Educational Talent Search

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
AccessGrant Objective, Secondary School Graduation: 90% of seniors served during the project year will graduate during the project year with a regular secondary school diploma within the standard number of years. Access credits and GPAs every quarter. TRiO Talent Search Advisors will work with the High School Counselors to advise any senior not online to graduate, and will complete referrals and interventions for those students at risk of not graduating.N/ATracking progress of all senior participants with high school graduation requirements outlined by the Ogden School District. Any senior not online to graduate will receive various interventions in coordination with the School Counselors. Interventions will be tracked by Advisors. As of 5/29/2014 on track to accomplish this objective at 99%. We will continue to work with high school students (advising) to ensure participants graduate high school. Advisors will continue to work closely with School Counselors to determine who is not online for graduation, and implement interventions for any participants who are not online to graduate. Result meets program objective. To date, advising practices follow the necessary guidelines for meeting this objective so no changes will be made.
AccessGrant Objective, Postsecondary Education Enrollment: 75% of participants who have graduated with a regular secondary school diploma during the project year, will enroll in an institution of higher education by the fall term immediately following high school graduation or will have received notification, by the fall term immediately following high school, from an institution of higher education, of acceptance but deferred enrollment until the next academic term (e.g. spring term). (Only acceptable for deferment based on an institution being full, not for military or church service).TRiO Talent Search Advisors will begin working with seniors on an individual basis beginning fall of 2013 for admissions, scholarships, FAFSA completion, ACT test, Accuplacer, and initial course selection. Strong follow up services will continue in June, July, and August to ensure transition services occur for every senior participant. N/AFAFSA completion and enrollment rates for graduating seniors will be monitored by Program Director. Benchmarks will be established and completed during the spring and summer for Advisors. (FAFSAs: 25% March, 25% April, 25% May, 25% June)--(Enrollment: 25% May, 25% June, 25% July, and any additional % during August) As of 5/29/14 the program is at 25%. This is expected to increase greatly over the summer and will be updated on a weekly basis. The objective/goal is to reach 75%. Consistent communication with Director and Advisors, as well as Advisors with participants. The Advisors are at 99% with FAFSA completion and 100% admissions completed, so we anticipate meeting this objective.
AccessGrant Objective, Secondary School Persistence: 90% of non-senior participants served each project year will complete the current academic year and continue in school for the next academic year, at the next grade level.TRiO Talent Search Advisors and Data Specialist will do consistent grade checks and document trimester transcripts. Trimester grades will be entered into the database, and a hard copy will be kept in the students' records to assess academic progress.N/ATrack the number of non-senior TRiO Talent Search program participants who have been served and promoted to the next grade level. Documentation of quarterly transcripts will be collected, input into database, and filed to verify secondary credit completion.As of 5/29/2014 on track to complete this objective at 100%. Continue advising services to assist students in progressing to the next grade level as outlined in our grant policies and objectives.
LearningGrant Objective, Secondary School Graduation (with Rigor Coursework): 30% of seniors served during project year will complete a rigorous secondary school program of study and will graduate during the project year with a regular secondary school diploma within the standard number of years. Data Specialist will identify the program participants who are pre-qualified to meet this objective. Advisors will target and advise these students at the beginning of the school year to encourage class schedules that meet this objective, with the intention of better preparing students academically for college. Interventions will also be made and documented during the school year to assist participants in completing rigor coursework successfully.N/AProgress of participants in rigor coursework will be monitored by TRiO Talent Search Advisors and Data Specialist by using the (4) pathways outlined with the grant: 1) AP Tests The student needs to take at least 2 AP classes, take the AP tests, and pass with a 3 or better with 2 of the tests. 2) 34CFR643 Regulations according to the grant. Student needs to take: -4 years of English -3 years of Math including Algebra 1 and a higher level class -3 years of science, needing at least two of the following: biology, chemistry, physics. -3 years of Social Studies -1 year of foreign language 3) Honors Diploma Student receives an Honors Diploma. This is possible by: -Meeting all minimum State Core Requirements -Math proficiency of pre-calculus and higher with B or better -2 years of foreign language -Completion of 6 Honors Classes (10-12) with a B or better in the following areas: -2 English/Language Arts -2 Science/Social Studies -2 Honors Electives 4) Regents Scholarship* Student receives a Regents’ Scholarship. This is possible by: -4 years of English -4 years of progressive Math. Student must complete at least one class beyond Algebra 2 -3.5 credits of Social Science -3 credits of lab-based Science courses, specifically one of each: biology, chemistry, & physics -2 years of foreign language As of 5/29/14 on track with 31% senior participants on track to graduate with rigor coursework. This number may increase but we will reach the objective (30%) as outlined by the grant. This is an accomplishment, as we have not been able to meet this in the past. Interventions we implemented such as recruiting, assisting students with schedule changes at the beginning of the year, and speaking/advising participants about rigor has been very beneficial. These interventions will continue for next program year.
LearningGrant Objective, Postsecondary Degree Attainment: 20% of participants served during the project year, who enrolled in an institution of higher education, by the fall term immediately following high school graduation or by the next academic term (e.g. spring term) as a result of acceptance but deferred enrollment will complete a program of postsecondary education within six years. TRiO Talent Search program will track referrals to other on campus programs (e.g. Bridge, Multicultural Student Center, Student Support Services) and use methods such as National Clearinghouse to verify completion of programs/degrees.N/ASystems have been developed within the TRiO Talent Search program to refer students to resources on campuses (as well as verification of referrals). Participants are being encouraged to return to the TRiO Talent Search office if further assistance is needed during transition into first year of college. National Clearinghouse and verification with institutions will be used to verify completion of programs. N/A due to it not being tracked for grant until sixth year with first cohort of this grant cycle.Not being tracked until 2018. Data gathering/systems have been implemented to ensure the program has the individual information needed to track and monitor this outcome.