Services for Students with Disabilities

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
AccessIntegrate CATT program with other outreach efforts to improve transition efforts.Identify new hourly staff to support CATT; work with local high schools to coordinate our developed new transition and/of outreach possibilities; provide finding support as needed.Participants will have increased familiarity with Disability Services and other campus programs; interested high school students will actively engage with campus faculty and staff; students that follow through in the CATT program will benefit from a strong Mentoring relationship.Participant survey/focus group during Spring Semester.Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result
DiversityWork with various stakeholders to re-invigorate/re-invent the ADA Committee and formalize the committee's role on campus.Gather various stakeholders for an initial meeting for input and goal setting (Fall 2015); review/revise campus policy for ADA compliance and ADA coordinator (Fall/Spring 2015); propose changes to administration or initiate policy revision process (Fall 2016).N/A (Related to Program Review)Assess based upon ability to remain on schedule and response from stakeholders.Stakeholders (committee members) have been engaged and invested in the process of revitalizing the committee, addressing the role of the ADA Coordinator position, and identifying possible funding strategies for access improvement on campus.Enter Use of Result
LearningDevelop and implement strategies for faculty training related to accommodations and disability services.Create a faculty advisement group (possibly out of ADA compliance committee); Develop and publish a Disability Services FAQ for WSU faculty (Fall 2015); create a training video (Spring 2015).N/A (Program Review)Meet timeline; feedback from faculty advisement committee/group.Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result
OtherAs directed during program review, update SSD's mission statement.Revise current mission statement by November 2015; Submit final to administration December 2015.N/A (Program Review)Meet deadlines and acquire necessary approvals from admin.Mission statement revision completed on schedule.Enter Use of Result
OtherIn conjunction with our mission statement revision, update/change department title to improve program recognition and identification.Discuss possible title changes with students (adhoc/informal); Survey current staff; Submit suggestions to admin in conjunction with mission statement changes by December 2015.N/A (Program Review)Proposed title change accepted and approved by admin.Enter ResultsEnter Use of Result