Davis Learning Center

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
AccessImprove and expand Davis Learning Center’s digital presence.1) Refresh DLC website. 2) Maintain a regular presence on campus digital signage. 3) Post to Student Affairs and/or Davis Campus Facebook page. NA1) Webpage refreshed. Positive feedback from student focus group. 2) New information displayed on digital signage at least monthly. 3) At least twelve posts made to Facebook. Posts should receive at least twelve “likes” and/or comments. 1) Due to turnover in the Administrative Specialist position, website work was put off until this summer. A new Administrative Specialist has now been hired and will be trained in Site Manager shortly. Another staff member is learning video editing and will work on creating a video for various uses including the website. 2) Information has been regularly displayed on digital signage. 3) Posting on Facebook was explored but was recommended against by the hosts of the relevant Facebook sites.Webpage will be refreshed this summer. Creation and posting of digital signage for the department will be continued.
LearningImprove faculty awareness, understanding, and support of the tutoring program and testing center.1) Tutoring Specialist will present at English Dept. adjunct retreat. 2) In collaboration with Ogden Campus colleagues, finalize presentational material for faculty, explaining services and their benefits. Share info. with faculty through means coordinated with Ogden Campus colleagues. 3) Using results of faculty survey and interviews at Davis Campus, DLC staff will seek to strengthen relationships by contacting departments with majors at Davis Campus and professors teaching courses that require papers. NA1) Presentation made. 2) Handouts created and distributed. 3) Survey and interviews completed. Contacts made with relevant departments and faculty. 4) Follow-up survey sent to faculty who were contacted. 1)Tutoring Specialist presented at English Dept. Retreat. Davis Learning Center also held an Open House in conjunction with all-department Fall Adjunct Retreat. 2) Tutoring Specialist co-presented at a faculty meeting with Ogden colleagues. 3) Writing tutors conducted faculty interviews both fall and spring semesters. Tutoring Specialist visited departments with majors at Davis Campus. 4) Yearly faculty survey indicated a greater familiarity with tutoring services than in previous year.Outreach efforts will continue. Writing tutors will continue to interview selected faculty members each semester. Tutoring Specialist will contact additional faculty who have requested information.
LearningDevelop leadership skills in DLC hourly employees with supervisory and mentoring responsibilities.1) DLC Leaders will attend the fall GetSet training on the supervisory track. 2) They will subsequently meet with their supervisor and will set a leadership goal for the year. 3) Leadership training materials will continue to be developed and used as needed. 4) DLC leaders will participate in at least one additional in-house leadership training. Hourly employees in leadership positions at Davis Learning Center will be able to articulate a leadership goal and develop an action plan to accomplish it. DLC leads will be able to explain how to positively approach potential conflict situations. 1) Identified leads have attended GetSet training. 2) Leads have set and accomplished a leadership goal. 3) Training materials have been developed. 4) Through responding to a written scenario, leads have shown their ability to explain how to approach potential conflict situations. 5) Leads’ overall skill development has been assessed through use of survey and rubric. 1) All DLC student leaders attended the GetSet supervisory training. 2) Student leads set and completed leadership goals. 3) New training units for testing center were used starting spring semester. Training materials were also developed for in-house training on avoiding and dealing with conflict. 4) All leads attended the conflict training and demonstrated through response to a written scenario that they could explain how to deal with potential conflicts. Also, the Writing Tutor Supervisor helped to plan and deliver an additional training on dealing with difficult students. 5) Leads completed leadership survey and discussed results with their supervisors.Goal-setting and leadership training (GetSet, in-house) will be continued next year. Goal-setting will be expanded to include all tutors.
DiversityImprove writing tutors’ understanding of the needs of ESL students and their awareness of tools and strategies to use in the tutoring process when working with ESL students.1) Develop training materials based on ESL best practices that will equip tutors with the knowledge and tools to work effectively with ESL students. 2) All DLC writing tutors will participate in ESL training. 3) Tutoring Specialist will observe ESL tutoring sessions as opportunity allows and give feedback to tutors. Writing tutors will be able to identify at least three key strategies that can contribute to success in tutoring ESL students.Following training, writing tutors will complete a knowledge quiz on ESL tutoring skills.1 & 2) A presenter on ESL tutoring from the National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing repeated her presentation via Skype for the Davis writing tutors and held a discussion about best practices. At a later date, tutors completed knowledge quiz and were able to identify strategies for successfully working with ESL students. 3) Two observations were done so far and feedback given to tutors.Observations will be continued. ESL training will be part of the 3-credit writing tutor training course next year.