Campus Recreation

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
LearningRevise and implement Student Employee Development ProgramCreate Assistant Director “ladder” position to direct initiative. Standardize position descriptions and hiring process across the department. Develop and implement Student Employee Professional Development Fund process. Have student employees attend GetSET training. Have student employees and Rec Club leaders complete Safe @ Weber training. Apply the CREW evaluation tool. Input rubric results online.Interpersonal Communication Skills and Intrapersonal Competence; student employees understand issues related to sexual assault, relationship violence, and bystander intervention.Rubrics, Safe @ Weber statistics, professional observation.Assistant Director position implemented fall 2015. Hourly staff position descriptions have been updated and hiring process standardized across department. Student Employee Development Fund process implemented with $1,467 awarded to 6 student employees. Rubric results to date: Interpersonal Communication- 10.3 (out of 12), a 14% increase from fall to spring semester; Intrapersonal Communication- 17.18 (out of 20), a 15% increase from fall to spring semester; Cultural Competency- 12.78 (out of 16). Safe @ Weber Training: out of 99 hourly staff, 34% have completed the full training; 17% have completed Part 1; 9% have started Part 1.Assistant Director is facilitating student manager development meetings/trainings, gaining more input/buy-in from student employee leaders on upcoming training/meeting topics and implementation as well as preferred methods of staff recognition. We will be more intentional about educating staff on learning outcome goals and rubrics. We will be more intentional with Cultural Competency education. We will continue to push for 100% completion of Safe @ Weber training.
LearningIncrease participation at Davis Campus.Create more visible promotional banners/posters/flyers. Ensure Campus Recreation activities are listed on weekly Davis email announcements. Have engaging presence at fairs and tabling events. Collaborate with student program leaders to activate programs in Davis Fitness Center. Students learn about recreational opportunities available to them via Campus Recreation programs/services.Participation counts, surveys. Marketing & Operations Coordinator serves on Davis Promotion committee, promo materials are being developed. Davis Fitness Center had 7458 total card swipes (945 unique users) July 1, 2015 to April 30 2016. The previous full year (July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015 had 9359 swipes (1087 unique users). This shows a 4% decrease in monthly average swipes, but we won’t know specific numbers until May and June swipes are calculated.We are working with Davis entities to create more visible signage in office and in hallway of Building 3. We have a regular presence on weekly Davis email announcements. We will conduct focus groups as to why students don’t know about or use Davis Fitness Center.
OtherConduct Department Program ReviewDetermine members of Review Team (internal/external) and begin process.NAReview Team solidified, process gets underway.Site Review Team has been solidified, self-study completed and submitted, on-sight interviews facilitated June 2-3.Plan of Action will be created based on feedback and recommendations from Site Review Committee Report.
DiversityEnhance female participation in Intramural Sports. Enhance underrepresented student participation in Outdoor Program Adventure Program.Target promotion and recruitment efforts to Women’s Center, Nontraditional Student Center, Diversity & Inclusion Programs, Veterans Services, Services for Students with Disabilities, Center for Multicultural Excellence, International Student Services, LGBT Resource Center. Recruit and hire underrepresented student employees in all program areas.Enter Student Learning OutcomeDemographic statistics, Cultural Competency rubric, professional observation.IMs female participation is up 132% over last year’s total. We did not receive report on Fall 2015 OP cohort demographics to report on that. Per consortium survey conducted spring 2016, 29% definitely and 36% somewhat felt participation in Campus Recreation increased or improved their multicultural awareness.We will continue to focus on cultural competency with our staff and participants. Specific strategies will be discussed in planning sessions this summer.
LearningHire 3 and train 5 positions: Outdoor Program Assistant Coordinator, Budget & Administrative Support Specialist, Fitness Coordinator, Marketing & Operations Coordinator, Aquatics & Safety CoordinatorDetermine screening committee. Post position. Facilitate search and hire process. Set up new hires with prox Wildcard, keys, parking pass, computer access, phone access, etc. New hires attend university, division, department, and program orientation meetings. Set up meetings w/position stake holders. Meet regularly w/supervisor on position expectations and duties.Students serving on screening committee gain understanding of interview skills and process.Students articulate what they have gained by being involved with search. New hires perform job duties to expectation.Hired Budget & Admin Support Specialist with 11/17/15 start date and hired OP Assistant Coordinator with 12/7/15 start date; both have gone through department orientation and university and SA orientations and are acclimating to their duties. After a failed search fall 2015, successful Fitness Coordinator search conducted spring 2016, start date of 6/22/16. Marketing & Operations Coordinator (7/1/15 start date) and Aquatics & Safety Coordinator (7/13/15 start date) have completed department, SA, and university orientations and are performing well in their duties. Students involved with search noted the following: importance of candidates to express genuine enthusiasm for position for which they are interviewing, the importance of researching hiring organization and ability to articulate what they know of organization, the importance of answering interview questions succinctly and completely.Continue to enhance on-boarding processes for new hires (continue to tweak new hire check-list, ensure they have list of important contacts, passwords, etc.