Educational Talent Search

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
AccessGrant Objective, Post-secondary Education Enrollment: 75% or higher of program participants who have graduated with a regular secondary school diploma during the project year, will enroll in an institution of higher education by the fall term immediately following high school graduation.A combination of one-on-one interventions and small-group workshops will be utilized by Advisors to assist all students in the program senior cohort with admissions, completing scholarship applications prior to deadlines, financial aid applications, and enrollment in a post-secondary institution.N/AHard copies of schedules from post-secondary institutions will be used to verify enrollment. Data will be entered into database based on these hard copies. Information will also be tracked regarding submission of FAFSAs, scholarships received, and tuition waiver recipient data.85% of seniors enrolled in a post-secondary educational program in the fall after their high school graduation. This exceeds the 75% minimum requirement for our grant objective.Continue our processes and assistance to students to ensure we meet this objective every year.
LearningConduct pre and post surveys for workshops conducted by Advisors. Advisors will work with the program Director to develop pre and post surveys for workshops to determine the level of learning that was accomplished, and to ensure accurate and effective information is being taught to students.A pre and post survey will be given to workshop participants (minimum of 20 completed surveys per subject).Gain in learning outcomes will be based on the following: 1. Percentage of surveys for each individual subject that show an increase in learning. 2. For any survey/workshop that shows minimal or no increase in learning, Advisor will adjust content with program Director to ensure students are learning the objective(s) of each workshop. Pre and post surveys; percentages tracked with pre and post knowledge of each subject matter (i.e. workshop).See outcomes under "Use of Results"Everything Counts Workshop pre- and post-test Data Assessment 1. In what grade does everything count on both your high school diploma and transcripts for college? a. Pretest: 66% of students knew that everything counts beginning in 8th grade. b. Posttest: 100% of students knew that everything counts beginning in 8th grade (34% increase). 2. If I maintain good grades beginning now, and continue good study habits, I will have more choices and opportunities in the future. a. Pretest: 87% of students knew that if they maintain good grades beginning now, and continue good study habits, they will have more choices and opportunities in the future. b. Posttest: 100% of students knew that if they maintain good grades beginning now, and continue good study habits, they will have more choices and opportunities in the future (13% increase). 3. It is important to get involved. What is the best way I can get involved? a. Pretest: 69% of students knew that trying a new sport/club, participating in activities outside of school, and doing community service were all great ways to get involved. b. Posttest: 98% of students knew that trying a new sport/club, participating in activities outside of school, and doing community service were all great ways to get involved (29% increase). 4. During the summer, I should: a. Prestest: 78% of students knew that they should get involved in things that will add to their resume, such as volunteer work, YMCA, or a summer camp. b. Posttest: 100% of students knew that they should get involved in things that will add to their resume, such as volunteer work, YMCA, or a summer camp (22% increase). College Workshop pre- and post-test Data Assessment 1. What do you apply for in order to qualify for grants, loans, need-based scholarships, and/or work study? a. Pretest: 48% of students knew that in order to qualify for grants, loans, need-based scholarships, and/or work study, they apply yearly for FAFSA. b. Posttest: 96% of students knew that in order to qualify for grants, loans, need-based scholarships, and/or work study, they apply yearly for FAFSA (48% increase). 2. The most common type of merit-based scholarships are given for sports. a. Pretest: 56% of students knew this is FALSE. b. Posttest: 86% of students knew this is FALSE (30% increase). 3. Which of the following is NOT a category for scholarships? a. Pretest: 68% of students knew that appearance-specific scholarships are not a type of scholarship. b. Posttest: 88% of students knew that appearance-specific scholarships are not a type of scholarship (20% increase). 4. I feel that I have learned more about scholarships and financial aid. a. 98% of students agreed with this statement after the College Workshop.
AccessGrant Objective: Secondary School Graduation (Rigorous): 30% or more of seniors served during the program year will complete a rigorous secondary school program of study and will graduate during the project year with a regular secondary school diploma within the standard number of years.Advisors will identify the students participating in a rigorous course of study (honors, dual enrollment, and advanced placement courses) and will be offered extra tutoring support for rigorous coursework. This includes identifying and facilitating effective tutors at the schools (during and/or after school). Advisors will also work with the teachers to identify students who are doing well in a class where a program participant is struggling, and set up peer tutoring/support when possible.Student learning outcomes will be based on attaining a "C" or higher in the approved classes and sequence thereof for grades 9-12. This will assist students with being college ready on an academic level, which many students struggle with in the Ogden School District.Documentation of trimester transcripts will be collected for those students participating in rigorous coursework. Hard copies of outlined rigor requirements, with student's grades will be kept in student files to monitor progress. 34% of seniors graduated with completing rigorous coursework. This exceeds the minimum requirement of 30% as outlined in our grant requirements.This was the first year we met this objective, having seasoned Advisors helped with this. We will continue to promote rigor coursework at the junior highs and high schools.
AccessGrant Objective: Secondary School Graduation: 90% or higher of seniors served during the program year will graduate with a secondary high school diploma within the standard number of years. Monitor credits with School Counselors and GPAs every trimester. Targeted interventions including referrals to tutoring programs, additional mentoring, and/or parent contact for any seniors at risk for not graduating. Interventions will be documented in individual files and in database. N/AAdvisors will work closely with School Counselors to assess credits and GPAs every trimester. Students not online for graduation will be tracked with progress regarding making up credits. 98% of seniors in the TRIO Talent Search program graduated from high school. This exceeds the 90% minimum required.The Talent Search program will continue using processes to identify which students are not online for graduation, and work with the Counselors regarding credit recovery for those who need it.
DiversityTrack AP and concurrent data for each high school and for program participants by ethnicity. Use the information to inform school personnel and conduct one training regarding this topic with School Counselors to advocate change. Compare this year's data to next year's, looking for an increase in the rate of participation for underrepresented populations in AP and concurrent classes. Obtain initial data for AP and concurrent participation rates at each high school, including demographics (i.e. ethnicity). Discuss results with School Counselors and develop a plan to increase program participant participation in these rigor classes.N/ACompare rates of participation for the 2015-2016 school year to the 2016-2017 school year.This is still in process, schools do not track ethnicity regarding AP and IB outcomes. We will work to identify the demographics in June and July when testing results for AP and IB become available. We will look at 1) rate per ethnicity enrolled and 2) rate per ethnicity for passing tests.The Talent Search program will be working on gathering baseline data for this goal this summer. It involves reviewing over 200 transcripts. We will do this after we assess our graduation and rigor rate (requirements for our grant).