Student Wellness

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
LearningDevelop and Organize Wellness Advisory Committee (WAC) to better engage and support students in learning about their health and wellness to set them up for success in and out of the classroom. An open environment will be created where all departments can share their health and wellness efforts and are invited to collaborate their resources and ideas on how to better engage and support the various students they serve in their health and wellness educational efforts. Student needs will be discussed and Health and Wellness initiatives for 201-2015 school year will be selected based on student needs. Student wellness will track progress on the objectives and progress reports of the committee and report back to the committee monthly through detailed agendas and assignment follow up. Through our collaborated, on-going campus Health and Wellness initiatives, students will develop critical thinking and intrapersonal competence as they examine their current ways of thinking and develop new strategies to improve their health based on the knowledge and skills taught in our campus initiatives. Informal assessment has been performed and compiled by Student wellness on the needs of the various student populations served by the different departments on campus. This has been combined with the NCHA assessment performed in 2013. For every initiative student wellness is invited to participate, post survey's will be issued to participants to evaluate if the specific learning objectives of that initiative (including specified learning outcomes) have been met, most-likely via pre and post surveys. As of the end of Fall semester the Wellness Advisory Committee was created and discussed the needs of the students based on the NCHA data. Initiatives were planned for the following year based on NCHA data,and will include ACHA Campus 2020 goals and objectives, and committee feedback and support. Enter Use of Result
DiversityIn the Student Wellness department, cultivate a deeper awareness, understanding and appreciation for diversity among Weber State Students and in our surrounding communities Adrienne Andrews (or Teresa Holt) will facilitate a diversity workshop series as well as assessment of current views on diversity for the student wellness interns and staff. Using the assessment feedback and new diversity knowledge, students and I will choose one or more suggestions from feedback to improve on during the next school year. By the end of the school year, my interns and I will have a deeper awareness, understanding and appreciation for diversity among Weber State Students and in our surrounding communities As a part of the Workshop assessment will be taken for students assess their current cultural competence. Students will then be assessed again at the end of the school year to see if they have made any improvement over their internship period with student wellness. Fall semester included one diversity training, during verbal feedback and discussion it was very apparent that issues were brought up that deepened the awareness and understanding of the interns. Based on Fall discussion and feedback, we determined further diversity training was needed spring semester.
CommunityEducate high school students enrolled in or potentially enrolling in WSU college courses on successful strategies for improving their health and well-being in preparation for succeeding in the college atmosphere. Partner with NUAMES or other local early college High School to discuss any gaps in student success strategies. Perform our own literature review on possible theories and intervention strategies. Develop an intervention specific to the population that will help students to obtain knowledge and skills they need to be successful in college. By the end of the program students will: 1. Gain a greater sense of intrapersonal competence, 2. Think critically to implement the success strategies we teach them and 3. Be comfortable being more civically engaged.Informal assessment will be taken with the student advisor or counselor on what the needs of the students are. Before and after survey's will be taken to assess students initial competence in the specific student learning objectives as well as other learning objectives. Evaluation took place before and directly after each workshop. Student were handed a before and after evaluation and were instructed before the session to fill out the survey before we began. Directly following the workshop we instructed them to fill out the same survey on the back (the 'after' evaluation) and turn them in for a prize. Following the event 77.5% of students were able to identify three physical effects of stress (our objective was only 60%). 85.9% could identify at least two. 93.8% of students were able to identify at least one physical way to combat stress, and 89.8% were able to identify one mental way to combat stress (Our goal was 60%). However only 50% of the students felt more comfortable in their ability to cope with stress (Our goal was 60%). Evaluation will be used to discuss among the NUAMES initiative group and bring up possible changes to the structure and outline of the workshop to better improve students' confidence levels to combat stress. Discussion will also serve as a learning tool for what we did well and what we would suggest for next year. Results will be compiled and saved on the Student wellness drive for access to the PAWS interns next year to review the results before modifying and creating a new coping skills workshop for the NUAMES students.
AccessProvide HP/HP students an opportunity to participate in a challenging internship for their degree and a valuable vocational experience in a structured and professional learning environment. Initial training will be planned according to previously assess needs. On-going training will be scheduled during their weekly meetings throughout the semester according to ongoing formative evaluation throughout the semester. In addition to learning Critical thinking, interpersonal communication skills, Leadership, responsibility and accountability skills throughout the year they will be Trained on important skills and knowledge necessary for this field of study including: CHES competencies, effective time management, presentation, booth and event coordinating. Based on previous years of student evaluation and experience, A student wellness intern and I will determine the training needs of the incoming interns. Final evaluations will be performed at the end of each Initiative with a reflection period where constructive feedback is provided on the project and to the intern. A final grade at the end will be given to interns and letters of recommendations to employees. Fall semester Survey Results were overwhelming in the affirmative that the internship was challenging, would give them valuable work experience, received valuable feedback and increased their confidence working in a professional environment. Topics they would have liked to received training on: Event and campaign planing, using marketing and media, presentation and booth planning skills. Fall survey results were used to determine spring semester training and support materials. We even implemented a completely new resource at the request of an intern upon request. We used one on one interviews for staff and student coordinators and used their feedback to create specific and personal objectives for them throughout the next semester.