Services for Students with Disabilities

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
AccessShift focus of satisfaction survey to evaluate accommodations and service delivery.Revise processes for accommodation letters to include evaluation/satisfaction data; Report out data through annual reports.Enter Student Learning OutcomeGather between 180 and 200 (minimum) individual surveys; show 90% to 95% satisfaction with accommodations and related procedures.Students have submitted 210 completed surveys; over 92% of participants indicate satisfaction with accommodations received through SSD. Additional survey details to be included in Annual Report.SSD will evaluate current survey instrument over the summer and revise if needed; otherwise, SSD will continue using this tool and supplement assessment needs through new database system once implemented.
AccessComplete hiring of new Davis Campus personnel.Post/publish position [July 2013]; Review and evaluate applications and interview candidates [August 2013]; Fill position by September 2013.Enter Student Learning OutcomePosition to be filled by September 2013.Position FilledComplete 6 month evaluation of new employee; Track usage of services to determine if additional hourly support needed going forward.
AccessContinue efforts to track and document demographic data to include race, gender, and other relevant diversity data; insure that if/when new data system is adopted, this data continues to be tracked.Include diversity demographics in new data management model and tools.Enter Student Learning OutcomeSSD will be able to generate a report documenting diversity demographics over a two to three year window.Demographic data continues to be gathered and is now included in SSD tracking.Existing data will be imported into new data management/assessment tool to continue tracking.
LearningWork with Math Department, Developmental Math/Tutoring, and ADA Coordinator to clarify and possibly simplify substitution process for Quantitative Literacy.Meet with stake holders to open discussion of math substitution (and related) issues [Complete July 2013]; Develop evaluation rubric for math accommodation/substitutions for disabled students [August 2013]; Continue meeting with stake holders to refine substitution process [Fall 2013]; Submit draft of revised process as needed for any necessary approvals [Spring 2013]Enter Student Learning OutcomeRevision to be completed Spring 2014.Revision in process: Rubric generated with input from SSD, Dev Math, and Math Department.Several questions have arisen during this process which will need addressed at a variety of administrative levels.