Counseling and Psychological Services Center

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
LearningCPSC will gain enhanced knowledge about students' needs regarding mental health outreach.The CPSC Outreach Team will conduct multiple focus groups as a form of needs assessment.N/ACompletion of a minimum of 2 focus groups, including preparation, implementation, and data analysis, will represent goal achievement.01-08-15: Four focus groups were scheduled during Fall semester. Despite broad and targeted subject recruitment, including incentives, only 2 students attended. Spring semester focus groups will be attempted with student employees in the division to increase participation. 05-12-16: We were unable to recruit student employees or any other specific student groups to participate in focus groups. Although focus groups for general student feedback were not successful, we did receive helpful information from 87 students via a Campus Labs survey as part of our strategic plan development. We will prioritize this type of data collection in the future.
LearningCPSC will have an enhanced presence at the Davis Campus.Outreach activities will be increased, including structured workshop(s), bulletin board(s), and other offerings by the CPSC clinician assigned to the Davis Campus and by the Outreach Team. Students at Davis Campus will be aware of CPSC services available, as evidenced by increased utilization of services.The number of unique students receiving individual therapy and the number of scheduled appointments at Davis in AY 2015-16 will exceed the same numbers in AY 2014-15. We will also consider including one or more items on the annual Davis Student Survey regarding awareness of CPSC services. 01-08-16: Davis outreach activities have included 3 "Mental Health Minute" blurbs in the weekly Davis Campus News, staff attendance at 4 SADC meetings, 1 faculty QPR training with 6 attendees, 1 stress management workshop with 7 attendees, a month-long interactive coloring bulletin board with significant participation, and involvement in the "Meet the Advisor" event with 55 contacts. Between Fall 2014 and 2015, the number of appointments scheduled at Davis increased 15% from 34 to 39. The number of appointments attended at Davis increased 35% from 20 to 27. 05-12-16: Davis outreach activities continued to include 3 more monthly "Mental Health Minute" blurbs, attendance at 4 more SADC meetings, another faculty QPR training with 3 attendees, an informational bulletin board addressing select mental health topics, and staff participation in a Davis Campus book group for networking purposes. Between Spring 2015 and Spring 2016, the number of appointments scheduled at Davis increased 16% from 31 to 36. The number of appointments attended at Davis increased 27% from 22 to 28. Intentional increases in outreach activities, as well as formal and informal networking opportunities, appear to be increasing student awareness and maximizing the utilization of clinical services at Davis. The provider who covers this area, Tami Robinette, will continue with these efforts, as she is well-suited to do.
OtherCPSC will include a Scope of Practice (SoP) statement in our Policies and Procedures Manual.Elements of the SoP statement will be discussed with the full staff during our Fall retreat and periodically thereafter as the statement is developed.NAStatement completion by December 2015 will represent goal achievement.01-08-15: The CPSC Scope of Practice statement was completed and posted on our website in September 2015. In just the short time since its creation, our SoP has provided clarity and policy-driven justification in numerous situations. It has also been used as a model for centers across the country. We will keep it posted, reference it as needed, and review/edit it periodically.
DiversityLatino/a students will receive culturally inclusive care at CPSC.CPSC staff members will enhance our cultural knowledge to improve the sensitivity of our outreach and services to the Latino/a community. Anticipated steps include: 1. Reading and discussing a selected chapter/article on mental health issues for Latino/a college students, 2. Convening a student panel/focus group to address needs and concerns, 3. Translating select CPSC documents, online resources, and outreach materials into Spanish, 4. Inviting Dr. Enrique Romo to consult with CPSC staff on issues related to undocumented students; and 5. Encouraging clinicians to present Latino/a clients in case consultation when feasible throughout the year.N/ACPSC staff members' self-reported level of cultural competence in the treatment of Latino/a students will be assessed via pre- and post-assessments and qualitatively via discussions throughout the year.01-08-16: A pre-assessment was designed and completed by 9 clinical and support staff members. 1. Two staff meetings have been dedicated to the discussion of selected chapters from the book, "Mi Voz, Mi Vida: Latino College Students Tell Their Life Stories." Two additional chapters will be discussed in upcoming staff meetings. 2. A focus group will be attempted in the Spring, via collaboration with CME. 3. In collaboration with Dr. Alicia Giralt, CPSC document translations will serve as a project for Spanish practicum students during spring semester. 4. Dr. Romo presented to CPSC staff re: undocumented students on 12-08-15. 5. At least one Latino client has been selected for case consultation. 04-21-16: A post-assessment was completed by those who completed the pre-assessment. On average, total scores increased by 30.6 points (2.55 per 10-pt item). Items reflecting the highest increases were: Within-Group Diversity (3.89), Acculturation/Biculturalism (3.44), Economic Issues (2.77), Mental Health Concerns (2.66), and Academic Concerns (2.55). 1. A total of 4 staff meetings were dedicated to book-chapter discussions. 2. Two students from the Hispanic Area Council consulted with CPSC staff on 02-23-2016 and reported on the results of an informal qualitative survey conducted among their peers re: CPSC and mental health issues. 3. Two significant intake/consent documents have been translated. 4. Dr. Romo's presentation took place on 12-08-2015. 5. Given the severity of caseloads, ultimate selection of clients for case consultation had to be based primarily on clinical need rather than race/ethnicity. We are extremely pleased with the successful process and outcome of this diversity goal. We intend to draw upon the knowledge we gained to deepen our clinical work with Latino/a students, hopefully spreading the word that CPSC therapists are culturally sensitive and competent. We will also continually assess for increases in the number of Latino/a students seeking services. We plan to use a similar diversity goal format, focusing on another diverse group of interest, in future goal development.