Campus Recreation

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
AccessEnhance diversity of programs and services.Explore offering special hours in pool for female-only swim time. Work w/university partners on gender-neutral locker room/shower for pool.Student staff will understand the cultural significance of offering this program and service.Cultural Competency rubric, focus groups, professional observation.Project completed October 2014. Student staff focus group demonstrates they understand the importance of offering this service. We will continue to educate staff on diverse populations and how we can better serve all populations.
OtherHire new Aquatics and Safety Coordinator.Determine screening committee. Post position. Facilitate search and interview process.Students serving on screening committee gain understanding of interview skills and process.Students articulate what they have gained by being involved with search.Search currently in progress.Enter Use of Result
LearningBuild on CREW philosophyCREW expectations clearly stated in job descriptions and hiring process. Hourly student staff attend GetSET trainings. Have student leaders develop spring co-staff training. Apply the CREW evaluation tool. Input rubric results online.Critical Thinking, Leadership and Management SkillsRubrics, Focus Groups, Professional ObservationCREW expectations are outlined in position descriptions and hiring process. Twenty-ish student staff attended fall GetSET training. CREW evaluation timeline solidified and being implemented. Student managers were integral in developing and implementing spring staff training facilitated 1/23/15. Average score for Critical Thinking is 16 (out of 20) and average score for Leadership and Management Skills is 16 (out of 20).Will continue to have student staff participate in GetSET trainings. Continue to have student staff leaders involved in developing/implementing staff trainings.
LearningIncrease the productivity of technology available.Research and implement online rental reservations. Add Instagram to social media and increase followers on all other social media networks (facebook, twitter, youtube). Update and increase user engagement with webpages. Fully implement iPads in IMs/Rec Clubs and Fitness.Critical Thinking, Leadership and Management SkillsRubrics, Focus Groups, Professional Observation. Online reservations implemented. Number of followers on social media. Number of hits on webpages. iPads successfully implemented.Facebook - increased followers by 43%; Twitter – 377 followers; YouTube (a little different measurement) - 268 video views from July - December (up 69 views from Jan-Jun '14); Instagram - Started in August '14 and currently have 215 followers. We will continue to promote these venues and create exciting competitions, videos, and other engaging activities to increase interactions with our webpages and social media.
OtherAcclimate new Intramural Sports & Rec Clubs Coordinator and Outdoor Program Assistant Coordinator to duties.Get new hires set up with Wildcard, keys, parking pass, computer access, phone access, etc. New hires attend university, division, department, and program orientation meetings. Set up meetings w/position stake holders. Meet regularly w/supervisor on position expectations and duties.NANew hires perform job duties to expectation.IMRC Coordinator has attended trainings and gotten needed access and supplies; is functioning well and has taken on full club responsibilities. Outdoor Program Assistant Coordinator has completed trainings and is functioning well.Continue to work with new hires to ensure they have what they need to be successful.
LearningCreate a departmental approach to WellnessRead “Well-being: The Five Essentials Elements”. Determine as a group our departmental approach to well-being and balance: how to strive for balance while getting our work done. Student employees will gain understanding of areas of well-being and strategies to boost areas of well-being.Surveys, professional observation, self-reporting.Pro staff currently reading book. Discussions during pro staff meetings include the importance of taking compensatory time to balance the odds hours worked. Discussion during student employee meetings include the importance of having fun while on the job (while still maintaining professionalism). Emphasis on taking time to rejuvenate in order to avoid burn-out.Staff strive to take comp time to balance hours required for programs and personnel. It’s harder for the newer staff who are acclimating to their job duties, and we are working with them on that.
OtherComplete Annex 9 Project.OP Coordinator and Director attend project meetings; continue to provide input and direction. Protect and apply department funding to project. NAProject completed to satisfaction.Project completed November 2014.Annex 9 has a graded, drive-through lot providing more accessibility to users, more safety for snow removal, and a more aesthetically-pleasing entrance to that side of campus.
OtherHire Marketing & Operations CoordinatorDetermine screening committee. Post position. Facilitate search and hire process.Students serving on screening committee gain understanding of interview skills and process.Students articulate what they have gained by being involved with search.Search conducted in late spring; offer has been extended. Students involved in search report they have acquired insight into the importance of interview preparation and presenting oneself in a professional manner at all times during the interview process. They also report they will use questions from this interview when they prepare for their own future interviews.Continue to have students involved in search processes so they gain valuable interviewing skills.