Student Involvement & Leadership

DepartmentInitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
Leadership ProgramsSelect ObjectiveCreate a seamless Department of Student Involvement & Leadership on both Ogden and Davis Campus.1.) Establish policies and procedure which are consistent, but allow for the uniqueness of each campus. This will include space utilization (Davis Ballroom), programing policies, purchasing policies, and marketing practices. 2.) Increase collaboration between campuses through WSUSA and SIL programing. 3.) Establish office hours for the Director at each campus to insure quality and encourage collaboration.1.) Not Applicable 2.) Students will be able to recognize the value of collaborating and expanding opportunities on both campuses through collaborative efforts on both campuses. 3.) Student will recognize through modeling that both campuses are or equal value for WSUSA and the Department of Student Involvement & Leadership.1.) Policies will be created 2.) The number of collaborations will be tracked 3.) The number of hours staff and the Director are at Davis will be tracked.1/15/14 1.) Polices have and are continuing to be developed 2.) Opportunities for collaboration have been identified, and partnership are being created for events. 3.) DoneEnter Use of Result
Leadership ProgramsSelect ObjectiveEstablish cooperative, but unique brands for both WSUSA and SIL.1.) Working with a marketing team, identify the key programs and actives which both highlight the areas separately and collectively. 2.) Establish a marketing plan for both areas. 3.) Create a "Janus" effect for WSUSA and SIL.1,2,3.) Student will gain a greater understanding of the concepts of marketing and branding for both areas. Enter Methods of Assessment1/15/14 1,2,3) On hold till SIL is back to full staff. We are looking into a new Texting system.Enter Use of Result
Leadership ProgramsSelect ObjectiveIncrease the amount of student activities and programing for both campuses with meaningful social activities during traditional and late night hours.1.) Establish greater funding for activities. 2.) Focus on more late night programing, partnered with Housing. 3.) Assess the wants of students in terms of activities both on and off campus. 1.) Student will gain a greater understanding on the aspects of programing and funding through the reallocation of current resources to fit into desired goals. 2.) Student will gain a greater understanding of the collaborative process through partnership with Housing. 3.) Students will gain a greater understanding of the art of assessing students to determine wants, and the usage of such data to make decisions.1,2,3.) Students will utilize Canvas to keep an online portfolio of their programing and will utilize reflective elements for each activity.1/15/14 1.) Allocation for the 2014-2015 have been altered to provide additional $10,000 for Ogden Programing and $2,000 for Davis. Additional increase for new programs is pending before the SFRC. 2.) On hold pending the new hire of a Coordinator of Programing 3.) Committee has been created and is currently making recommendations.Enter Use of Result
Student Involvement and LeadershipSelect ObjectiveCreate a seamless Department of Student Involvement & Leadership on both Ogden and Davis campuses.1. Establish policies and procedures which are consistent, but allow for the uniqueness of each campus. This will include space utilization (Davis Ballroom), programming policies, purchasing policies, and marketing practices. 2. Increase collaboration between campuses through WSUSA and SIL programming. 3. Establish office hours for the director at each campus to insure quality and encourage collaboration. 1. NA 2. Students will be able to recognize the value of collaborating and expanding opportunities on both campuses through collaborative efforts on both campuses. 3. Students will recognize through modeling that both campuses are of equal value for WSUSA and the Department of Student Involvement & Leadership.1. Policies will be created. 2. The number of collaborations will be tracked. 3. The number of hours staff and the director are at Davis Campus will be tracked.Outcome achieved. Through increased interaction of staff from both campuses, the SIL brand has become more unified this past year. Staff from both campuses are able to speak to events, policies, and learning outcomes for both campuses. Continued growth with this will be placed within the new strategic plan being developed for SIL this summer.
Student Involvement and LeadershipSelect ObjectiveEstablish cooperative, but unique brands for both WSUSA and SIL.1. Working with a marketing team, identify the key programs and activities which both highlight the areas separately and collectively. 2. Establish a marketing plan for both areas. 3. Create a "Janus" effect for WSUSA and SIL.1, 2, 3. Students will gain a greater understanding of the concepts of marketing and branding for both areas.NAThis outcome was begun this year, and had steady headway. Students are beginning to develop a greater understanding about what is SIL and what is WSUSA as based on information from internal conversations and surveys. This said, this understanding is limited to areas, students, and departments predominately within the Union. An area for development for next year will be to continue this throughout the University.
Student Involvement and LeadershipSelect ObjectiveIncrease the amount of student activities and programming for both campuses with meaningful social activities during traditional and late night hours.1. Establish greater funding for activities. 2. Focus on more late night programming, partnered with Housing. 3. Assess the wants of students in terms of activities both on and off campus.1. Students will gain a greater understanding on the aspects of programming and funding through the reallocation of current resources to fit into desired goals. 2. Students will gain a greater understanding of the collaborative process through partnerships with Housing. 3. Students will gain a greater understanding of the art of assessing students to determine wants and the usage of such data to make decisions.1, 2, 3. Students will utilize Canvas to keep an online portfolio of their programming and will utilize reflective elements for each activity.Due to changes in staffing, this outcome was not achieved. It will be reintroduced for the 2014-2015 year as SIL returns to full staffing, effective July 7th, 2014.NA