
InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
LearningThe Writing Center and DE Learning Center will improve online tutoring for both programs. The DELC has not had online tutoring available over the past year, so this is expected to be a good offering in a new platform. The Writing Center has had strictly asynchronous tutoring and will improve its service by including a synchronous component for follow-up questions about tutoring responses to papers sent online.New computers were installed in the Writing Center and DELC near the end of Spring 2013. Computers were also set up in the new online tutoring workroom adjacent to the 2 tutoring centers. We are nearly equipped for online tutoring. 1. We will purchase cameras to facilitate the visual component of synchronous online tutoring. 2. We will post an instructions page online, telling students about how to schedule tutoring sessions and how to use Google Drive and Hangout at their session time. 3. DELC--We will notify DE faculty that this service is available and encourage them to post the information in their online courses. Writing Center--We will advertise on the website that students can use the Hangout service for follow-up questions after they receive their written responses to their online submissions. 4. Tutors will receive training in how to manage tutoring sessions through Google Drive and Google Hangout. Office Assistants will receive training in how to schedule online tutoring sessions and in how to enter data appropriately for those sessions. Students will make greater use of this student success service by more easily accessing tutoring online. We will collect data on usage numbers. We will survey students for feedback about their online tutoring satisfaction and their further online tutoring needs.Using the new online tutoring process for the DELC, more students used tutoring this fall than in the previous year. We would still like to increase this usage, and we are in the process of setting up a survey mechanism for online tutoring. Writing Center online tutoring usage is still high (about 1,000 sessions per year), and we plan to improve the assessment mechanism attached to it so that we will get more survey responses and be better able to match them with our other services and surveys in Campus Labs.We are visiting most DE classes this semester to demonstrate how to use Google Drive and Google Hangout together for online tutoring. This will help faculty be more confident about recommending the service to their students, and will orient students about how to use that tutoring service. We have not yet linked the DE online tutoring to a survey mechanism but will do so during Spring semester. We would like to do this through Campus Labs.
AccessThe Math Tutoring Center's goal is to increase staff awareness of our programs. Set up a meeting with program directors to explain services currently offered by the Math Tutoring Centers. Set follow-up meetings with those programs to discuss how services can better meet the needs of their student populations. Student Affairs staff will have a better understanding of the referrals they can make to help their students who are struggling with mathematics.We will set a follow up meetings with program directors who wish to discuss the math tutoring needs of students in their programs. A presentation was given by the ASCP Coordinator of Math Tutoring at the Department and Program Heads meeting on November 21. Handouts were prepared that explained who you can contact for help with Developmental Math at Weber State and what kind of questions they can answer. Follow-up meetings will be discussed for Spring 2014. Follow-up visits will be made to individual areas to see what further changes can be made to address student needs.
CommunityFurther assess student perspective on inclusiveness in our tutoring centers.Conduct focus groups of students who have used tutoring and those who have not.Cultural Competence(1) Focus group responses; (2) Tutor Evaluation by tutee responses: Ques #9); (3) Tutoring Program Evaluation by tutor responses (Ques #7 and #8).(1) Focus Group Responses: (2) Tutor Evaluation by Tutee responses: 100% Agree that they feel the centers have "a diverse and inclusive environment that welcomes and respects students generally." (3) Tutoring Program Evaluation by Tutor responses: #7: 92% Agree that they "feel welcomed and respected in" the tutoring centers; 8% were neutral #8: 95% Agree that they "feel that all students are welcomed and respected in" the tutoring centers; 5% were neutral. Tutoring Centers will continue to foster inclusiveness and diversity in all our centers with both tutors and tutees.