programs to better define goals and expectations, program sustainability, reliability and better means of program evaluation. B) Work closely with other campus departments via the Student Wellness Advisory Committee to assess, improve and promote wellness programming across campus C) Work with Dani McKean to revise the Student Wellness Center website, create effective marketing materials, and utilize Student Affairs social media to promote Student Wellness initiatives D) Conduct ongoing evaluation of student wellness programs and initiatives to gauge program successA) Students will have an increased awareness of the Student Wellness center and the various resources available on campus to help them improve and/or maintain their overall wellness B) students will have an increased understanding of the Wellness Wheel and how it relates to their personal wellness and academic success A) number of students who participate in the Wellness Rewards program B) number of students who participate in Weber Walks C) number of in-class presentations on campus and corresponding presentation evaluations D) Assess redeemed Wellness Rewards cards to gain a better understanding of the programs that students are accessing and when. Midyear: this is an ongoing process for our department that we are continually aware of and working to constantly improve upon. We have revised the content and cards for our Wellness Rewards program and have distributed stacks of cards to all of the locations on campus that we provide referrals to. These offices may serve as access points to get students started in the program and will hopefully be mutually beneficial for our office, for the referral offices on campus and for the students. Students may not come to our office to get a new card, but if they're already accessing services at, say, the Counseling Center, that can be an opportunity to educate them about other resources on campus that can compliment their experience here at Weber. Fall semester, we had four people return cards, but we distributed hundreds at the various booths and events that we attended throughout the year. From the activities on the submitted cards, it appears that students are accessing the gym, primarily, and the stress relief center. We hope that students are simply taking a while to fill out a card with 10 activities. Even if they don't complete a card, we hope that it increases their awareness of on-campus resources just the same. We may need to evaluate why we send cards out, but don't get them back, and I wonder if the answer lies in the actual rewards we distribute. We will see how many we get back for Spring semester and evaluate during the summer months. Weber Walks: The overall feedback on the new Weber Walks maps has been very enthusiastically positive. People seem to love that there are options to squeeze in physical activity whenever and wherever they are. That has not translated into people coming to group walks, however. This may mean that they're walking independently or that it's just going to take time to build up momentum. For spring semester, we are focusing on implementing Weber Walks: 1/2 Marathon which replaces Students In Motion from previous years. We hope that this will help to increase brand recognition. We are teaming up with Employee Wellness and Campus Recreation to provide the 1/2 marathon program and are currently working with three students to prepare them to walk the 1/2 marathon in May. End of Year: only two cards were returned for Wellness Rewards for Spring Semester. We will look at what other universities do for rewards programs to see if we can improve the program in Fall semester. All three of our Weber Walks: 1/2 marathon students were not able to finish the program for various personal reasons. We conducted a total of 10 on-campus presentations this year reaching students in Health Promotion and psychology classes, Gear Up, FYE and peer mentors. We also assisted with panels for Sex Education in Utah and a discussion on the "Happy" movie. We plan to take a closer look at our rewards program and see what we can do to improve the return rate. We may also continue to offer Weber Walks Maps, but the walking groups have not been popular with the students. We also had a disappointing response from participation in the half marathon component of the program, which his a trend that we've observed for the last several years. Though this is the first year we've offered this under the umbrella of Weber Walks, we've offered a half marathon program for several years and have struggled to recruit and retain students. With all of the obligations our students have on their plates, it has been increasingly more difficult to get a consistent group together to provide programming to everyone, at once. Though harder to track, our students seem to want more resources that they can use to pursue their wellness goals independently, when they have time.