Career Services

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
DiversityPromote diversity for all students through our services.Promote diversity in Career Services through education of our team on LGBTQ training. Provide "Safe Zone" training to all of our team members and encourage those who choose to display safe zone stickers for students to feel comfortable visiting the Career Center. Work closely with the Dean of International Programs to create and deliver career seminars to students during international week. Present an orientation for International Students on Career Services. Invite the Diversity Center to our first "Lunch and Learn" activity to meet their staff and share information on both of our services. Seek to attract more qualified candidates from more diverse groups for our opened positions and consider giving realistic points preference to some underrepresented groups. Hire a part time student outreach coordinator for underrepresented students to reach out to minority students, athletes and LGBTQ individuals etc. through one on one contact and small and large group meetings.The student learning outcomes will be demonstrated by the number of underrepresented students who come into the Career Center compared to other semesters. Our student workers will also have the opportunity to expand their thinking and learn how we can be more welcoming to ALL students. The outreach coordinator for underrepresented students will learn how to be self managed and self directed. The person will learn to be creative and well focused in reaching as many under served students as possible. We will measure this goal by the conducting of "Safe Zone" training and the number of participants that attend the course. The number of "Lunch and Learn" sessions we hold for diversity organizations on campus. The international students measurement will depend on our presentations for international week and our feedback from the students and Dean. The measurement for our outreach coordinator will be the number of under represented students that the coordinator contacts and the number that come into the center to utilize our services. Safe Zone training was presented by the Coordinator of the LGBT Center in October 2015. All team members attended and each was offered the opportunity to post a "Safe Zone" card in their window or on their door to let students know about our desire to reach our willingness to reach out to them and help with Career Coaching on their special needs. The Director has reached out to The Dean of International Programs to establish more seminars and presentations for students. The Director also met with the Dean of the Business College and the Dean of Technology where most of the students attend to partner on better serving the needs of international students. Two lunch and Learn activities were held with the Center for Diversity and The Center for Community Engagement and Learning to discuss how we can collaborate to best meet the needs of their students. We hired Tyrome Brown an African American athlete to serve os our Outreach Coordinator for under served students and we held one event to help prepare those students for Career Fair. Enter Use of Result
AccessCreate and implement outreach strategies for colleges and studentsCreate and implement outreach strategies for each college and their students. With our new marketing intern and our marketing team develop marketing programs to reach out to students throughout the semester with an emphasis on the beginning and ending of each semester. Make the communication from each counselor tailored to each major, college and students. Have a picture of each counselor/adviser accompany any communication to assist the students to identify with their counselor/adviser. Develop a weekly newsletter of events sent out to each student. Brand each communication with Career Service's logo, "Make the Connection". The student learning outcomes come from more access to our services and programs and mentoring opportunities from our counselors and advisers. Also, the marketing intern will learn valuable practical skills with marketing strategies, social media communication and presentation skills.We will measure the effectiveness of this goal by how many more students we reach with our coaching sessions, group presentations, class participation, event attendance and social media connections. We will measure the effectiveness of our intern by the development of new communication methods, social media improvements and his effect on the number of students who attend the aforementioned programs and events. Mid year results for creating and implementing outreach strategies for colleges and students are on schedule for year end completion. We hired a marketing intern and he created an excellent marketing plan for Career Fair and other events. Through the excellent marketing wee increased our 2015 Career Fair student attendance by over 100 students and had a high satisfaction level form our employers. Enter Use of Result
CommunityBuilding a stronger partnership with Deans, Chairs, Faculty, Student Affairs Departments and Student Leaders is essential to reaching students with our services. Faculty and student leaders are two important groups for partnering to increase the marketing efforts of the Career Center activities. We plan to create a student senator advisory group representing each college. The group will meet regularly during the semester to plan and implement marketing programs for their specific college. The advisory group will reach out to the faculty in their college to encourage them to recommend that their students participate in career fairs, career cafe and employer information sessions. The student senators will have an opportunity to improve their leadership skills in their college. Team building skills will be taught to help the seven senators work as a high performance team. Goal setting will be required with outcomes and measures established. Their communication and presentation skills will be utilized in their marketing role. Social media skills will increased with an emphasis on this communication that is highly used and valued by students. We will measure effectiveness by asking students who attend our events how they heard about the event and comparing our current attendance with prior attendance. We will survey our senators on their experiences of participating with the advisory group and measuring the value of their experiences. The Career Services Director worked with President Jeffrey Henry, the leader of the student senate. He arranged for the Director to do two presentations to senators on our services and a partnership with the senators and each career counselor and employment advisers. Two lunch meetings with the senators in our offices produced a brain storming session for marketing ideas. The seven senators from each college took 25 posters for their classrooms and talked to the professors in their college about the career fair. They also took part in the hot chocolate and flyer handout in their colleges in preparation for the event. Their ideas and participation increased the student turnout for the career fair.Enter Use of Result
LearningIncrease the number of employers offering internships and increase the number of internships offered by employers. Market the internships more effectively to students for the seven colleges. Focus on internships for the liberal arts students.Develop a more effective way to list internships on Career Connect for each college and major. Organize an internship advisory group composed of internship coordinators from each college to make recommendations on developing and promoting internships opportunities and employer outreach efforts. Develop an internship manual to help employers know how to create more effective internship programs for student learning. Expand the annul internship recognition program to include more employers from the liberal arts colleges. Each counselor/adviser will choose up to fifteen high priority companies with which to build stronger and more lasting relationships. This employer relations effort will help us understand the needs of each organization and allow for more focused Employer Relations efforts. We plan on hiring a part time/ temporary student to help us utilize the Card Cam system for business contacts and integrate it into our Career Connect system. The new Data Manager of Career Connect will be a student employee who will learn more about developing programs for listing and accessing data in the Career Connect system. A part time/temporary student will learn system development skills as they complete the design of an integration program for the CardCam and Career Connect programs. Another student assistant is working to do the layout for our new employer manual for internship development and will learn to apply design and layout techniques. We will measure the success of this goal by how effectively we develop our internship listing program. This will be determined by feedback from our students accessing the system. The formation of the advisory committee and the contributions they make will determine the success of the new internship advisory committee. The publishing and distribution of the internship manual for employers will be the measure of success for the this goal. The feedback from the Deans, Chairs and Faculty of Arts and Humanities and Behavioral and Social Sciences will let us know our progress with liberal arts students in promoting the "College to Careers" program.An internship manual has been developed and is being used for employers who want to create internships. A student has been hired and has developed our use of the Cam Card system. He has entered one year of business cards and coordinated two meetings with other universities to share information on Cam Card to find ways to utilize the system more fully. The student has done such a great job we have moved his position to regular part time from temporary. Enter Use of Result