
InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
CommunityDiversity in hiring, as well as a training session added about campus diversity.Creation of a training session for hourly and salaried staff, with the aid of Adrienne Andrews. Points added to diverse candidates during search process of hourly employeesProfessional development for student cohorts, the hourly student staff. Chi Tester quiz after completion of training.Adrienne Andrews is presenting at our Testing Retreat on June 10th. We have hired a slightly higher number of minority student workers thanks to our diversity points in hiring. 12% of our hourly staff fall into an ethnic minority group. 35% meet the standard as nontraditional students. We may better judge this after Adrienne's training. We do have higher nontraditional and minority students than last year working for us. It has worked out well in a functinal way, but we are unsure of how to measure the results at this point.
CommunityGED Computer Based Testing at Clearfield Job Corps.Certification from Pearson VUE. ratificiation of contact by both the Utah State Office of Education and Clearfield Job Corps., technical set-up by IT, training and hiring of extra personnel.Statistics kept on pass/fail rates, but these are not WSU students.Successful completion of the testing of 20 candidates at a time. No error reports from Pearson VUE. Few tetsing incident reports.Conflict between Clearfield Job Corps and the State Office of Education has put a halt to any testing there.No results while the future of GED at Clearfiled is debated in the State Office of education
AccessReorganize staff at HUB to include a Testing Assistant.Rearrange current classified positions to find a manager for the busiest testing center in the Testing department. Training of that associate.This associate will help us brainstorm ways to provide faster access for all students in a center than do as much as 11,000 tests a month.Diminishing incident reports from the HUB, which are tracked. Faculty relations eased through this manager.Anthony has taken on the position with great enthusiasm. he has been our liaison with Dev Math, supervisor of staff, creator of HUB training material,and our overall training manager. The communication between Testing and Dev Math has improved and I am receiving praise frpom faculty over there. So far, we have used the results to analyze our policies and relationships in Dev Math. Our incident reports have increased and we are asking why. We are witnessing a better trained staff, who have test review results to show their knowledge.
OtherSurveillance Cameras added to Other Ogden Testing CentersSecuring Funding for System from Stone Security. Training of Staff on usage and storage.Provides evidence of a student's presence when a conflict arises.Tracking incidences when the cameras were an aid to a faculty member or resolved an issue with a student or caught a cheater.We have not moved on any additions until we build back our money. Dev Math may pay for surveillance at the HUB Testing Centers.This valuable resources has proven its worth with faculty. But it's high expense makes its timing a point of negotiation with Carl and Prasanna.
LearningCreate Supervisor Training Unit for Student Hourly SupervisorsTraining Committee to put together paper and online version. Put together objectives. Add Strengths Quest to equation. Student employees trained to handle personnel issues; their professional development.Quiz at the end of training on facts of the unit. Training Committee to discuss any incidental benefits observed by advanced supervisor training.Collaborative effort is completed and we have just started giving the training. Unit 5's tests of trainees have been near 100%.The results are new, but right now we are using them to remind supervisors of what they learned and that we did train on an issue.