Student Affairs Technology

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
OtherProvide a repository for Student Affairs Student Employee Manuals and Handbooks in one central location and use it for employee training.Expand the availability of the Wiki site to other department PPMs. More SA departments have been added and we will now focus on a new SAMC areas to have their departments upload their student employee PPMsDesignated student leaders will be trained on modifying and updating the Wiki for their departments and be responsible to discuss possible changes and modification of the PPM with their supervisors. Leadership and management.Current and potential student employees will be able to locate information regarding their job in a timely manner in order to gain skills in self-management and self-sufficiency. Students will use this Wiki for hands on training in order to assist them in job advancement. The Wiki will also be a resource for Cat Connections and the GetSet program.While we have had the repository in place since 2011, we have been unsuccessful in having more departments come on board to use it. We have had difficulty internally with the admin of the Wiki.We are going to re-evaluate the usefulness of this application and see if another staff member can be assigned to take on the role of admin. With the limited time afforded from our staff, we will probably have to mothball this application until we can manage it again.
OtherDevelop a strategy to provide technology better support at Davis campus in both testing center and other Student Affairs departments.Implement the image and Xen computer management solution for the testing center and create a plan for expanding it to all Davis Student Affairs departments.The STA located at Davis Campus in the new D3 building will provide on-site support and they will learn self management and project based learning.Gather information on success and failures of the delivery systems via work orders and general observation from Davis STA. Create plans and backup solutions as needed to keep production running for the departments.The STA at Davis has been successfully deployed and integrated into the work process of Davis. Evaluation of support efforts is being recorded in Service Now and evaluation methods are being devised to accurately compare Davis vs. Ogden campus support configurations.We will continue with the model of having an STA at Davis.
AccessSupport student use of technology by expanding lab services beyond existing physical environments1. Discuss possibilities of providing printing services to kiosk system across the University with College Deans. 2. Provide a mobile printing solution for phone and tablet devices.n/a1. Gather feedback from student surveys to decide best placement of printing kiosks and create a plan on supporting them. 2. Track mobile printing data to provide information on whether improvements are needed or if promotion of service is workingMobile print stations are being installed in the Union Building. So far there are 65 users registered with over 200 mobile prints. An advertising campaign is planned for Spring semester.We will begin talking with Deans to plan how to install mobile print stations around the campus.
CommunitySAT department will study ways of embedding diversity and inclusiveness throughout every aspect of our processes and responsibilities.Initial step will be taken by prominently displaying student affairs division values of diversity and inclusion on all our job applications, job advertisements displayed on marketing materials and web sites.n/aAll areas recognized as needing this addition will have it added.The Open-Student Computer Lab has adopted an approach of inclusive excellence by stating our commitment and support to the division's values and mission by displaying this on all job postings displayed on web sites and printed materials. Implementing this initial step has resulted in further exploration and expansion of this approach. As a result, we have decided to state our beliefs and commitments in department-wide job postings which includes, Web Programmers, Graphic Designers, and STA's.
OtherTo facilitate faster, more concise throughput of students/staff receiving wildcards, meals plans, and access to events/facilities a better means of data integration between the Banner, Blackboard and IDMS systems is needed. Blackboard and Wildcard data is becoming a much relied upon component of the campus and better delivered, more complete and trusted data is needed. The library, gym, information desk, orientation, dining services, assessment and other SA departments would benefit. First, research is needed into what data can be collected in the Blackboard system. Second, modify or enhance the classifications of students, staff, etc. Third, research means of integrating data between systems. Fourth, get buy in from stakeholders. Finally, implement the integrations.NAThe client's experience will be assessed through observation of the clients usage and by communication with the client.Some integration aspects have be attained through a bridge between the IDMS and Blackboard system resulting in quicker, accurate, more easily managed user information updates. This lessens the time from when a student gets their card to when they have print money and access to services. The time had been cut down to half an hour initially but had to then be increased to 1 hour because overlaps in processing where causing imports to fail and roll back during heavy loads. 1/13/2014Through this process, the need for updated user descriptions and definitions of active statuses has been identified and we are currently working with University IT to adjust the information we need. 1/13/2014
CommunityIncrease community outreach and fundraising for the Open Student Computer Labs.Student Labs are developing a community engagement committee to design programs for outreach and a fund raising committee to explore ways to increase funds for the open student computer lab scholarship fund.Students will increase their awareness for opportunities of service within the community. The goal is also to provide students opportunities for service learning through mentoring, leadership and service.1. Log student employee hours through the Community Involvement Center. Student employees will be required to produce a reflection project and/or semester-end report of their experiences and learning through Civic Engagement. 2. Track fundraising methods and set a goal (tba) for the amount to earn for the year. Success will be based on achieving said goal.The approach is starting to see success with a number of students taking on community outreach and seeing the importance.We will continue to develop and nurture this program by including more opportunities for students and staff. We will work with CCEL for this planning.
OtherTrack technology support time and projects offered to division by SAT.SAT will use the IT Division's project ticket management system ServiceNow to manage and track work done by all student employees and staff.Students and staff will gain knowledge of project management.SericeNow offers input and reporting features that will allow SAT to gather information on the amount of time support and service is given to individuals and departments in Student Affairs. This information will allow us to modify support offerings based on needs.Service-Now has been successfully deployed by the University. Implementation began with the STAs in October, and with the SAT department in January. Initially the goal was to provide incident response time reports, however, the complexity of the system is such that a greater degree of system development and exposure is needed to see this done. Such development will take place during Spring Semester 2014.ServiceNow has been implemented and established. We are using the system and will look into adding more features in the future in collaboration with IT service desk.
OtherProvide the Student Affairs Division an improved support model for all technology based services.STA participation in student development activities, such as GetSet, clubs and organizations, student governments, committees, etc. Develop a priority system for the routing and handling of support incidents Develop a baseline knowledge base for STA staff.Students will have a better understanding of the needs in the professions associated with higher education. Students will be better prepared for technology oriented careers, either in or out of higher education. Students will develop a knowledge and appreciation for the needs and priorities of Student Affairs professionals.Observation of STAs through supervisor feedback and division service surveys. Demonstration of improved handling and response time to support incidents.The implementation of Service Now currently allows for reporting on STA achievement. Identification of the proper metrics to use has begun as of Spring semester 2014.ServiceNow has been successfully installed and will continue to use it to improve our services and data from the STAs for their growth.
OtherProvide more efficient technology support to the division.Research the implementation of Xen, image delivery and Active Directory tools to provide faster service to the entire division.Student techs will learn efficiency and project management by helping develop streamlining of tech support.Response times for technology trouble tickets will be improved and downtime for areas will be decreased. Delivery of new computers and management of systems via remote access will enable improvements as needed.Service Now has been released and passed the pilot phase of implementation for STAs. Exactly which metrics will be used in useful measurement are being determined through metric evaluation during Spring semester 2014. Active Directory ("AD") and SCCM are being used for remote administration, configuration and support of client machines. AD continues to be implemented and SCCM deployment will being Spring 2014.We are continuing to use the technology (ie AD, ServiceNow, etc) to improve our services to the division. We plan on having the systems such as SCCM, AD, Citrix/Xen and others fully installed this year.
OtherCreate a process for auditing of all Student Affairs online media. I will do some research on other processes of department reviews. I will create the process and probably have a few trials at first and may give the process to a student employee to complete once I have it running smoothly. n/aGiving a department an F on the report card does not mean much if nothing gets done about it. It is however a start to educating staff about the importance of their online media and how it represents them and the university as a whole. Success with this process will be if the review can be done in a timely manner and more so if staff actually do something about a poor grade. This means that the process I create will have to include a follow up section to review if proposed changes have been made.Still working on this - will have to continue through next yearWill be teaming up with assessment coordinator and incorporating online media review into program reviews. The online media review is also used in the assessment of the Student Affairs Golden Mouse Technology Award. This will be a continued goal for next year. 5/8/2014 (Dani) Need to plan a way to ensure the audit will not interfere with the day to day maintenance of the division online media.
OtherFinalize conversion of Testing Centers to Citrix Xen Engine/Virtual Machines. To include eventual cut-back of "usernames" to one user. Finalize installation of Xen Engine at Student Services, Social Science and Science Testing Centers. NANAThe Citrix licenses have been purchased and all the testing centers have been transitioned to the new virtual clients. Completed January 2014.We will continue to explore other areas that can benefit the use of the Citrix virtual system and fine tune our own usage.
OtherCreate a technology award to recognize and commend the innovative and compliant use of technology within the division of student affairs.SAT will be comparing all student affairs departments that stand out to us throughout the year for their advanced and correct use of technology. n/aA score sheet/rubric will be created to include specific sections that SAT deems essential to advancing student affairs technology such as online media use, procurement, innovation and security compliance. An award will be offered at the end of the year during the annual Student Affairs Awards Luncheon.Planning for the award is still in progress with the hopes of being able to award during Spring awards meeting.Rubric for award assessment was created. Two departments that stood out to SAT were run through the rubric and by the assessment numbers the Outdoor Program won the first Student Affairs Technology Golden Mouse Award at the spring Student Affairs Awards Luncheon! This award will continue next year now that we have the process set in place and because we received positive feedback about the award.
LearningIncrease SAT student employee technology and job-specific knowledge and skills.Expand the offering of training moduals for all student computer lab aides.Each student employee will be given the resources and opportunities to increase their knowledge and skills and apply them in their corresponding areas.Complete student assessment before and a few months after required training. Each area will be in charge of creating their own assessment based on their required training has been used by SAT student employees to successfully improve job skills and enhance workplace professional development. This year the program was used by twenty-three student employees.We will continue to use the product for next year.