Career Services

InitiativesGoalMeans of AchievingOutcomeMethods of AssessmentResultsResult Use
AccessThe Student Employment Program will increase part time jobs for students working on campus.More development and marketing of the Student Employment Program will take place in 2013 - 2014 school year. The coordinator will develop additional marketing ideas with the marketing team and the new marketing intern. These ideas will help reach more supervisors to increase their knowledge and comfort level with the 50/50 program. A new student will be hired for the special populations facilitator position for outreach to such groups as athletes, minority groups, veterans and the disabled.More students will develop job ready skills for success in jobs through the 50/50 employment program at WSU. An additional emphasis will be placed on hiring more students from underserved populations like international students, minorities, veterans and the disabled. Learning outcomes will be created for the four training programs for students of the 50/50 program. Employment skills in Customer Service, Team Work, Communication and Global Diversity will be assessed. We will be doing additional marketing to increase the number of supervisors who are aware of the program and encourage the development of more jobs for students especially minority and international students.A new marketing intern was hired (Spencer) and he is doing an excellent job creating and implementing new ideas for our events. The number of students attending Career Cafe has tripled and many new ideas have been developed and implemented for the Career Fair scheduled for January 22nd. We will measure the expected improvement from the Career Fair and report the results at the year end.With the help of the Marketing Intern we were able to increase the number of employers at the Career Fair by 10% to 86 and student attendance by 30%. Through the use of social media, the Career Connect communication system to over 30,000 students the employers reported their satisfaction with the fair. Our intern, Spencer Boyce, was able to get one of the most coveted internships for the summer with Chrysler/Fiat and will be working in Detroit before leaving for his graduate school opportunity in international marketing in London, England. This was a great win/win experience. The 50/50 program continues to be successful. More formal guidelines for the program were written and approved and considerations for adding interns to the program are being considered.
AccessCommunicate more effectively with students and increase career service's data collection and management. The pre-population of 29,000 students and alumni allows us to communicate with these students by email and will us to keep them informed concerning career events and learning opportunities.Students will have the opportunity to access more information from tutorials, videos and training sessions that will allow leaning when, where and how they would like to receive it. A new card swipe system will be put in place with more information available to counselors and administration to help students with new service models. More accurate data will be collected on the number of students served and the types of service provided. A more thorough point of service customer service survey will be utilized with a random follow-up survey to assess customer satisfaction and help continuous improvement of service delivery.The pre-population of the Career Connect system is complete and we can now communicate with 29,000 current students and alumni (for two years after graduation). Lap top computers and card swipes were purchased for the front office and can be taken to any presentation and to the career and graduate school fairs to collect participant information. A check in module has been requested from CSO (Career Connect) to increase the gathering of higher quantity and quality of information. The purchase order is in purchasing for approval as of January 14th.The check-in module was purchased from our software provider, CSO, for our Career Connect System which will help us in gathering more robust information on our student interactions. We now have over 30,000 students on our Career Connect System and we can communicate more career and education information to them as needed. The increased exposure to students of our services has tripled student participation in Career Cafe ever Wednesday to over sixty students and increased our student utilization of services over prior years.
AccessLiberal Arts majors will have additional help in career counseling and employment advising with an emphasis on partnering with counselors, faculty and employers.This goal will be achieved by bringing to Weber a consultant from Michigan State University to facilitate planning for new ideas that counselors, faculty and employers can utilize to help students engage early and often with professionals that can help prepare them for internships and career opportunities.Students will learn new career planning skills that will help them achieve next step successFaculty members from the Colleges of Arts and Humanities and Behavioral and Social Science will participate in a seminar with Phil Gardner from Michigan State University on how we can help liberal arts majors better prepare for internship and employment opportunities after graduation. Start to gather data on the number of internship and job postings that are available for liberal arts majors. Six Month Update; A luncheon meeting was held with Dr Phil Gardner and was attended by Dean Miner and Dean Harrold and most of their department chairs. Brett Perozzi, Associate Vice President of Student Affairs, and Bruce Bowen, Associate Provost, were in attendance. A two hour presentation was held for faculty and staff in the Wildcat Theater and 24 people attended. Follow up meetings with the Deans will be scheduled and the Career Counselor/Employment Adviser for each college will be held to formulate additional action steps.Meetings are scheduled with the Deans of Arts and Humanities and Behavioral and Social Science to map out next steps in helping our liberal arts students identify their skills and market themselves effectively. A presentation on "The Indispensable Professional" will be delivered to our Deans and faculty to continue our efforts to help liberal arts majors achieve success moving from college to careers. A new Career Counselor/ Employment Adviser for the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences has been hired and will start on November 3rd. He is a graduate of Weber State in Political Science and earned his legal degree.
AccessNext Step Success for WSU students and graduates will be enhanced with programs focused on increasing opportunities for Career Employment and Internship Opportunities.An increased focus will be placed on outreach to employers to educate them on the benefits of hiring Weber State student in internships and graduates into career positions. Efforts will be made to partner with the new Leader of International Students to further develop study and employment abroad programs. More students will be made aware of the importance of internship experiences and access our system for internship opportunities.We will make the Career Connect website more user friendly for students to find internships in their major by listing internships by major and kind of internship such as Computer Science, Human Resources, Engineering ect. We will track the number of internships listed on our system so we can measure the increase in listings. A special effort will be made to partner with the new International Director and the Study Abroad Director.An increased effort has been made with employers to create and market more internship opportunities. The Career Fair has been re-branded as the Career and Internship Fair and more employers have signed up to participate. Barry Flitton will be attending an internship conference in March for the first time and we hope to develop additional ideas for the next six months. A new electronic satisfaction survey was created and is being used on our new lap tops and will be expanded to include a larger survey that will be emailed to clients after their visit to the Career Center.Barry Flitton attended the internship conference in Seattle in March and came back with many new ideas. He has proposed that we include internships into the 50/50 student employment program and this is currently being considered for the 2014-2015 school year. The satisfaction survey is available on lap tops and we will develop the extended survey and administer it during the 2014-2015 school year.