Weber State University Student Affairs Unit Goals

Union Operations

DepartmentInitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
Union OperationsSelect ObjectiveCreate a diversity and inclusion training program for the Information Center staff, Building Managers, and Student Affairs Maintenance staff (this can be transferrable to other areas of the Union).1. Work with CDU to create a protocol 2. Provide training opportunities (i.e. Safe Zone, appropriate language) 3. Create a reference guide showing various departments on campus dealing with diverse populations and diversity issues.1. Staff become more aware of diversity on campus 2. Staff will interact appropriately with diverse audiences 3. Staff will have correct and applicable information to give to customers1. Use “secret shoppers” three or four times a year to evaluate staffMid-year results: The Union has created a Training Committee that is looking at the needs of those who use our building and to find effective ways to bring awareness and training to our staff. We are also looking at several options for creating a reference guide that can be used by all the Union Staff that will give guidance in dealing with diverse population and diversity issues. This is an ongoing process with the committee meeting Bi-weekly. Enter Use of Result
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Union OperationsSelect ObjectiveIncrease exposure of WSU to new populations by increasing revenue for summer conferences by 20% over calendar year 2014.Create series of open houses with colleges in conjunction with CUB. Create Youth Conference program. Join associations that can help with leads: ACCED­1, RCMA. Create intern media kit, visit local businesses one on one. Work with partners (Sodexo, Century Housing) to generate leads.Increased business requests and increased exposure by other groups to WSU. Larger number of non­WSU people attending events on campus.Compare numbers of non­WSU attendees to previous year.Mid-year results:New Marketing pamphlets have been created for Youth Group Conferences and will be mailed out to appropriate target markets. Other items are being worked on for verification and accuracy of information. Enter Use of Result
Union OperationsSelect ObjectiveIncrease sustainability at the Information Center by utilizing technology to support and streamline Wildcard operations. Reduce paper signatures by 70%.1. Purchase software to capture electronic signatures for Wildcard contracts. 2. Train staff and inform customers 3. Educate through Sustainability Center. 4. Become operational1. Staff learn to minimize paper usage and maximize available technology 2. Staff look for new ways to use technologies in current office functions 3. Learn to communicate with customers while explaining new processes1. Track savings in paper and printing costs by first determining benchmark cost of paper 2. Time savings by moving customers through the process of obtaining a Wildcard more efficiently 3. Customer interactionMid-year results: The Information Center has been using the "Rapid Agreement" software and i Pads since September 2014 and it has been a successful transition from the paper forms that was used in the past. The staff has been trained and the supervisor is monitoring and giving follow-up training as needed. This process has required the staff to communicate the changes to others, thereby giving them the opportunity to advance their communication and customer service skills.Enter Use of Result
Union OperationsSelect ObjectiveUse more sustainable practices as we respond to the needs of our customers in the Shepherd Union Building and Residence Life.1. Use low VOC paint products 2. Periodic inspections of freezers and fridges for Freon leaks 3. Recycle old appliances and wiring 4. All hazardous waste will be sent to campus Environmental Health Department1. Safer environment for WSU community 2. Cost Savings on equipment repairs 3. Great staff awareness of sustainable practicesTrack cost and time savings on equipment repairs and downtimeMid-year results: We have started to use VOC paint products and periodic inspections on the freezers and fridges. This is an on going process as we work on problems and replacing items with environmental friendly items.Enter Use of Result