
InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
AccessImprove faculty awareness, understanding, and support of the tutoring programs.Develop a cohesive plan for reaching out to departments and programs. Learning outcomes 1. Faculty and staff will be better informed about how best to use our services. They will have clear information through our presentation and our brochure about where the services are and how they work to support the campus community. 2. Faculty and staff will understand how we hire and train successful students, the benefits to students of working in our programs, what the basic criteria are, and how students can apply to work with us. They will be motivated to recommend their talented students to work in our programs. Action Plan 1. Develop a poster board to display basic information that demonstrates how the services work and the benefits of working in our programs. 2. Develop tri-fold brochures that give more specific detail than the ASCP brochure does about how our services and training work. a. A brochure that demonstrates how to use the services—drop-in vs. appointment, what to expect from the tutoring. b. A brochure that describes our training and certification for tutors and the benefits of tutoring for the students who work in our programs—certification, confidence, testimonials from tutors (from our surveys of tutor skill development). 3. Develop a presentation outline so that any one of us can go with the materials to a department meeting to give the presentation and cover the agreed-upon material. (Should cover both of the above learning outcomes.) 4. Develop a survey to administer to faculty and staff who receive our presentation. 5. Develop a canvassing plan. a. Decide which departments we want to contact (all) and who the contact persons or chairs are. b. Find out when and where they hold their department meetings. c. Gain permission to visit their meetings for our 15-20-minute presentation. d. Set these appointments in Google calendar for those who will be presenting. e. Make certain the presenters have the presentation outline and the poster board and brochures to take with them. Faculty and staff learning outcome: The poster board is created. The brochure is created and printed. A plan is in place to distribute the brochure and have face-to-face contact with faculty. A survey is developed to assess faculty and staff learning outcomes. Implementation of the distribution and contact plan. The poster boards have been created and used at the Block Party and the Student Affairs Expo. Gave a presentation at the SAC committee meeting. Gave a presentation at the New Employee Orientation meeting.The tutoring programs from both campuses will use the materials and canvassing plan we have developed to reach departments and programs across the curriculum this fall to inform about our services and encourage student employment in our programs.
AccessIncrease student and faculty awareness of the Solution Space and its new location in SC164.Construct new promotional items to increase awareness of the Solution Space's new location in SC 164.N/AMaterials have been created and a plan has been put into place to distribute them.Mathematics Department was contacted and given information about the Solution Space and it's new location. That information was asked to be included in syllabi starting Fall 2014. Flyers with Solution Space hours and location were put up in several locations where students could see. Promotional items are being updated for Fall 2015 and plans are being made to distribute them in math classes and buildings within the first few weeks of the semester.
DiversityMore visibly demonstrate our appreciation for diversity in the tutoring spaces.Devise and develop a means of demonstrating more visibly our appreciation for diversity in the centers, on our website and/or on display in the centers.A broad diversity of students will see themselves even more visibly represented and welcomed in our spaces.The visible representations of diversity appreciation will be developed and posted. Students will continue report positively on our assessments (90% or greater) that they feel welcomed and respected in our centers.Our Tutoring Program PPM diversity and inclusion statement has been revised to an easily postable length, printed, laminated, and distributed to all tutoring program coordinators to post in their areas of service.All tutoring programs now visibly display the posters to encourage and inform participants and visitors about hour commitment to supporting and protecting diversity.
CommunityThe Appointment Tutoring Center will award a special scholarship to a deserving tutor.The Appointment Tutoring Center Coordinator will research WSU's guildelines in setting up, administering, and awarding a special scholarship from a private donor to be awarded to a deserving tutor.N/AAward guidelines will be set, met, and money delivered to chosen tutor.An outstanding and deserving tutor was chosen and presented an award for Fall 2014 and another for Spring 2015. Tutors wrote letters of appreciation which I delivered to the donor. Criteria for the chosen tutor were established and written down for future use as well as a tracking system to determine when the fund is exhausted.